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Jason Farrell

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  • RPG Biography
    35+ years of Runequest, CoC, and innumerable others. I currently play in Pathfinder and D&D campaigns, but yearning to play (or run) other systems.
  • Current games
    D&D, Pathfinder 1st and 2nd edition, occasional 1 page games. That's all I actively play, but far from all I'm interested in playing.
  • Location
    Portland, Oregon

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  1. Too bad the magazine itself isn't. I have them all in .pdf (and concur that it is *the* best RQ/Glorantha magazine), but I wish everyone had access to them.
  2. I messed around with this the other night for the first time and came away very impressed. I didn't realize it was (already) so much more than a character creator (which it does well); the ability, for example, to cast a spell and have the sheet apply the result to the appropriate skill is awesome, and something no other online character sheet I've seen can do.
  3. The connotation I intended was that it's an ethical obligation. Of course they aren't legally bound to ever make them, or anything, but I think advertising that you're going to expand the character options creates a reasonable expectation among your customers that you'll make a good faith effort to make good on that in a not too distant timeframe.
  4. Even assuming that their layout person (people?) are engaged with an upcoming book every minute of every workday, which seems unlikely to me giving that there are other aspects to production that the layout person/people may often need to wait for, is there a meaningful difference in waiting for, say, the Sartar book until next July 3rd versus next July 5th? I don't think there is. But in one scenario, we have non-human pregens.
  5. Did you bother to read anything at all about what's being talked about here before deciding to lecture us on economic realities?
  6. a - they promised them 3 years ago to people who bought the product; they have an obligation not to ignore promises they made b - those pregens would increase the value of that product, possibly leading to even more sales (or as you might say, profit)
  7. Chaosium prioritizes their projects and puts them in a queue. Despite the fact that those pregens would take, relatively speaking, no time at all to finish, instead of using a day or two to finish them, Chaosium doggedly sticks to where they are in said queue. So if the queue right now is: Solar, Sartar, Darkness, GM book, Chaos, Pregens (for example), they won't touch those pregens until those five other projects are complete. Even if Chaos, say, will take 50 days to layout and the pregens will take 1, they'll still do those 50 before that 1. I think it's ridiculous, but I think a lot of things they do are ridiculous.
  8. Nice! I swear I typed the exact title into the search and that didn't come up.
  9. One of the few CoC scenarios I've run is an Atlach-Nacha scenario! The Reeling Midnight by Tom Lynch, from "New Tales of the Miskatonic Valley". Great book. Sadly, I don't think it's in print. (edit: it is; see below)
  10. All of these books have been out for at least a year, most much longer. A lot of them were probably selling in drips and drabs anyway, and the value to Chaosium of drawing a bunch of new eyeballs to the line is much greater, overall, if a bunch of those people stick around and pay full price for The Lunar Way, Dragon Pass, and so on into the future. The bundle price is only for a month or whatever, so it's not about sales lost in perpetuity, only those lost over the next month.
  11. I don't think there will be any book or set of books called "Trollpak". We all know and have known for a long time that there will be a Cult of Darkness book. That's the "Troll Gods" part. And there's this Into the Troll Lands. That is likely to be it.
  12. I assume it's what the "trollpak" will actually be called.
  13. I was reading the Weapon and Equipment book and was surprised to come across a reference to a book not on the above list (at least by name). Page 36 references a future volume called Into the Troll Lands.
  14. @Peter Hart What's different about the new .pdf? I saw that there was an update and that it's 4 pages longer.
  15. A word you just coined that means "satisfied with statistics/numbers"
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