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Everything posted by DucksMustDie

  1. I know that, but those women haven´t met our Storm Bulls. They really are barely humans 😄 Finding women for them, aargh
  2. Of course. Lack of sex is an obvious deficiency, a medical condition ! And healers know all about such things 🙂
  3. What might a healer of Chalana think of the Bull´s drinking. And eating meat. Fornicating she probably doesn´t mind...
  4. But the Storm Bulls would probably say ´No thanks´ to a date night with Babs. Even they have limits 🙂
  5. Not celibate, but unmarried, at least initiates
  6. A date night for Babeesteri and Storm Bulls was one idea I was considering
  7. Storm Bulls are mindless brutes and barely human, right? How difficult it is for them to find wives? Who would take such a suicidal (and probably penniless) maniac as a husband? I was wondering if this could spawn an adventure, like finding wives for a whole camp of Storm Bulls 🙂
  8. The Windlord could use the Eurmali as a scapegoat ? Beat the sh** out of him, everything is fine again
  9. A truly great & quality product 💙Can hardly wait for the rest 🙂
  10. The problem with Argrath is this. He´s the ultimate crazy cultist who knows everything. He can do anything. He´s been everywhere. He can kill anyone. He hardly reminds a human, he´s like Superman but worse, there´s no kryptonite to kill him --> he´s boring. Impossible to relate with
  11. Just about to introduce Harrek to our campaign. I´m thinking The Undertaker 😄
  12. Well, the Black Spear gave me the idea. Argrath the Junkie --> Argrath the Dude
  13. Well, like I said: he had a 50% chance and he failed. And it turned out he´s not a unique snowflake, someone more worthy was found. Someone who´ll kick Red Emperor´ s lily ass ! 😏
  14. Well, our Argrath is not known as Argrath, he´s known as the Bull, or more often as the Dude 😄
  15. Prince Donald, attentiooon !!
  16. Shouldn´t it be someone who´s worth it, a PC or not?
  17. Well, Argrath turned out to be a junkie, a drunk, a sex maniac (and lousy lover), therefore unfit to be prince. He failed to light the Flame (he had a 50/50 chance and failed miserably), so he went back to his drugs and booze. Another prince more worthy was found who relit the Flame. Has anyone else done this? 🙂
  18. I´m wondering: is it a joint rulership, can the king or queen make decisions alone or must they both be present to have authority?
  19. In our game: after Pennel Ford, Harrek killed Ethilrist, ate his heart with beans and looted his treasure 🙂
  20. Well, one thing is certain. Join Ernalda ! Join today ! 😄
  21. The base spell costs 3 RPs, and you get 1 POW and 1d8 mps ? Each stacked RP on top of that gets you the same. So, using 21 RPs should get you 1+18 POW and 1d8+18d8 mps? If my math sucks, pardon Perhaps my example of the abuse wasn't the best possible, pardon that also. I just think the spell should have a limit on how many RPs you can stack with it, or the spell should be one use. It seems cheap to me, no matter how mortal the peril is, that you can just draw the 19 POW from earth and just pray your RPs back
  22. Plus 1 POW and 1d8 mps per stacked rune point. Some mortal perils seem to be worse than others, since you can draw max 19 POW if you have 21 rune points. Some official ruling on this would be nice
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