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  • RPG Biography
    I started playing RPGs since I was a kid. My introduction to the hobby was through D&D but I moved hastily to Chaosium games like Call of Cathulhu and RuneQuest. After that, I tried as many games as I could.

    In the 21st century, my interest drifted to less crunchy games like QuestWorlds, Fate, Powered by the Apocalypse.
  • Current games
    Fate hack for Glorantha. GURPS.
  • Location
    Cornwall, UK

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  1. Until I see the rules myself I cannot give an informed opinion, but the solution seems... inelegant, for a better word. Chaosium removed the sorcery skills and replace them with techniques and runes, so they thought there were a level of brokeness in their original approach. Also, the skill bloat in the cults books is something has been raised before.
  2. I must confess, I'm a bit disappointed the Lunar Magic is just a reprint of the 3e rules. I was expecting a new perspective like what Chaosium did for the sorcery rules in RQG. I'm going to buy the book, of course, but it seems like a missing opportunity to me.
  3. It's official, Moon Cat has displaced her father as my favourite Gloranthan deity.
  4. I'm glad there are more peole trying to port Glorantha into Fate. I want to see what you create and your design goals and preferencies, @LordNigel. Sadly, my own game is on hold due to schedule issues. And now, I want to port Gloranthat to Cortex Prime. In fact, I want to port everything to Cortex. 😄 Ps. I found funny you realised my mother language was in the Latin family. I knew it was clear I wasn't an English speaker, but I didn't think it was that clear. I'm Spanish, BTW.
  5. In my fate game, weapons and other tools are part of the fiction. We allow retroactive uses of Create an Advantage (because my players can spend hours on decision paralysis during planning) and, now, my players just say "of course I brought my best weapons and armour, don't be silly!", and roll Resources (or Contacts if they borrowed the equipment, or whatever...) to create the advantage "Properly equipped". OTOH, one of my players' characters has THEIR sword. That's modelled as a stunt. in Cortex Prime are called Prime Sets. They are Distintions + 2 others. For Gloranthat, I thought of using Distintions + Runes (skills with other name) + Passions (Virtues with another name). With Specializations and Assets as secundary sets.
  6. I thought of a Cortex Prime converstion of RQ too! At the end decided to wait till I finish my current Fate Glorantha campaign. (Probably around 2075.) Can you share your drafts?
  7. I iterate a lot on my Fate game, and the first drafts use runes as skills. Sadly, my players couldn't grok what to do with them, and also they had issues with free-form magic. So, I borrowed the idea of mantles from Dresden Files Accelerated for the initiation. Except I made the mantle an extra stunt every player must take. In summary, all my players have something like Initiate of [Deity] - It gives them access to 1 of the Rune Affinities of their god. If the player wants to have a stronger connection with their god, they can use an aspect for that. Extra rune affinity - Allows the player to take another Rune Affinity. These are basically, magic domain from High Fantasy Magic.
  8. I'm currently running a 11 Lights using Fate Condensed. Here is the link to my rules notes. 2 caveats, English isn't my first language, and these notes are a living document as we tweak things to fit our tastes and needs. Enjoy.
  9. Instead of stating the ship as a character, I'd use the community rules - are they still a thing in QW? - and stat the ship as the player's community.
  10. This topic made me think. In Glorantha, is the spirit is just a part of the soul or just an expression of of the whole "thingie"? I mean, is the Humakti spirit bound as a guardian and that is or, the rest of their soul goes to the underworld to say hello to granpa Daka Fal?
  11. Renardo the Reindeer is a Hsunchen! That explains, like, a lot. * Adding 1% to Illumination... * I'd like to mention "Voy camino a Moria" is an adptation from "Camino a Soria" by Gabinete Caligari.
  12. She's sporting Moon (duh!), Death and Fertility runes! I thought those runes are asssocciated to the Seven Mothers not Herself. Now I'm intrigued...
  13. I agree with @French Desperate WindChild, more variety on body shapes is always welcomed. Not every earth cultist is a super-model. But, in fairness, Chaosium is improving on this aspect. The upcoming GoG is a good example. Its art shows male nudity and people with different complexions.
  14. Or you have to atone yourself after your time in the army before being completely welcomed in your original community. I can imagine some zzaburi specialising in PTSD treatments. 😄
  15. I'll update my comment to: "5e D&D INT". 🙂 But I like that spirit magic is limited by your CHA.
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