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  • RPG Biography
    Started with RQ2. Played a lot of games over the years. One of natures GMs.
  • Current games
    Currently GMing a D&D5/Wild West hybrid game (although on a bit of a hiatus for assorted reasons)
    Playing in a Starfinder campaign.
    Working on a RQ:G campaign, that'll hopefully start around 1619, and lead up to 1625 and beyond.
  • Location
    Christchurch, NZ
  • Blurb
    I've been playing these games for a long time. RQ/Glorantha has always been my favouite.

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  1. John1000


    I do like the comment about Ethilrist not personally liking the Red Emperor, despite fighting for him on various occasions, and knowing him well. (Maybe that's why he doesn't like him, knows him too well.) It's little touches like that, that humanise the otherwise almost unknowable demigod type characters running around. (Like the fact Harrek is rather fond of waffles*) The question arises though, did Ethilrist like previous Red Emperors, or is it just the current one who he dislikes? (*Harrek the Berserk may or may not actually like waffles. YGWV)
  2. Chocolate is mentioned in Trollpack. You can get Chocolate Fried Eggs at Thunderbreath Gobbleguts. Coffee, (as already mentioned) and sugar are both mentioned in CoP, in the Travels of Biturian Varosh. He must really have good trading contacts to source such rarities. Drinking hot drinks was a good way of killing the bugs in the water, as was fermenting and brewing it. Does Glorantha have this problem? Are there minor disease spirits in the water, or are the water spirits strong enough to keep such things away?
  3. The entire Lunar Empire is nothing more than a very long con game by the Blue Moon Trolls on the hated Solar Types. Even after all these years, they still haven't got the joke. (As for the Chaos connection, Cave Trolls are chaotic, and the Red Goddess is almost as useful as a Cave Troll.) The Dragonrise wasn't caused by either Kallyr or Argrath. The Dragon was simply woken up by all the noise generated by the building of the temple on it's head.
  4. Finally found it in the AH Trollpak. It's in the Dark Troll stat block in Book of Uz. 20% starting chance, d6+DB damage. With wonderful quote of "rarely used in combat. but occasionally significant"
  5. I think in the original Trollpak it mentions Dark Trolls bite as doing d6, but they don't use it to attack, unless things are desperate. Probably because to a troll, risking damaging how you eat is a terrible thought. I pulled out my copy of Trollpak, but haven't found it yet. It's to easy to get distracted by how awesome it is as a suppliment.
  6. Heroquest Movies? The Lego Movie. Everyman character becomes the chosen one, travels through different realms, eventually visits the Other World/Godtime, meets the Gods, and changes their behaviour. Other films that capture Glorantha: The Lion King. Covers importance of your place in Society, collapse of Empires when the proper way isn't followed, classic Hero's Journey, and has a Baboon Shaman, who should provide inspiration for any number of Baboon characters. The Asterix Movies. Nowhere near as good as the comics, they do still provide a good begining point for the whole Orlanthi vs Lunars thing. (These Lunars are crazy.) The Robin of Sherwood TV show. Not the right time period, but it always felt a bit more RQ than D&D. Lightly armoured ne'er do wells, able to sneak, and fight, and having to be clever rather than just use brawn. Herne the Hunter is a great inspiration for RQ Spirit cults.
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