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  1. Thanks for replying, doomedpc.
  2. Thanks, Ade and Paul_Va. When it says in the rules that numbers are usually rounded up, I take that to mean that normal rounding rules do not apply and that numbers are usually rounded up: 7.2, 7.5 and 7.8 all round up to 8. Perhaps that's incorrect and the text box only refers to 0.5 cases, like in the BRP system quoted above (while 7.2 would round down and 7.8 up as usual). Still, it'd be great to have an answer.
  3. Back on topic ... Now that I've received the Deluxe rules I got my first question answered (it's implied from the example there). However, my second question remains: p. 8, box on Rounding: 'Numbers in Renaissance are usually rounded up to the nearest whole number.' p. 37, Critical Successes: 'A character with 70% in a skill would get a critical success on a roll of 7 or less – remember, always round to the nearest whole number).' 'Remember, always...' would seem to imply that the general rule applies. If so, it should read 'always round up'. (For Armour Points it's specifically mentioned that they are 'rounded down – an exception to the usual rule of rounding up', p.16.) I see that the game designers are posting here. Could they perhaps confirm if nclarke is correct? Or if 'always round to' is an error for 'always round up to' on p. 37?
  4. Tell me about it The reason I asked though is that it says on p 7: 'Numbers in Renaissance are usually rounded up to the nearest whole number.' And on Armour Points: '(rounded down – an exception to the usual rule of rounding up)'. Critical Success could be another exception for all I know, just wanted to make sure. Thanks!
  5. Thanks! Yes, I suspected that the answer might be obvious to BRP players. (The system I referred to is in Swedish.) Another question -- in the Critical Successes section, it says "remember, always round to the nearest whole number". Should this read "always round up to the nearest whole number" or should it actually be 7.4 -> 7, 7.6 -> 8?
  6. Hello, first-time reader of the free Renaissance rules here with a question: Does 1 Free Skill Point equal +1% in a skill? I've only ever played one BRP-based RPG before and it used 5% increments for all skills, maybe Renaissance does too?
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