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here I well post my writings- some very rough of the Dark Moon setting - Chronology and story as well as setting information- The Dark Moon Chronicles are an alternate present and future of the end time as it where but more so about humanities stru

Entries in this blog

Dark moon Chronicles- setting- LF-GM'S AND PLAYERS

Dark moon Chronicles- setting and info here I well post my writings- some very rough of the Dark Moon setting - Chronology and story as well as setting information- The Dark Moon Chronicles are an alternate present and future of the end time as it where but more so about humanities struggle to carrie on. some part are cross overs - with heavy game flavor of normal but adventures coming from our present time to help save the race of Man kine of Menikine as there called in one setting. I h



there is so many ideals and so little time

I have so much I want to do with the basic roleplaying game that I have not the time to flush them all out! some of my ideals Gravequest: this one is a have too, so as to publish it at Chaosium! Age of Conan Outlaw bikers of the badlands Sadazar Gate city Avolawn: the second rise of man Space opera FGU CONVERTED TO BRP oh the horror! :eek:



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