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Real Rubble and Ruin science

In this morning stroll through Engadget I came across two stories that related to the science of Rubble and Ruin. When I wrote R&R I was trying to take modern science as seen from my perspective as a professional scientist and project to a near future where everything was cranked up to 11. For AI brains being used to “man” automated weapons systems I give you http://www.engadget.com/2011/01/13/darpas-msee-to-develop-new-mathematical-language-race-of-senti/. Of more interest to me, R&am



Fast Experience Gain

Remember the good old days™ when you would get together with your buddies and game for eight to twelve hours a couple of times a week? Back then the BRP experience system worked great; you would get a bunch of checks and some of them would improve each adventure. Over the course of a few real months characters would be getting better at the skills they used often, and not so much for the rarely used ones. But now days, for a lot of us, family, work, and Real Life™ get in the way, we might be lu



Rubble and Ruin update

Last night I finished the draft layout of the monograph—there are a few small details that might move the page count, but it looks like it will be 126 pages (plus or minus 1). Chapter 2 of 5 is back from the editor, and I only have one small (250 word) text box to finish writing. Several blind play testers (and semi-blind—meaning people who have played in my games before) are looking at copies of earlier drafts. All the artwork is in. I hope to have it to Dustin in two weeks!



Daybreak Tomorrow only smaller.

I couldn’t help noticing how much this article (http://www.mercurynews.com/centralcoast/ci_12115324) matches the opening of Daybreak Tomorrow. Only now you have to imaging a larger area without intermittent landlines functioning – a situation with absolutely no reliable information about the problem.



Rubble and Ruin is getting better!

Rubble and Ruin is getting better! I can say this because I am getting help where I need it the most. Puck from this forum has agreed to contribute some artwork – and it is great! (At least, I like it.) He has captured my image of rubble and ruin – wasted and formless scraps of our world inhabited by rough and tumble individuals. And he thinks he can get me a laser tank for the Bestiary! Maybe it’s just me, or maybe it is the fact that I am writing up “my game” but any game with robotic la




I’ve got the first three chapters out to two play-testers! I thought people might be interested in this – on the inside front cover of the monograph I have a small section called inspirations. Inspirations There are many different forms of post apocalyptic stories each with their own flavor. Rubble and Ruin focuses on only one vision of the future – the following stories most closely capture the feel of the Rubble and Ruin world: A Boy and His Dog (Film: 1975) or the original story by



Rubble and Ruin accepted

Today I got word that R&R has been accepted! Let’s hope this goes well. I am currently looking for play testers – if you are interested, let me know! I have character generation finished – if you would like to make a few characters and let me know what you think, I would like to hear from you. Rich



Boring Blog

I hate it when I make a character that has useless skills. I’m not talking about skills that I failed to make relevant, but rather skills that had no chance of ever coming up in play –particularly when the skill is one that the GM doesn’t believe in. To combat this problem in my own games, I always supply the players with a skill list during character generation that includes “every skill I will call for, unless the action is driven by a player”. By this I mean that left to my own devices, th



Dog Blog

Dude, you wrote 1,000 words on normal dogs – are you some sort of dog-freak? Not really, I don’t even own a dog. But I have been running a reasonable realist PA game since the dawn of time (think more like ‘Alas Babylon’ and less like ‘Mad Max’), and one thing that has come out of thinking about the setting is that dogs would regain their old place as mans best friend. In my game the world slowly fell into dysfunction over about 15 years (long back-story for this) and then the game is set



It’s a cool feature, someone aught to use it…

Hello, If anyone happens to read this, I thought I would use the blog-space to explain what I am doing in the download section. I have run a particular Post-Apocalyptic game reasonably regularly since about 1981. This is not to say I have run one continuous game, but rather I have run countless different campaigns with different mechanics and different groups of players but always keeping certain core elements of the world that I would adapt and (hopefully) improve over time. This has left



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