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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Thanks, I had forgotten about that. So, 2 and 4 are in the rough areas of Dara Happa, or Peloria. 2 is at the Blue Moon Plateau and 4 looks to be in Tarsh, maybe.
  2. They are spirits that manifest in a physical form. Only earth elementals are manifestations of Gata, other elementals are manifestations of the Elemental Members of the Celestial Court. Lunes, Selenes are manifestations of the Red and Blue Moons.
  3. Yes, and even then not that important. After all, to the Dara Happans, Yelm and Lodril are sons of Aether Primolt, but Orlanth is Aether's grandson, so at the same level as Yelmalio or the Lowfires themselves.
  4. Glorantha Skirmish Wars is coming out soon, which handles that kind of scale pretty well. I have played a few games at conventions and they worked really well. You would have to convert RQG Adventurers into the format for the game, though, so would need conversion rules.
  5. Yelm's death had a far more profound shock to the Dara Happan psyche than Chaos ever did. I am sure that Dara Happa suffered from the privations of Chaos, but it suffered far more from Valind grinding his way over, Darkness foes and the Storm Tribe running amok.
  6. Not really. Heler was a water deity before he joined the Storm Tribe, by which I mean that he marched with his Water kin. So, invading the Sky with Lorion/Sky River Titan sounds like the kind of thing that a martial sky deity would do. He then gets eaten by a dragon and waits for Orlanth to pull him out, before joining the Storm Tribe.
  7. It depends on the offence, but a small demon should be OK. More serious offences should have more serious reprisals. The writeups of Yelm and Lodril in White Wolf, reprinted in Cult Compendium, had some pretty meaty Spirits of Reprisal, as I recall.
  8. In the supplement he is kept in check by a daughter of Chalana Arroy. When he is with her, he is a good boy. Yes, he is a subcult of Eurmal. Sure, that's right. Our Gloranthan version is slightly different. Thanks for the clarification.
  9. That's how I have her in my Glorantha, born when Umath rubbed against Aether Primolt, as he lifted his father away from the earth. Aether created her as the Lower Sky, to keep him unsullied, so Umath did not touch him. Umath created her as the Upper Air, the best and most rarefied of the Storms. In my Glorantha, yes. Also, in my Glorantha someone with the Fire Rune can enter her cult. But, my Glorantha Varies. I wouldn't say that she predates Umath, but I come from the point of view that all Storm deities ultimately derive from Umath. Some air is still, Brastalos is a goddess of still air, but she moves about her centre, so might not be still. Molanni is also a goddess of still air, but she is bad air. Entekos is Heavenly Air, or Sky Air, in my Glorantha.
  10. I would be more concerned with what made all the ice in Antarctica melt. That is far more dangerous than the consequences.
  11. Also, Players bear in mind, what you do to ransomed NPCs, NPCs can do to you when you ask to be ransomed. So, if you delight in stripping down to their undies and splitting the loot off amongst your party then don't come crying when you get stripped of all your loot.
  12. I prefer targeted XP, where I give out a number of XP, normally 1DN+N, (N=3,4,6,8,10) and the Players allocate them to any skills, whether they used them or not.
  13. For me, as a GM, life is too short for that kind of thing. I don't use a GM Screen either, for similar reasons.
  14. Pure Horse People can only herd horses. They can, however, eat other animals if they hunt them, I believe. I saw an early fan writeup of the Grazelanders that described them getting tribute from the Vendref, where they rode in and shot the cattle, as if hunting them. I see Grazelanders as Theme Park Pentians. I think that is exactly how it works. They carry their temples with them and set them up when they camp. However, they do not camp every night, they set up seasonal camps that stay in one place for a while. Each Yurt is probably a temple, or several yurts joined together make a temple. Look at the excellent Resurrection: Ertugrul TV Series on Netflix to see how nomads use yurts. They have a smithy and a weaving house, which are good inspirations. Cattle, grains, leather goods and so on, probably much more. Probably, but I am not sure they create new Vendrefi communities.
  15. What I would do is to have them make the Listen roll anyway. If they fail then they hear the bare bones of what they could be hearing, perhaps enough to give hints. On a Normal success they hear enough to give them something to use. On a Special Success they hear even more. On a Critical success they hear something that really helps them. Which is fair enough, otherwise people will be making rolls all the time, for things that are just not important. Yes, I see where you are coming from. However, in this case it is important from a narrative point of view. GMs could take a leaf out of Call of Cthulhu, when finding clues. If a clue is so important that not finding it will derail the entire scenario, then the Investigators will find it. Only roll to find out something more about the clue. The same thing could apply to RuneQuest, rolling a skill gives you more information or allows you to do something better, in certain situations. Jumping over a 1 meter wide hole is different to jumping over a 3 meter wide hole, though, so in the latter case the jump would show if you succeeded or not.
  16. Mistress Race Trolls were created long before humans, when Kyger Litor toyed with the Man Rune. What it does point out is that referring to events in the First Age, for example, as if they are fresh in people's minds, or even relevant to current Glorantha, is like comparing the Romans under Theodoric the Great to modern-day Italy, i.e. utterly meaningless. Mostali came before Humans. Clay Mostali came after humans.
  17. A Lanbril cultist operating on the River could well also be an Engizi cultist. River Deities are often very accommodating, allowing worshippers of other cults to worship their river as well. I wouldn't overthink it at all/ Lanbril doesn't really care about other deities. River Deities basically say "If you want to operate on my river then join my cult". So, it just works. No, I think it is good.
  18. Yes. However, if you bank the money regardless then you don't need to make a roll to see how much your clan or cult likes you. The clan would probably pay the ransom. In an Orlanthi clan, the cult is the clan, to an extent, so it might be shared between them. It is a matter of honour to pay a ransom. If the clan does not pay the ransom then they will be seen as mean penny-pinchers. Sometimes you pay the ransom even if it bankrupts you. It might even be that you have to borrow the money to pay the ransom. That is probably under the terms of the ransom. If I had good gear, I would pay a higher ransom to be able to keep it. Such terms are probably negotiable. All in my opinion, of course, and probably wrong, as usual.
  19. They would look like goat-headed humanoids. Yes, breeding normally would be important, as you have removed the Ragnaglar influence. It is probably fairly straightforward. You stand in for Thed when she is first violated, then you stand in for Thed when Ragnaglar violates her. You have to do it on the God Plane and produce a myth that works and can be sustained. By standing in for Thed, she is not violated and can breed normally. So, the descendants of the Broos produced during both mythical encounters would be non-chaotic Broos. Of course, you also have to come up with a reason why Thed is not part of the Unholy Trinity, which could flow from her not having been violated. So, you end up with several parallel mythical paths, one where Thed was violated and became part of the Unholy Trinity, one where Thed was saved from violation and still became part of the Unholy Trinity and one where Thed was not violated and did not join the Unholy Trinity. These myths could be strengthened by worshippers taking the violations themselves and shielding Thed from harm, probably re-enacted every year. You probably also need to deal with the mythical consequences of each stage, with a lot of what-ifs that need to be fixed. Also, there would be an awful lot of Thed HeroQuestors trying to stop you from succeeding in the HeroQuest, so nobody said it would be easy.
  20. Nobody in my games has wanted to play an Eurmali, in nearly 40 years of Gloranthan RuneQuest.
  21. The Red Book of Magic says: In both cases, the target must have Hit Locations, which sort-of precludes casting it at an inanimate object, as they do not have Hit Locations. It ignores armour, so cannot be targeted against armour, also armour does not have Hit Locations. The Red Book of Magic says: The Disrupt spell specifically says that POW or Magic Points have to be overcome to cause damage. So, damage it not automatic for things without POW or Magic Points. Skeletons don't have MPs, but, as I said before, I would still force Adventurers to roll a POW vs POW (0) to overcome, mainly because it is funny when they fail.
  22. Animists use the same techniques as other people when HeroQuesting. They enter the Hero Plane in the same way and re-enact myths in the same way. Jeff has been speaking about the Proximate Realm a lot recently, but that seems to be what used to be called the Hero Plane. They are a particular type of HeroQuest. You don't just jump on the Spirit Plane, get a Spirit and come back. What you do is to follow the ways that the Horned Man or your Totem Spirit taught you. So, Telmori might enter the Spirit Plane and track down a spirit using the techniques that Telmor taught you. A Hunter would hunt down a spirit using the techniques that Foundchild taught you and so on. You find the spirit and return with it, but it is still a HeroQuest. Shamans do this kind of thing all the while, so it is very common. Non-Shamans find it harder, but having the right techniques makes it a bit easier. Of course, after the first few times, just gloss over the magical techniques bit and just get the spirit, otherwise it gets a bit repetitive. The HeroQuest will be the same but Animists might get Spirits as rewards from the HeroQuest. Yes, that is entirely possible. Don't forget that even animist spirits grant Runemagic, so it is entirely possible to get Runemagic from a HeroQuest.
  23. Arroin was not a Lightbringer. Many deities helped and assisted each other in the God Time, after all they were not as hidebound as they are now, because they had not performed all of their acts. Arroin was a Healing God with powers, until he was broken by Chaos and found by High King Elf. Maybe he helped Kyger Litor before that happened.
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