Heroquest Movies?
The Lego Movie. Everyman character becomes the chosen one, travels through different realms, eventually visits the Other World/Godtime, meets the Gods, and changes their behaviour.
Other films that capture Glorantha:
The Lion King. Covers importance of your place in Society, collapse of Empires when the proper way isn't followed, classic Hero's Journey, and has a Baboon Shaman, who should provide inspiration for any number of Baboon characters.
The Asterix Movies. Nowhere near as good as the comics, they do still provide a good begining point for the whole Orlanthi vs Lunars thing. (These Lunars are crazy.)
The Robin of Sherwood TV show. Not the right time period, but it always felt a bit more RQ than D&D. Lightly armoured ne'er do wells, able to sneak, and fight, and having to be clever rather than just use brawn. Herne the Hunter is a great inspiration for RQ Spirit cults.