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Everything posted by Atgxtg

  1. What you could do to balance out between those who use POW points and those who son't need them (MAges vs Fighters), you could simply create a pool of "Luck points" equal to POW and use those instead of POW/Magic Points. Just another option.
  2. THe thing I don't like is that such a method isn't selective. It is just as likely to work or not when you really need it as at any other time. Since the idea was to allow for a more cinematic/less lethal game, I don't think it would really help, since it is just a random factor. Also, since it is an improvable skill, it would mean that the fledgling heroes who need it wouldn't have it at good scores. The master warriors who don't need it, would be the ones with very high scores. Plus someone with a 95% defense on top of a 95% parry or dodge is going to be sort of boring. There is only a 0.25% chance of hitting the guy. An RQ2 style (sbutract defense form attack) is a bit better, but you still have the problem of making fights against flunkies not worth playing. I think any sort of soulition needs to be of the limited number of uses variety to keep things intestesing. A pool that can get used up is more dramatic, espeically since it can be tracked while getting used up, than a dice mechanic that will turn a hit into a statsitical abnormality.
  3. I would depend on just what made the area hot. Different radioactive materials have different half life ratings. There are still spots in Hiroshima and Nagasaki that are hot today, but other areas are habitable. Some forms of radiactivy remain hot for thousands and thousands of years, others can be clean in a few days. Consider the "big bomb" that exists in the second film, I think just about any level of radiation if fair game. Once you got a world-killer, you have to assume the existience of "lesser" weapons of insanity. You could put just about any sort of post-apocalyptic thing you wanted to on the planet. If we wanted to keep both the films and the series that only covers the coasts. For all we know they really could be a settlement of humans at Fort Wayne, or Intelligent lizards living in Arizona. We could even use Hawmoon's Europe with this, or overlay the Cthulhu Mythos. You could even have cultures where humans rule over apes, or both coexist peacefully. That might be some of the charm of the setting. It is so easy to put into any other shattered world setting.
  4. Hey Jason, Considering that "The vehicle chart MOV listings on page 267 are based on a travel MOV speed per combat round, assuming one isn't trying to sprint at top speed or overcharge the afterburner." can we equate MOV to a vehicle's cruising speed. Say around 75% power? I'm just trying to link up MOV Rate with some real world value.
  5. Yeah, go look at Steve Perrins Quest Rules. Steve did up a system for scaling up the crticals above and beyond the RQ values. Pretty similar in concept to what you are doing.
  6. If we want something more realsitisc for radtion we could use some real data: Generally there is a difference between chronic exposure and acute exposure. Something like the forbidden zone would have both. For acute exposre, people tend to get radiation sickness at around 100 rads; serious effects like bloods changes and permanent physical changes start here. at 450+ rads mortality is about 50%; rising up to around 80% at 600 rads. So POT of 1 per 40 rads seems to match up with the mortality rates. Since death tends to occur a couple of months later, most radiation poisons should do damage at around a point every 3 days. TO account for the effects on the body, say that for every 3POT Of Radiation a character must roll on the following table. Or just say make a Luck roll or roll on the table. D10 (STAT) 1-STR 2-CON 3-SIZ 4-INT 5-DEX 6-APP 7-10 No loss .
  7. It may be even, but supposedly it has numerogical signficance as a few seconds of google revealed sites like: best of craigslist : 420 explained Apparently 420 is a popular euphemism for smoking marijuana. Since Chaosium was formed by a "bunch of hippies" , 420 could explain how all those order were "forgotten". Personally I think some people went home early for the holidays and didn't pass on the information to someone else until a few days later. Or Santa's reindeer ate them.
  8. Sounds like something that should make it into the Timeline for 7th edtion CoC. 2007 Chaosium orders 420 Advanced Reader copies of BRP. Over 300 copies disappear. Some Deep Ones got Triff's copies!
  9. Ack! :eek: Triff's hit stage 3!! Someone help to drag him into fresh air and sunlight before it's too late. Maybe a trip to mall or fast food stop for some shock therapy. Seriously, I my years of gaming, I've only seen a handful or two of female gamers. Mostly girlfriends who were gaming because their boyfriends were gaming. I do recall one girl who was good at it, better than her boyfirend (he was of the "charge!!!" variety and was usually the first one to drop). She ended up giving it up because of her BF, too. Basically he got tired of being dead all the time and quit. Funny thing was her saying "But honey, I haven't gotten killed once yet!". She was a babe, too. *sigh*.
  10. 360 downloads

    Here is a quick write-up for the Civil War era bullet proof vest, and perhaps a bit optimistic one.
  11. THere would be a lot of perks. She'd get the benefits of being a minority. THe ASPCA would probably like her. Maybe she could take allergy shots to build up a resistance to silver.... And best of all, you wouldn't have to worry about the boys trying to take advantage of her on a date. If they turned into "wolves" she could do so as well. :eek: Since teenage girls hate their parents you'd probably be safe from the " werewolf always kills they one it loves" curse until she was out of the house and far enough away not to reach you during nights of the full moon. You'd just have to be a little careful and buy calendars with the phases on the moon on it before planning family get-togethers.
  12. It's the Stealth rolls. One "Fie-Fi-Foe-Fum" and the jig is up! On a possibly reated note. At another gaming site, we got a new member oer the holidays. It is osort of sad how she got fawned over. Basically the net equvialent of. "Look, it's a go-irl" "And she's a gamer!!" "Quick, be nice to her before she runs away." A board full of long term gamers and will still managed to act like we were 13.
  13. Most are closer to that than a medieval peasant. Most gamers I know have washed, at least within recent memory, and have changed their clothes sometime in the last week. Most.
  14. Ah, so I take it that the "official" BRP rating for the M82 Barrett .50 cal is still 2D10+4? Phew. Now I can take 30 AP off the tanks. Look like the M1A2 won't be Hulk-proof after all.
  15. That seems to be the general rule with BRP anyway. I prefer to use yards or paces in histocial campaigns. Something about people walking three clicks to the nearest inn to down a couple of literes just doesn't set the right flavor. In play I use maters/yards/paces interchagably. Afterall, it not like we worring to see if some if exactly 20m away and not 19.26 or 21.345 meters. I also tend to use 1kg=2 lbs for most game uses. Works for 90% of game situations. If it helps, my vehicle rules, are set up to calculate speed in meters/sec, kph, mph, or even knots. If we use the BRP speeds for vehicles as either top speed in kph, or based on Jason's comment that vehicle speeds are top speed, then we could assume that MOVE rates are crusiing speed and only 2/3rd or 3/4th top speed. THat would give a Move 200 sportcar a top speed of 267kph or 300kph. Both good values for real word sports cars. THe 2/3 value of 300kph is just about right for the high end sportcars. And mutiply MOV by 1.5 for top speed is easy. The 3/4 rating probably works best for tanks (gives a modern tank a generous 111kph/69mph) top speed. Even using the speeds as top speeds would work. Since the sample vehicles are generic types, rather than specific makes & models, it would work. There are quite a few sports cars with a 200kph to speed. Either older cars, or some of the more affordable modern sports cars
  16. Not since the adventure of computers, printers and scanners. Visual aides help a lot. I once drew up a map of a character fief and it made the place seem more real. And one good picture of a slimy disgusting NPC can go a long way to getting the point across to a bunch of people sitting at a table in a nice clean house, look at washed and clean people.
  17. Uh, oh. I saw a movie where that happened. That means she'll turn into an albino werewolf when she grows up.
  18. Translation: Angry players? :confused: The old Mayfair DC system used Hero Points for both purposes but I was a MArvel fan so I never saw how that worked in practice.
  19. No. I did a trip to my local library but didn't fine the sort of stuff that I need for RPGs. I'll probably have to go into the children's area. Most of the really good daily life books are in the kids section. When I wanted to know what a Roman villa or insuale really looked like, the Childrens books with all the full color illustrations proved more useful that most of the stuff in the history section.
  20. I'd love to see what you come up with. I've been working on some similar stuff but off of the CoC book, since I don't have BRP yet.
  21. Ah cultural idioms, I once had to explain/translate some UK slang to someone. Specifically the term "shag". My friend had a hard time figuring out what a inch thick carpet had to do with the story and why a certain character needed one and how it would resolve the current situation. A very puzzled friend asked me why a carpet would mellw someone out.
  22. Funny. I found a listing for an RPG done up by some guy who went through an 1900 Sears & Roebuck's catalog, and it is my best resource for prices. It doesn't cover things like horses, hotel prices or bordellos (Horses & Whores? Hows that for a title? :eek:) and I got to compare my other sources and see which ones match up best with stuff in the S&R book. What really helped was finding a price index that covered from 1800 to 1990 and discovering that for the most part, the purchasing power of a dollar was stable from 1800-1910, except during times of war.
  23. Good question. But it makes sense that I'd want to see one if I am working on one. innocent: Will there be a whole, nice professional level supplment? I don't know. Will there be stats, profession lists, price lists and critters, yeah. Those are all in the works. Some things are delayed a bit by research (prices for things from over 100 years ago is tough to verify. Some of my sources took some liberties. Ballistics data for the Old West is another little quest. Until a week ago I never knew that they made a Gatling Gun that fired one inch caliber rounds, and that since the carriage didn't traverse, it, along with many early .58 caliber Gatlings fired cannister shot! Or that they made a short barreled "mountain" version that was even mounted on camels). Writing for an RPG that isn't out yet and that I don't own yet slows things down. :eek: But, I should have the price list done soon. Actually I should have had it done a couple of days ago, but I'm getting ticked off when I try to reforat it for double columns. It messes up all my clip art. I should get something up this weekend. Maybe single column in 12 point type, but that should do for a first draft, right? BTW, I've got a really nasty idea for handling snakebites. Rather than rolling POT vs CON when bit and taking the damage all at once, I'm thinking of dishing out the damage at 1 HP/hour and not making the roll until you reach half the POT in hours. That way people won't know right away if the bite will be life threatening or not. :focus: Sorry, I threadjacked. :focus::focus: An Arthurian setting would be nice.
  24. About the catch. No not in play. The reason is that character get multiple opportunities to each checks during the night, but only get one check for any one skill. So, for instance, if a PC is firing a bow at 25% but doesn't hit until the third of fourth round, he is still getting the same number of checks as the guy with the 80% skill. Since checks are earned for use under stress, it is also possible that a low skilled character might get a check in a situation where a high skilled character might not. For instance a flight instructor with 90% skill probably wouldn't count taking off in a Cessna with a student onboard to be stressful, but the student with a 25% skill probably would consider his tie at the controls to be stressful.
  25. Thanks for the clarification. I agree, I think either using one system or redoing from scratch would have been best. BTW, the vehicle speeds for ground and air vehicles do seem to match up fairly well with real world speeds in kph. If these are "cruise rates" rather than sprint rates then kph works out great. Chase speeds from CoC, assuming BRP is similar, were about vehicle mph/10. So about kph/15 or kph/20 might be a viable solution to get everything on the same scale. Sorry for the fuss, just working on the vehicle design stuff and trying to get vehicle speeds into game terms. Right now about 3/4kph seems to be the best fit. That would put a sportscar with a 166mph/267kph top speed a MOV of 200, and a "modern" M1A2 tank with a top speed of around 69mph/110hph an MOVof 83.
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