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My HeroQuest Glorantha Campaign

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Fish Stories, Part 1

(Note: Bold text refers to a Trait, Ability, or Rune that a character in question has).  DRAMATIS PERSONAE Androgenus, a genderfluid Esrolian Eurmali trickster with the Illuminated Illusion, Earth, and Luck runes. They are attempting to explore the mysteries of Illumination without a teacher—without any type of teacher—and are beginning to wonder whether or not existence is worth all the trouble. They’re also being watched very closely by... Waddlestomp the Bloodybeaked, a Huey


ZedAlpha in Actual Play

The Weather Started Getting Rough, The Tiny Ship was Tossed

(Note: Bold text refers to a Trait, Ability, or Rune that a character in question has).    DRAMATIS PERSONAE Androgenus, a genderfluid Esrolian Eurmali trickster with the Illuminated Illusion, Earth, and Luck runes. They're out for blood vengeance against anyone who's ever victimized their family, their clan, and their homeland. in that order. Recently illuminated as part of a Heroquest that gave them temporary use of the Infinity Rune. Being hunted like a beagle puppy in an O


ZedAlpha in Actual Play

Harrek Must Die

So my PCs decided to kill Harrek the Berserk. Here's how it went.  (for context, see  and  First, before I recap this, here's the cast of PCs we're working with:  Androgenus, a genderfluid Esrolian Eurmali trickster with the Illuminated Illusion, Earth, and Luck runes. They're out for blood vengeance against anyone who's ever victimized their family, their clan, and their homeland. in that order. Recently illuminated as part of a Heroquest that gave them temporary use of t


ZedAlpha in Actual Play

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