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trechriron last won the day on January 26 2016

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About trechriron

  • Birthday 10/28/1971


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  • RPG Biography
    Been GMing for over 40 years. Played dozens of systems, read thousands. Publisher groupy. Writer, designer and computer nerd.
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    BRP! (Also love Mythras)
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    Renton, WA
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    Bard, Creative & RPG Enthusiast.

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  1. After reading these responses, I'm not convinced this is useful. I imagine just having the table for easy reference on a "player's tables" sheet would be just as easy to lookup momentarily. I would not be so concerned about skills over 100. First, high skills can counter high penalties, and the special success / critical ranges are based on final Skill Rank not original. Second, high combat skills will likely be split for multiple attacks, again negating the high skill calculations. At your tables, does having a quick reference of skill calculations make things faster? Or are your players mathing in their heads? ๐Ÿ™‚
  2. I think I read something similar to this in an earlier thread here (or somewhere). Just wanted to get opinions on the idea. Instead of calculating a % of skill or referencing a range, you base results on certain numbers rolled. So Odds Above, so Odds Below Rolling a 01 = Critical Success Rolling odd doubles under skill = Critical Success Rolling odd doubles over skill = Critical Failure. I believe this is the same odds as using the critical ranges? Or pretty close... On the Fives & Tens Rolling a 5 or 0 on the ones die under skill = Special Success. i.e 05, 10, 15, 20, 25, etc. I also believe this works out to the same odds as 1/5. Eliminates math and looking up ranges on a table (for those who don't do quick math in their head). Thoughts?
  3. I'm building a Google Sheet for my BRUGE game. Happy to share it with you if you think it could kickstart your efforts. ๐Ÿ˜„ Just DM me your Google-compatible email and I'll share a copy.
  4. I love SAVE! I'm using it as the organization in my Everyday Heroes game on SATs. I don't think EXACT conversions are necessary, they are similar. The adventures and setting material make great resources IMHO.
  5. I will pay cash monies for this and continued development. ๐Ÿ˜„
  6. It is strange however that we are including the license in the name of the game. There are SRDs out there where they refer to OGC (Open Gaming Content) derived from the OGL (Open Gaming License) -- but most don't include a license in the name. We don't refer to Pathfinder 2e as PF2E OGL, or D&D as D&D OGL. We do define open content derived from the 5.1 SRD, even then it's not referred to as 5.1 SRD OGL. I also have never seen a game title like Cool Game CC. ๐Ÿ˜„ I like the acronym introduced here previously. BRP:UGE = Basic Role Playing: Universal Game Engine. The fact that it's released under an open license is no different than the other games released under an open license. BRP:BGB or just BGB (Big Gold Book) was the previous edition. BRP:UGE is the cleaned up new hotness. Then we don't have to legitimize anything dealing with Orc Burps. Do we really want people thinking Orc Burps when picking up the game? ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿค“
  7. Can @Jason D clarify point 3 re: split attacks and parries? I am seeing the Parry skill in the BGB and the new BRP:UGE. Was the intent to remove Parry and have parries attempted under the weapon skill? I'm also seeing the "split skills over 100%" mentioned in BGB: Combat in Different Genres and BRP:UGE: Variant Combat Rules. What was changed or removed? They seem the same to me.
  8. I'm going to push ahead with these as both a) my house rules and b) a suggestion for a future update to BRP:UGE; ๐Ÿ˜„ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OFnySmefnf8U96a0ilqLH9eGwFi6WWaI_QPJ-xj0hds/edit?usp=sharing
  9. I made one here --> Likely will make one in Google Sheets with extra tabs so people can customize. I'm also making a Character Sheet in Google Sheets with a bunch of options. I will share for feedback once I get closer.
  10. A supplement detailing a bunch of playable species including this info would be awesome...
  11. I agree with all the sentiments. 1. The number of errors in the initial PDF are high. Extra spaces, missing page references, word choices. However, I assumed two things. 1) This was put together quickly to jump on the OGLpocalypse and the ORC train and 2) Chaosium WAS crowdsourcing the edits for thoroughness, expediency, and cost. Frankly, I'm good with that. I'm excited about BRP being open source and being able to publish with it. I'm willing to pitch in to help keep that a reality. There are several small publishers who do this very thing and expressly admit to it. 2. Publishers should pay editors to edit. However, at even .02 per word that gets UGLY expensive. Free copies is a cool reward for editing and likely WAY more cost effective. But let's be honest -- a free copy hardly covers the bill. A 90k word book is $1,800 at .02 a word. The art in this edition is magnificent! I would be surprised if they paid less than $2,500 for it. There's like 10 full art pages for each version of the DE Vinci Man and I've seen those advertised for around $500 a piece. I believe the intent of the fans in this case is simply -- if I pitch in, and reduce costs, it inspires the publisher to keep supporting and investing in this cool thing. 3. The labor here hardly qualifies as exploitation. Misleading people to believe they are going to get paid or rewarded and then not actually doing it -- is exploitation. Quid Pro Quo (you want some water? Here, edit this document for me...) is exploitation. Asking for help is just being honest IMHO. 4. Bringing this up hardly qualifies of accusing Chaosium of bad faith. It's a good reminder that people working as creatives in a creative space deserve compensation. Even if it may not be as relevant here -- it's certainly relevant in the industry! Don't work for "exposure". Ask what you believe you are worth. Standing up for people comes from the heart. We should always applaud people who stand up.
  12. I'm currently building a Google Sheets character sheet and I'm happy to add that to it. I already have an Equipment tab, so I just need to refine for Encumbrance and Fatigue rules.
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