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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Funny, he doesn't sense as Chaotic. Trust your senses ...
  2. They rode on the back of a turtle, but that is just like a boat or ship. I would have said that Waertag or Dormal would be good places to start. Dormal having Seven Voyages in his mythology was inspired. Agimori sailed to Genertela to join Arkat, so they might have some myths about that crossing of the seas. Maybe someone sailed into what became Magasta's Pool, to guide him when the Void opened up after the Spike was destroyed.
  3. Leon Kirshtein (@Godlearner) does the stats for our Holiday Dorastor series and does a really good job. QuestWorlds stats should be really easy, as they are just a few Abilities with Breakouts. In fact, I would tie them in with the RQG stats, but lump some Spirit Magic and Runemagic into the same ability as Breakouts. Excellent! That has made my day. Yeah, I know. I don't care for that, much, to be honest.
  4. If you visit the God Plane and speak to the deity, you have to speak in a language the deity understands. If you speak to Yelm in anything other than Firespeech he will just ignore you. However, if you are HeroQuesting and speak to normal people then they might be able to understand you. A Yelmalian HeroQuesting as Yelm would probably only respond in Firespeech, because that is what Yelmalians are like. However, if you asked a Yelmalian HeroQuestor for help in TradeTalk, or your own language as you know that he is really Bob the Stablehand, then he will be able to understand and answer you.
  5. I can't remember this, but would probably have liked it, as I like caravanserai as the places to go for Adventurers, much better than the standard Inn or Tavern.
  6. They don't detect as being tainted with Chaos, so they are not tainted with Chaos. If Storm Bull cannot Sense or Detect you as being Chaotic then you are not Chaotic. Who are we to say that we know Chaos better than Storm Bull. Trust your senses! It all depends on how you view Illumination. I see it as a way of freeing yourself from the shackles of Chaos and non-Chaos. Others may see it differently. I cannot comment on rules that have not been published.
  7. Shamans have a similar ability, Spell Barrage. So some Shamans can do this without Multispell.
  8. I thought it was used all the time. You just push a Heal through it and it boosts the Heal by up to its POW. So, a Heal 2 pushed through a POW 3 crystal gives you Heal 4, but a Heal 4 pushed through a POW 3 crystal gives you a Heal 7.
  9. I won a game GMed by Greg Stafford once. It was a good game and gave me interesting ideas about how to run HeroQuests. We had a freeform approach to abilities, where we could have abilities undefined and define them in play. One PC didn't do much through the whole scenario, chipping in here and there, but right at the very end, where we had to persuade Argrath to help us, he said "Oh, I am a childhood friend of Argrath", which was a brilliant way of using the rules. So, I would definitely recommend trying for these, as experts bring unusual ideas to the games.
  10. That is how I play Inora defeating Yelmalio on the Hill of Gold. His light is reflected from her, as she did not truly conquer him.
  11. Absolutely, yes, this can happen. Yes, that is a good example. The Adventurers would be sucked into a HeroQuest, perhaps without knowing. They would have encounters with beings they might recognise, or with normal people taking on that part, perhaps also unknowingly. Yes, they are This World HeroQuests. However, the benefits are not the ones you get out of normal HeroQuests. Instead, they reinforce the myths and keep the fabric of the world in place. Many thanks for the mention. Secrets of HeroQuesting is available as a PDF and as a POD, with a bundled price for both. If you have bought the PDF previously and then buy the POD, email me, or send me a PM, and I'll send you a $2 voucher on DTRPG. It is 27 away from Gold Seller, by the way, so if people who are interested in HeroQuesting buy a copy then we might push it to Gold.
  12. Illumination is not being corrupted by Chaos, it is being freed from the shackles of seeing Chaos as being bad. Lunar Illumination is normal Illumination Plus the Sevening, or opening of the Seventh Soul. So, being Illuminated, or achieving Lunar Illumination, does not mean that you have been corrupted by Chaos. If, however, you were corrupted by Chaos, by gaining a Chaos Taint or Feature, then became Illuminated, then Illumination frees you from being corrupted or tainted, so that you are no longer Chaotic. You still retain the Chaotic Powers, but they are not Chaotic. It can do, yes. Of course, it depends on the scarring the initiate received. Sometime, Illumination is a way to realise that what happened to you wasn't that bad and stops you from becoming a monster out of revenge.
  13. If the Adventurers case Detect Enemies and enemies are within spell range then they show up. Maybe, Illuminated enemies don't show up, depending on how you read Illumination. Detection Blank stops the spell, of course. Countermagic might, but it is contentious. For me, that's about it. I don't go into deep navel-gazing over what is an enemy and how the spell knows, or what if an enemy does not harbour ill-intent at the time. You are an enemy or not, you are within the spell's range or not. Yes, any group with Detect Enemies who cast it when encountering someone is probably going to know who the enemies are. GMs should find other ways of dealing with it, even if it is an ability of Immune to Detection spells.
  14. Yes, this has merit and sounds good. You can still use the spell from the Red Book of Magic. Not every spell from a Spirit Cult needs to be a new spell.
  15. You could do that, perhaps to see how much of a skill you had. So, if you are an Orlanthi playing Storm Bull on a HeroQuest and did not have Sense Chaos, then you could use your Air, Beast and Death Runes to see how close to Storm Bull you can get. The better you do the higher your skill on the HeroQuest. You might be left with a proportion of that skill afterwards, or have the basic, or whatever. To be honest, I am free and easy about that kind of thing. I think you can buy them somewhere! Only 24 copies to reach Gold, so every copy helps.
  16. No, I don't think that Heroes have to know the same language as their god, particularly. Orlanth spoke Stormspeech, some Orlanthi learn Stormspeech, but not all. Some HeroQuestors play the role of Orlanth, but are a bad fit, as they are not Orlanthi, so won't speak Stormspeech. Yes, sure. One of the rewards of a HeroQuest might be the ability to speak Stormspeech, because Orlanth has left his mark on you. Yes, that is a good way of looking at it. No, I think it is fine. In my HeroQuesting, HeroQuestors can use skills they don't have, simply because the deity had the skill (Heroic Knowledge). They can pick up some of the skill after the HeroQuest, as a residual effect, so they magically learn the skill. This sems a similar process.
  17. For me, what is even more interesting is the missing Sacred Mountain, between Selon and Mount Soren. Ramor Mountain seems to fit nicely, has a tribe of Goat Hsunchen and is, in my Glorantha, the Sacred Mountain of Ragnaglar. The 165 mile zones of all the other mountains overlap, except for Selon and Soren, but if you have zones for Ramor then they overlap, giving a continuous Orlanthi influence along the Rockwoods.
  18. Maybe, in the marshes. I have thought as Ducks as preferring freshwater,.. though, so along the banks of rivers or the shores of lakes. Maybe they can live in the marshes along the Defender's Shore, or in the marshes of the Mirrorsea.
  19. soltakss

    The Ducks

    They were cursed by Yelm not to fly, or cursed by Orlanth not to fly, or both. They lived in and around the rivers of Dragon Pass, and especially in the Upland Marsh, where they may heave been under the protection of The Lord Delecti. They achieved very little of note, until Starbrow's Rebellion, where they were the scapegoats and had a bounty put on their heads, so they fled away from Lunar Dragon Pass. They talk about Ganderland, a magical place in God Time, where they had an empire. They are physically ducks. They live by water, generally, in houses that are not like the houses of other Orlanthi. Most ducks are cowardly by nature, as hiding gets you killed far less often than fighting. Generally, no. Ducks worship the same gods as do other Orlanthi. Some people give them ducky names, such as Storm Bill, but I am firmly opposed to that in my games. They may have Spirit Cults honouring especially famous ancestors.
  20. As the original King of Sartar, that makes sense. But he also has a cult of his own. For example, a tribal chief might be an initiate of Orlanth Rex but not be descended from Sartar, so could not join the Sartar cult. Another could be descended from Sartar, so could join the Sartar cult, but not be a chieftain so not a member of Orlanth Rex.
  21. @Scotty is part of Chaosium. They generally have the Chaosium Wyrm as their icon.
  22. Don't forget that RQ2 NPCs list Common Runemagic among the spells that they know. Also, they have multiple castings of Runespells and have multiple stacked spells. So, an RQ2 NPC with Shield 8, Multispell 3 and Teleportx3 would actually only have Shield and Teleport as Runespells in RQG. Whilst you could simply take the Rune Points across, that breaks the RQG rules on Rune Pools. Assuming CHA 21, 63 Rune Points could be broken down into 3 Rune Pools of 21 each, one for Orlanth, one for Humakt and one from HeroQuesting. Also, she might have awakened her Hero Soul, which gives her Rune Points, at least it does in my Glorantha. That has been discussed before and her age is, I think, an error.
  23. It is a game in itself. Mad Knight are producing it and, hopefully, it will be out this year.
  24. Apparently so, but that doesn't fit my Glorantha at all, so I would keep them as separate deities with Entekos as Molanni's sister-in-law, as Molanni married Entekos's brother, Yelm. Mistress Calm is a figure in the Nomad Gods game and is a kindly goddess of calm air. I think she might be connected to Brastalos. She used to get Decrease Wind, as I seem to recall. She is a mystical goddess, the calm Inner Wind which is still but moves. She is the Centre of the Storm. She is also the wife of Magasta and created the Whirlpool.
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