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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. To be honest, I use an amended version of the Word Document for all my Jonstown Compendium supplements. It is easy to use, has a good look and feel, and can be exported to a PDF. For POD, it is best to speak to someone who knows what they are doing. Fortunately, I know two such people, which is really useful.
  2. The Lunars had Lodril Priests who could control the Oakfeds hurled at them by Oakfed Shamans. Theism is not more powerful than Shamanism, but Shamanic Cults generally have fewer Runespells available that Theistic cults. Do you mean this part? It seems to me that that it would require a specialized location, one where a temple to this deity had existed at one time and the initial contact would not be to the deity directly, but rather to an intermediary with full worship only occurring once enough "initiated" are gathered. That is part of it, but the while article is relevant to establishing ties with Chaos Spirits, and other spirits. Basically, a Shaman needs to establish a Focus of Power that has a link to the Spirit to be worshipped, must Discorporate and contact the Spirit, convince the Spirit to accept worship, convince the Fetch to accept the Spirit, then have a congregation of at least ten worshippers to maintain the worship.
  3. Uhm! There has to be some type of water spirit there for that oasis to survive. Right? In my forthcoming Secrets of the Oasis Folk, I have a Water spirit and an Earth spirit at each Oasis. Without a Water spirit it is just a stand of tree, without an Earth spirit it is just a still pool of water, both have to be present for the Oasis to bloom. Yes, I agree.
  4. They should be able to sell on eBay. I am not sure about the prices, but I think people still want them.
  5. No, I mean a Shaman contacting the Deity and instigating worship for a small community. Have a look at the Spirit Cult section of Cult Compendium (p28) for more details. That's because no-one in their right mind would worship a chaotic spirit... As Agentorange says, chaos creatures are happy enough to worship Chaos Spirits. So are other people. In Secrets of Dorastor, Wazhoo grants Slay Wolf, which is a useful spell against Telmori, so enemies of Telmori might want to sacrifice for it.
  6. I can't see that on the map. Do you mean Cam's Well? That is south of The Block, between Monkey Ruins and Sog's Ruins, and was described in a fanzine as having lots of snakes.
  7. I see it as an apocalyptic cult, giving nothing now, but promising much when the White Moon rises.
  8. Thanks. For some reason I don't get an alert when paged, I'll check the Settings to see what I have turned off. Yes, absolutely. There were a lot of Chaos Spirits from the Greater Darkness. Some have survived enough to provide spells to those foolish enough to worship them. They are generally not powerful enough to have established cults, but can be contacted by Shamans and can form Spirit Cults. Secrets of Dorastor has at least one, Wazhoo. The other Cults described could be worshipped as Spirit Cults. The rest generally do not have Spirit Cults. However, enterprising Shamans could contact any of the deities described in those supplements and worship them in a Spirit Cult. As to Cults, we describe the following Cults: Secrets of Dorastor: Cacodemon, Dagorma (Non-Chaotic), Dorasta, Golden Eagle (Non-Chaotic), The Great Gorp, Humakt, The Fiery Slime, Primal Chaos, Vivamort, Wazhoo. Holiday Dorastor Temple of Heads: Ronobe, First Incarnation of Then, Second Incarnation of Then, Third Incarnation of Then. Holiday Dorastor Spider Woods: Great Ancient Mother (Non-Chaotic), Krjalk, Primal Chaos, Temniless (Non-Chaotic), Vipalole (Non-Chaotic), Vivamort, Xentha (Non-Chaotic) Holiday Dorastor Seven Hills: Ancestor Worship (Non-Chaotic), Bendaluza (Non-Chaotic), Cacodemon, Dorasta, Dagorma (Non-Chaotic), Krarsht, Krjalk, Malia, Nandan (Non-Chaotic), Primal Chaos, Seseine, Urain (Non-Chaotic). Holiday Dorastor Krampuslauf: Krampuslauf (Non-Chaotic) Holiday Dorastor Joulupukki: Joulupukki (Non-Chaotic) All of those could be contacted by Shamans to form Spirit Cults.
  9. By the way, I have done some very rough calculations. Assuming one generation is 30 years, we have 54 generations since the Dawn. Assuming members of three clans, each with 1000 people, can marry, each generation has a pool of 3000 people for their ancestors. The number of ancestors is 2 raised to the power of the number of generations back. At generation 16, the number of ancestors exceeds the size of the clan in that generation, so ancestors either come from outside the clan, or the person has shared ancestors, with the same person being an ancestor to several different lines. At generation 54, there are 162,000 people who have lived in the Clans, So, you could number each one, generate the Spirits using the table on RQG p89 and roll randomly to see which one you get, for some flavour.
  10. Yes. If you know your ancestral line and it goes to someone before Time then you can use Summon Ancestor to call them. Look at the Ancestor Summons table on RQG p88, that has spirits with POW of 5D6+6, so could give a POW 36 ancestor. Those could be from an early point, or even before Time, or they could just be spirits that have been given POW as a gift.
  11. You wouldn't get the same story, for the Survival Covenant only applies to Prax. Maybe not. Some cultures would have a story as to why animals cannot speak. They won't always be the same. In my opinion, animal spirits are closer to the intelligent form, before animals lost their intelligence, so they retain it.
  12. I think that were-creatures are just those especially blessed by their Hsunchen deities. So, every Hsunchen Folk have their own were-form. Their parents performed a ritual, or HeroQuest, before/while mating and were blessed with a Bearwalker. The Hsunchen Bear god cursed them to produce a Bearwalker. They gained the Bearwalker ability during an Adventure, or as a result of a HeroQuest. If you savaged sheep, cattle or people, perhaps, otherwise no. You could call yourself blessed by Odayala. Probably. They might only do that in the wilds, far away from people. Maybe they war a shift or something that is easily torn when they transform. We played that they were only harmed by magic or runic weapons.
  13. I like it when the Elder Races are portrayed slightly differently. Not all dwarves are alike, same for Aldryami, Uz, Dragonewts, and, in fact, all of the Elder Races.
  14. I could do that. My take on QW and HQ is a very lite, no-nonsense version, though, but that might suit the P&BRC.
  15. Yes, in the GM Reference, p 10, but it is still easier to have an image in Roll20 to pull up when needed.
  16. I would say that the Rune Pool would be transferred across, if the worshipper left on good terms and followed the correct procedures. If an Ernaldan slaughtered all the Priestesses at her Temple because they were seen as traitors to the Earth then all bets are off and she might just lose those points. For Seven Mothers, you probably still retain your Seven Mothers Rune Pool and just open up a new one for the particular Mother that you are worshipping.
  17. I would leave it vague. P&BR has Joras Kyrem setting up as King and his sons being Kings, but does not link him with the Puzzle Canal.
  18. Simon Bray is happy for you to use the Yelornan Unicorn Quest images that I sent you. Simon Phipp is happy for you to use the Unicorn Quest and Joras Kyrem Gains an Ally HeroQuests and will even convert them to RQG/QW/Secrets of HeroQuesting format. Darren Happens is happy to be credited as Darren Happens, for the Knowledge Temple material. Will do. He was always quite proud of that article. I liked it as soon as I saw it, before I knew Darren.
  19. No, it's far too complicated. It is much easier to screenshot the table and put it as an image on Roll20.
  20. Ooh, awesome Let me know about the permission Simon is happy for you to use the images, in return for credits and a contributor copy. I have also checked with Darren and he is happy for you to use the Knowledge Temple, but needs to be credited as Darren Happens.
  21. But there's always Indlas Somer! 😉 Indlas Somer fits into Glorantha really well, with a few little tweaks.
  22. Dragged from the clutches of Death, or asking Humakt to give them more time to serve him. Either way, using DI to save yourself from a mortal blow is fine in my games, even for Humakti. Bringing a Humakti back some time after death, though, is probably not good.
  23. I know what they are and have no interest in purchasing them myself. However, I have no objection to Chaosium selling them. Blockchains are the next cool thing, like XML was before people realised that it was nothing great after all. Hopefully the bubble will burst eventually.
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