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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. I cannot think of any undead that can only be hurt by magical weapons, except, maybe, Wraiths, as they can only be harmed by magic.
  2. Of course, the one with the white field not the green one?
  3. Prax is a wilderness that is full of nothing. Duke Raus is not in favour with the Red Emperor and has been exiled to Prax to turn the wilderness into something useful. Basically, it is a punishment for him and a way to prove that he can be useful. Maybe up their skills a bit, but perhaps keep them as they are. You might need Runes and Passions. That links with the Griffin Mountain campaign. It is good, but doesn't link with the Borderlands campaign at all, as far as I can remember.
  4. Congratulations. I only bought the PDFs, as my wife won't let me buy the print versions, and I would be terrified to open them, in any case, in case the spine cracked or I spilled something on the pages.
  5. I do the same, cherry picking bits that I like and using those in the rules. We have used Critical Specials in our games since RQ2. I don't like how the new Criticals (New as in RQ3 and RQG) have maximum damage Criticals, so I just have Criticals doing normal damage and ignoring armour, but Critical Specials do Special damage, ignoring armour. I have unconsciousness on 0 HP and death when your HPs go negative exceeding your normal full HPs, so someone with 15 HPs goes unconscious at 0HP and dies at -16 HP. I don't roll for Augments, I just add the Special value of the augmenting skill. So, a Rune at 90% would add 18 to the augmented skill.
  6. They have always fascinated me. Unfortunately, we don't know much about them. I can remember most of them being names, in various supplements, but nothing more. Maybe they are included as Spirit Cults in the new Cults Book.
  7. Unfortunately, English does not have a gender-neutral word for Priest/Priestess, so Priest includes both men and women. In fact, Many cults use Priestess and have male Priests. So, the word Priest or Priestess doesn't really mean a lo, for most cults. The 10,000 Goddesses are really the Earth Goddesses worshipped there. Etyries became famous in the Third Age, well after the 10k Goddesses were established. However, I think that Etyries would be worshipped separately, as a Goddess in her own right. After all, why shouldn't she? Etyries is not one of the Seven Mothers, so should be treated as a separate cult. I think there probably is an independent version of Etyries worshipped in Esrolia. This would be Etyries with the Moon connections filed off. Lunars would worship her as a Lunar Goddess, though.
  8. They do this kind of thing all the while. In my opinion, they have to big up official Chaosium products and downgrade supplements that have a different view. You should hear Chaosium folk diss "Super HeroQuest" ... Good. I would still include it, as it is an important place. Having multiple versions of it just gives GMs more material to work with. That's the spirit! Get your stuff in first, then you don't have to worry about what Chaosium are going to publish. Personally, if I wrote Jonstown Compendium material for Pavis, I would base it more on your material than Chaosium's.
  9. It is worth buying as a PDF https://www.chaosium.com/the-entekosiad-pdf/. Yes, if Lunars trade with Esrolia, there would be shrines to Etyries, probably in shops and trade halls, where Lunars trade. She would definitely be regarded as a subcult of Issaries, being his daughter. She could even have shrines in Issaries Temples. There is no gender restriction. I can't remember it even being implied. It doesn't say so because it isn't the case.
  10. He was a PC, so was not as weak as before. However, the Player doesn't really get Experience Rolls, so generally didn't bother to roll them, which meant that he was not particularly powerful. Unfortunately, the campaign stopped at that point, as the Players unanimously agreed that they weren't going to top that.
  11. It really depends on the GM. Some GMs say "Iron is incredibly rare and you might only find one or two pieces in your lifetime". Great. Other GMs have Iron freely available. Personally, even if Iron is rare, once the Adventurers start killing Iron-Wearing Rune Lords , who do not use Divine Intervention to escape, they have a fairly plentiful supply of iron.
  12. Probably, that is correct. Before, this was all grassland or forest. Then Valind rolled over it. When he retreated all we had was wasteland. So, we appealed to [Whichever local goddess is important] and she gave us moss and lichens that turned the wasteland into bountiful tundra.
  13. I would just use Hsunchen. Why make up a term that means Hsunchen? It is just confusing for everyone.
  14. Yes, we did this in two campaigns. The first moved from a multi-GM, multi-area campaign to a single GM campaign that started off in Dorastor and then became a very political campaign in Dragon Pass and Balazar. The Adventurers basically carved their way into the Hero Wars. They took out Argrath, as one of the Adventurers saw him as a rival, then they took out Harrek, as he was Argrath's mate. One of the Adventurers became King of Dagori Inkarth, "Great, I've made it! Hang on, King of a Matriarchy? Oh, damn!" and another became King of Greater Balazar and adopted son of the Red Emperor. The second campaign took the Adventurers from being members of a Pavic Street gang, to becoming River Voices, restoring the Boat Planet and sailing it to the Sky, instigating the Cradle journey and escorting it to Hell, founding the White Bull Society, with them eventually bringing back Pavis, Tada, Genert and Orlanth, culminating in Mello Yello becoming the Dragon Emperor of Dara Happa. Both campaigns really used the Hero Wars Timeline from King of Dragon Pass, but in a very loose way. Both campaigns interacted with the major NPCs, in particular sidelining Argrath, but they both managed to be at a similar political level to the main participants.
  15. They are fine, as Lunars accept Chaos.
  16. I have seen enough films to know that all you need to fix a bullet-wound, for example, is a sharp pocket knife, copious amounts of alcohol (To sterilise the wound, dull the pain of the procedure and give the First Aider some Dutch Courage), a clean handkerchief as a pad and some cleanish cloth to wrap the wound, preferably torn from someone's skirt or shirt. Having actual first aid gear, such as dressings, gauze and bandages, would be a plus. So, I wouldn't worry about it.
  17. Aldryami are typically described as Vegetarian Cannibals. I treat this in the same way as Humans are Mammal Cannibals, i.e. we eat mammals and Aldryami eat plants. Normally, I don't think they would, unless they were starving and had no other possibility and, even then, it would be rare. "Look, I only ate one foot". In Hellwood, sure, all the time. Outside of Chaos Aldryami Forests, probably not. It does happen, though, I vaguely remember an Elf having a name that strongly implied that he ate other elves, but I can't remember who it was.
  18. Aren't there troll pirates in their black galleys?
  19. Kaarg used to get True Maul in Elder Secrets (I think)
  20. I can't join another game, unfortunately. However, have you posted on the Facebook RuneQuest or Glorantha Fans Groups? There are a lot of people looking for online games.
  21. That's good, we can have different approaches to the same area.
  22. I am going to do something similar when the official HeroQuesting rules come out, producing something that links them in with Secrets of HeroQuesting. If Chaosium produce another Dorastor book, I'll do something similar again, with ways to reconcile what is in our Dorastor material with what is in the official material. It is not a case of retconning, more a case of "Hey, this is what I had and this is what came out, they are different in these ways and here is the explanation".
  23. I would publish them as they are and then, when the new version of Pavis and Big Rubble comes out, publish an update to keep in in line with the official version. The whole point of the Jonstown Compendium is that YGWV and I like the way that you P&BRC expanded Pavis and the Big Rubble in interesting ways. If your material comes out first, then people will start using it and then adapt their campaigns when the official material comes out.
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