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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. One of Firshala's biggest strengths is its Ancestor Worship, so I would not remove those spells. In RQ2, Spirit meant Spirit, so an Ancestor cult could use Spirit. In RQG, Spirit means something else, so her Runes might be Fire and Man. You could say that and I am sure that it would work. I wouldn't get hung up over the Runes used to cast a spell, to be honest. If a cult gets access to a spell and doesn't have the Runes that are typically used to vast it, I would just say that the spell can be cast using the most applicable rune.
  2. A GM can put major obstacles in the way of Adventurers and call it adding flavour to the game. I don't bother with that, personally. If someone worships a really obscure deity with one shrine, I normally make some kind of artefact available, allowing them to regain their magic that way, or use shrines in associate cult temples.
  3. I have never seen, nor played, in Tekumel and don't care what someone's politics are, so it really does not bother me in the slightest.
  4. I love listening to Yelmalio fans bitterly lamenting how the Yelmalio Cult is screwed because everyone loves Humakt or the Orlanthi. For refence, I played Shergar Sunhoof, a Centaur Yelmalian who never complained about Yelmalio's poor magic, he was too busy crushing them beneath his five hooves or biting them with his Spider Head.
  5. Yes, if they are tainted by Chaos they show up on Sense Chaos, at least they do in my games. Unless, they are Illuminated, in which case they are Good Ogres.
  6. We use Roll20 and it works pretty well, communication glitches aside. Our current GM is big on maps, which makes things flow nicely. The only way to improve as a GM is by GMing, so the more you do the stronger you'll feel. In my experience, people who say they are not strong as a GM do OK, as the Players help the game flow.
  7. Give it a high POW and let it do 1D6 Heatshock damage per 10 POW, or part thereof with a minimum of 3D6. So, a POW 65 Oakfed would do 7D6 Heatshock damage. Also, give it Oakfed Runemagic and allow it to Heroically Cast them, using its own Magic Points instead of Rune Points, making its POW a Rune Pool. Let it spawn Fire Elementals by spending Magic Points, 1 for a Small, 2 for a Medium and 3 for a Large, sending them far and wide to burn things down. It can cast Summon Wildfire on itself, sure it takes 1D6 damage per point, but it adds 1D6 Heatshock damage per point.
  8. Welcome, and I hope that it goes well for you.
  9. I am very pleased to announce that the Jonstown Compendium supplement Secrets of HeroQuesting is now a Gold Best Seller. Thanks to everyone who helped make this happen. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/326489/Secrets-of-HeroQuesting?affiliate_id=66807
  10. I am very pleased to announce that the Jonstown Compendium supplement Secrets of HeroQuesting is now a Gold Best Seller. Thanks to everyone who helped make this happen. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/326489/Secrets-of-HeroQuesting?affiliate_id=66807
  11. I intend to go through my stack of Index Cards of Soltak Stormspear's Magic Items, at some point, rewriting them for RQG and making them generic. However, it may take some time, as I have to find and transcribe them, in addition to the many items I already have. All of the Holiday Dorastor series, and also Secrets of Dorastor and the Book of Doom, have assorted Magic Items.
  12. No, I don't believe there is. I think of Darktongue as having humming as a major component, with some of the humming sounds being subsonic, so humans cannot hear them but might feel them in their bellies. Dark Trolls can hear them, except for those sounds that only Mistress Race Trolls can hear. I also play that Mistress Race Trolls can make a sound that it lethal to Trollkin.
  13. Because no RQ3 supplement has ever been republished. I am awaiting for them. I will buy them all as PDFs as soon as they come on DTRPG, using my Jonstown Compendium Royalties.
  14. The 3t spell works in daylight, the 1pt spell doesn't. The 3t spell works in torchlight, the 1pt spell doesn't. The 3t spell works in sunbright, the 1pt spell doesn't. Dark Walk has a set of limitations built into it. However, Dark Walk is great against Trolls, as they normally have little light and no light-causing spells. In fact, I can already hear Yelmalians claiming that Yelmalio should have Dark Walk, as the cult fights trolls.
  15. Except for the unofficial Secrets of HeroQuesting, of course, on the Jonstown Compendium.
  16. That's a lovely picture. HeroQuesting should work well in that setting, especially if you have the Fae Lands.
  17. They go to Wonderhome, where they can eat all night without having to stop. They are reborn as new trolls, eventually. However, as descendants of Grandfather Mortal, all trolls must stay in the Underworld after death.
  18. Our last campaign ran from 2006 to 2020, I think, so 14 years. We didn't have a blog, though.
  19. Many thanks. I am glad that you enjoyed it. When writing it, I tried to make HeroQuesting accessible and relatively straightforward to do.
  20. They were vampires in wolf form. I normally play they can only be harmed by magic or by runic weapons, just because vampires are cool and dangerous.
  21. Sunbright is good against Darkwalk. Seriously, most of the spells in the Red Book of Magic don't come from Storm Tribe cults.
  22. Hell is that part of the Underworld that is beyond the River Styx, I believe. Because it is magical and powerful and trolls are generally neither. Because Argan Argar has allowed trolls to live on the surface world. Mistress race Trolls often already live in the Underworld, beneath the Castles of Lead, for example. Hell is not a place of punishment, it is just a place. Trolls have their place of punishment in the Sky, where bad trolls burn all day and all night.
  23. Don't encounter them all at once. If you go into it with the intention of rooting out the newtlings, then it will be a series of small fights until you reach the shrine, where the newtlings will defend it to their last. However, if you go into it with the intention of trying to persuade the newtlings to move, not oppose Duke Raus, or something similar, then it becomes more of a diplomatic mission. In our last campaign, the Adventurers were River Voices, so approached the newtlings from a position of fellow water people. It changed things quite a lot.
  24. Great, so Chaosium can move away from it. However, it could still be a subplot or storyline explored in non-Chaosium supplements.
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