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The Cult of Dojor the Black


Speaker in Darkness and the Lord of the Middle World

Dojor the Black is the god who communicates for humans with trolls. He was born on the surface world after the trolls arrived from Hell. In the Darkness Age, Dojor fought and conquered Vestkarthan the Deep and forced the fire god to build the great Black Glass Hall on the Shadow Plateau as a bride-price for Esrola. From here, Kimantor, Dojor’s son, ruled the Shadowlands and brought unity to the diverse creatures and nations of that region. When Chaos came, he he led the forces he’d assembled to fight and defeat it.
Entry Requirements: Must have an open mind in dealing with others. He can be from any non-troll race as long as he is not a Chaos creature (trolls worship Dojor the Black, whom they call Argan Argar, differently than described here).
Abilities: Bargain, Gauge Value, Know Customs of [Homeland], Know Geography of [Homeland], Mythology of Dojor the Black, Soul Vision, Speak Darktongue, Speak Tradetalk, Speak [Other Language].
Virtues: Open-Minded, Outgoing.
:20-combination-communication: Exchange with Others (Bless Transaction, Command Messenger Daimon, Convince Buyer, Convince Seller, Interpret Other’s Meaning, Safeguard Item).
:20-element-darkness: Son of Night (Command Darkness Daimon, Create Shadow, Enchant Lead, Preserve Darkness, Sense Lead, Stop Anything Born of the Underworld, Take Darkness Form, Walk Unseen and Unheard in Shadows).
Other Side: Dojor’s Black Glass Hall has two doors. One exits into the Turning Darkness. From there, worshippers join with the Veil of Night as it travels across the sky each night. The other door leads to the Earth Realm, where Dojor's Hall sits among the other halls of the Husband-Protectors.
Disadvantages: Other humans look suspiciously at the alien troll mannerisms and habits that a worshipper may adopt.

ArganArgar.png.f57f3cf048fca97d5b6ccba2177ceca2.png :50-power-death: Deresagar the Spearthane
When Dojor the Black won the Lava Spear from Vestkarthan the Deep, he did not know what to do with this new power. His followers feared the fires it could make and were more comfortable with the mace, the traditional weapon of the Dark Tribe. He gave it to his son Deresagar.

Deresagar studied this weapon and saw that, where the maces of the Dark Tribe required wide swings, the Spear thrust straight and true. And with his shield slung over one shoulder he could deflect the blows of his enemies.

He taught his techniques to his friends, and they learned to fight as a group. When raiders came from the Sea, they formed a tight unit that thrust their spears as one, destroying an enemy with each thrust and sending the raiders into a panic. They won the day, and the respect of their allies.
Abilities: Command Warriors, Mass Spearman Combat, Rally Companions, Spear and Shield Fighting.
Virtues: Loyal, Trustworthy.
:20-power-death: Spearthane (Bond Unit ritual, Gut-Stab, Hurled Spear, Magic Spear,Shield Bash, Stand Together)
:20-element-darkness: Son of Night feats: Choking Shadows, Wrestle Fire.
Secret: Lava Spear (Acts as an affinity with the following feats: Chains of Rock, Earth Burst, Searing Spear, and Warm Embrace. The hero can use the secret to augment his Exchange with Others, Son of Night, and Spearthane affinities).

ArganArgar.png.f57f3cf048fca97d5b6ccba2177ceca2.png :50-condition-mastery: Kimantor Nightbrother
Lord Victory Nightbrother and the Only Old One

Kimantor was the son of Dojor the Black, and as his father had married Esrola, he married Norinel, Queen of Esrolia. He always kept his oaths, and when the lands were invaded by Chaos in the Darkness, he summoned all of his forces and led them to the defense.

After the Dawn, Kimantor ruled the Kingdom of Night, which lasted until the coming of the Pharaoh. Although Kimantor and the Palace of Black Glass both met their demise, the cult was not suppressed. Today it is still a force that promotes trade and friendship with Darkness among humans as one of Ernalda’s Husband-Protectors.
Abilities: Negotiation, Orate.
Virtues: Fair, Just.
:20-element-darkness: Husband-Protector (Armor of Night, Befriend Trolls, Create Ward Against Fire and Light ritual, Hide Wealth, Kimantor’s Orders, Overcome Rival, Protect Earth, Resist Fire, Sheltering Shade).
:20-element-darkness: Son of Night feats: Cure Wound Caused by Iron, Take Darkness Form.
Secret: Transcend Perspective (Gives an automatic augment of ¼ the secret’s rating to any ability used to peacefully interact with a Darkness creature).

Edited by AlHazred
Added Runes.


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