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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Merrie England:Robyn Hode - Still relevant in the 21st Century!
  2. If it harmonises you with a glance, it doesn't matter what the head looks like. Original jack o'lanterns were made from turnips or mangelwurzels. It would be difficult to carve a cabbage.
  3. To be honest, in BRP it doesn't matter that one PC has a weapon skill of 60% and another 40%. They will both miss often enough to be happy when they hit and the 40% PC will soon gain experience to reach near parity with the 60% PC. In my experience, BRP PCs usually end up with similar skills anyway, due to the tick-chase of ticking experience points, so the fact that there are differences at the start of the game is probably a good thing. If you use RQ magic, then Bladesharp 4 increases the 40% PC to the same as the 60% PC anyway, so the problem goes away, of course if the 60% PC uses Bladesharp 4 then gets 80%, making the problem worse. Although, in theory, a BRP Wizard could get a bigger damage bonus and combat skill than a fighter, in practice it rarely happens. OK, raw skill comes into it, giving a higher Characteristic Bonus, but then the player needs to put points into skills, if the Wizard's player puts enough points into combat skills then the PC becomes a fighting wizard, in effect crossing over the boundaries. Again, this is a good thing. Wait until you see RQ trolls - In Glorantha, an Arkati Troll Wizard could well have a 3D6 Damage bonus and still be casting Wizardry spells.
  4. I missed that, thanks. I need to check out KoS again, as it has been too long since I last read it. The Flood is definitely going to happen in my campaign, unless the River Voices find a way to stop it ...
  5. Looks interesting, thanks, have copied to my Google Drive so that I can have a play around with it. Will be useful for some future projects, hopefully.
  6. Merrie England:Robyn Hode for Revolution d100 has a number of real life diseases, notable for being able to die from diarrhoea. What I did for those was to take a disease, break it down to its symptoms and then map them back to the RD100 rules. It seemed to work well. The same approach could be used with pretty much any disease, although you might need to add some new symptoms.
  7. I think that a flood of the magnitude hinted at in the Hero Wars would be of the order of the floods in the God Time, those that reduced the mountains of Dragon pass to islands. A wall won;t stop that, or will delay it until it goes over the top. I agree, these floods would be catastrophic in nature and only stopped by Heroes. I don't think Orlanth's Quests would help against the blockage, rather they would help by blowing the waters back. The Thunder Brothers stopped the waters when combatting Worcha, for example, so that might allow Orlanthi heroes to temporarily stop the Flood from covering some lands. Stopping the blockage would be the best way of stopping the Flood permanantly. Breaking the ice up, perhaps by sending True Giants against it, Firebergs would work, using Kalikos might work, putting a huge object on one side to tip it over might work as well. However, when the block if ice goes into Magasta's Pool, would it reappear again, in the same manner as the Firebergs?
  8. I'd allow it as it shouldn't be a problem. They can fly, but that is never a game-breaker. If you follow the Wind Children from the Vikings pack, they are claustrophobic, which might be a problem playability-wise. They can control sylphs, but that is only a problem if you have storm-wielders as enemies. So, no problems for me. My players have never wanted to play one, though.
  9. Pamaltela Kralorela The West (Although Arkat keeps dragging me back) The East Isles
  10. For human weight, I just assume that SIZ = weight in stones. Nice and easy, for those of us in the UK anyway.
  11. For a long time, I have thought there were many similarities between Belintar and the Red Goddess/Red Emperor: They were both all things to all men, proving themselves time and time again Belintar and the Red Emperor change bodies but their souls remain the same They are each at the head of a religious hierarchy They each rule a union of disparate states
  12. I wonder if we can get Revolution d100 supplements translated to English? Rome: the End of the Republic sounds really interesting, but my Spanish is only good enough to get an overview, not to read in detail.
  13. Sorry, I meant Dismiss Magic 10, you need Dispel Magic 21 to smash a Warding.
  14. David, I think eyelessgame meant Ian Thomson's excellent series of supplements, rather than the masterful original.
  15. Congratulations! Revolution d100 deserves an international audience.
  16. soltakss


    Glad to see you back, was concerned that you had left us for good.
  17. Yes. Also, very few people in RQ3 sacrificed for Warding 10, it is quite limited in nature, even as a hula hopp of death. Dispel Magic 10 takes it down and means the priest has to spend 10 days repraying before using it again.
  18. Warding 4 does 4d3 damage, average of 8, it would take a limb down but probably not take it out, maybe an arm might go. It only affects one person, unless you toss the hula hoop over someone and watch as it affects all hit locations in turn, but that would be a good roll. An RQ2 Bastard Sword with a 1d6 damage bonus does 1d10+1+1d6, with an average of 10, so roughly equivalent with leather amrour, throw in a Bladesharp 4 and the sword is better than the hula hoop. Onse the opponents see what is happening, they just chop up the hula hoop and kick the wards away, thus breaking the effect. Or, even better, they gang up on the cleverclogs with the hula hoop and inflict a world of pain. A good Dispel Magic can take down a Warding 4, leaving the PC with a hoop and an embarrassed grin.
  19. soltakss


    May I ask why? I have noticed a lot of Deleted posts from you very recently. Has something happened?
  20. So, cultists of Ernalda/Orlanth, Ernadla/Yelmalio, Dendara/Yelm and so on have 1 rune level for every 20 or 30 people, is that 1 for every married couple?
  21. Not really, Humakt and Babeester Gor are no more magical than Ernalda. In fact, a cult such as Humkt almost has the "1 in 100" built in, with a Century of worshippers having a Centurion, or the equivalent, as a Rune Level. Acolytes might be a halfway house for NCOs who support the Centurion. Most members of Humakt and Babeester Gor would be Initiates, or perhaps Lay Members. Only the devout and powerful would bother becoming Acolytes, Priests or Lords. Most jedis would be temple servants, researchers and so on, not everyone who trains as a Jedi becomes a Jedi Knight or Jedi Master, a lot of them fall away either due to lack of skill, lack of commitment or unsuitability. 5000 in Orathorn might mean there are 50 full Mages, certainly. A lot of the others would have some magic and power over the dead/undead, but wouldn't be full mages. I would be surprised if everyone in Orathorn was a Mage. I don't really agree. Martial cults don't really have more intense worship. I can see worshippers of Uleria or Minlister having far more intense worship than martial cults. Farming cults worship their hero or the land, that kind of worship is just as intense. A Witch Cult, such as Subere, is very magical by nature, but its worshiipers are not all at the same level. Many are learning their trade, many take years to get to a certain level of ability, some never do. Alchemists might seem more magical than other people, bnut they probably aren't. They might have some magic to help them manipulate/improve potions, but is that more magical than blessing a field to grow well, or making oxen plough all day? That is absolutely correct. A Great Temple has Priests, Lords, Acolytes and Initiates living there full time, probably hundreds of them. If a Great Temple has 10 Priests, that equates to 1,000 supporting worshippers, so the surrounding area probably has fewer acolytes and priests as they concentrate on the temples. Retired rune levels retain their magic but become semi-active. They probably retire to working normally. Gringle has retired to a pawnshop and is just a merchant, but is a retired priest.
  22. Members of cults can get some magic for free and some cheaper than normal. Prior experience can teahc magic as part of life experience. People can be taught magic as a reward for performing tasks or for long service. Not everyone who has spells has paid for them with hard cash.
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