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Gray Mouser

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Everything posted by Gray Mouser

  1. I was speaking of the foldout. One deity intrigues me: the pale one with bare breast and golden hair at the right of the solar court, in the upper left of the fresco. It's not Chalana Arroy/Erissa i suppose (no flowers in the hair), or is it? Chalana Arroy is in the right of the fertility goddesses in the upper of the fresco, perhaps with is son Arroin, and has dark hair. Young Sedenya? Entekos? Another one?
  2. Hello all. The art of this new book is gorgeous! Where can i see a list of labeled deities, as in the earth or storm cults books? Thanks!
  3. Even if they are not "universal" changes, perhaps there are some changes that are effective at the clan level. For example, perhaps the Vasana clan receives less powerful magic from Humakt, or the worship to Humakt (at the Clan level) is diverted to Vasana because she used the power of Death during the Green Age. The magic associated with the Rune of Death is now associated with a form of Sexuality, or reserved for Women, or whatever. And maybe that clan is going to be looked upon with suspicion by its neighbors. Or only those who sacrifice MPs to Vasana can use Sword Trance spell in this clan. Or the Wyter is now the Three Tailed Snake. That’s the kind of thing superheroes do (i think).
  4. Company of the dragon (Jonstown Compendium) has (simple and elegant) rules to manage heroes/superheroes.
  5. As Jeff pointed out in his Heroquesting posts, a crucial step is "Identification". So according to the character runes, which character/deity will he identify with? It will not be a thunder brother, sword, Axe Bearer, etc. For example the character of Vasana has the following runes: Air 90% (air does not exist yet); Death 75% (death does not exist yet); Earth 20% (OK); Movement 75% (OK), Truth 70% (OK). So the identification may be done on these three runes. So Earth: phylum --> reptile; organs: genitals, bones. This is the basis for determining identification. Movement: changeable, energetic, rebellious, ambitious. Truth: objective, the torch of truth. The result must be something strange to destabilize the player. The GM declares that the character identifies with the Three-Tailed (Movement) Snake (Earth) Guardian of Sexual Truth (whatever it is). Yanioth: Earth 90%, Beast 85%, Fertility 85% so OK Identification with young earth goddess, not a big change). Etc. Yanioth will probably come back with the knowledge of a new myth about the goddesses of the earth, new rune spell/power related to Fertility. For Vasana, this could imply a more significant change (related to the Sexual Truth?). I suspect that the danger is greater for characters like Vasana than those like Yanioth
  6. In my French version of the "Rainbow mounds", in area 20, the description says: "En effet, cette colonne est le dernier maillon qui permettra un jour de réveiller le dragon qui est endormi sous les Monts Arc en Ciel. mais pour cela il faudrait une personne sur chaque socle à l'extérieur et une autre lisant l'inscription gravée sur la colonne, une tâche qui est réservée au prince Argrath" ("Indeed, this column is the last link that will one day awaken the dragon who is asleep under the Rainbow Mountains. but for this it would take one person on each pedestal outside and another reading the inscription engraved on the column, a task that is reserved for the prince Argrath"). I don't if this can be found in the original version of the Rainbow mounts scenario. But i always assumed that Argrath was involved in the Dragon incident.
  7. The fact that the change of cult is "possible" does not mean that it is an "easy" thing. If we stick to trivial examples, let’s imagine that our Ernalda initiate is an expert in cutting her children’s hair (she is the best hairdresser in the town). Following the massacre of her family she becomes Vingan: her skill "cut the hair" does not transform to "use broadsword". Same for RP, IMHO. And probably she won’t be as badass as another Vingan who dyed her hair red from her first initiation, twenty years ago. "C'est la vie".
  8. Stormwalk mountain was formed by the corpse of a giant that was beheaded by Stormbull (Guide to Glorantha). So the questers may find information on this (perhaps lost) myth; since a hero quest performed on Stormwalk mountain allow questers to tame skybulls (Gorangi Vak quest), this myth is likely appropriate with changes; or maybe quester may "jump" from the Ulanin myth to this one, or whatever.
  9. Thanks all for the responses and the FB link, very interesting stuff!
  10. Jeff sometimes mentions the Hero Soul in heroquesting context. What is the Hero Soul ? Is it a kind of fetch that protect heroes ? A kind of fetch tied to the divine realm as opposed to the spirit realm ? A part of the soul that exist simultaneously in the mythic world/hero plane ? Has this Hero Soul been mentioned anywhere in Glorantha or Runequest canon ? (My native language is french, so please excuse possible grammatical mistakes !)
  11. In french, some ducks are also called "sarcelles" (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarcelle) I suggest la "sarcelle ensorceleuse" (ensorceleuse=sorceress); or la sinistre sarcelle (sinistre=sinister). La sarcelle fatale, la sarcelle mortelle.
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