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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. What you could do is to list what makes a character special in Jujitsu, list the different factions, list what powers everyone has and then find a way of working them all together. https://jujutsu-kaisen.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Characters gives an idea of the factions and has links for the bios of the characters. https://jujutsu-kaisen.fandom.com/wiki/Jujutsu_Kaisen_Wiki mentions cursed spirits. https://jujutsu-kaisen.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Terminology shows some of the powers and the links detail them further. So, I would go through those, list out the powers for each category and, perhaps, give each PC a Skill in the type of power and then a power within that. Having a skill for each power also works, it depends on how you see it working. It might be worth having backgrounds for the Sorcerer Families, and similar factions, to show how they interact with each other.
  2. Chalana Arroy's Runes are Fertility and Harmony. She has a Runespell called Harmony that forces people to stop fighting. She is more than just a healing goddess. Her worshippers actively promote Harmony as well as Fertility. They have Harmony as a Rune, not just Fertility. Harmony opposes Disorder, so a Chalana Arroy cultists could dispel a Gagarthi's Flight, or whatever spell they were using, but only if the Gagarthi was on the ground and the fall would not hurt them.
  3. In whose Glorantha would a Humakti waste Turn Undead on a Skeleton? Maybe a giant skeleton wielding a tree trunk, that makes sense, but not against a skeleton with fragile bones that smash easily.
  4. Skeletons are not inanimate objects. For me, it is a case of MGF. As a Player, I want to be able to blast skeletons with Disrupts, as they are excellent bone-breaking spells. As a GM, I don't mind Adventurers spending Magic Points to break skeletons. As for having 0 MPs, that is new and I am not sure I like it. I'd give them 1D6 MPs as a minimum. In any case, having to roll to overcome 0 MPs is great, as it means Adventurers could fail and be ridiculed for years to come. In any case, overcoming 0 MPs should not give you a check for a POW Gain Roll.
  5. I am not familiar with the setting, but what I would do is this: Look at what makes the setting unique and try to emulate that Don't be afraid to make up new rules mechanics to emulate things in the setting Take ideas, spells, abilities and so on from any BRP/D100-style game and adapt them to your setting Make up new stuff to fit the setting Keep things as simple as you can (Roll a skill to do something, roll CharacteristicxN% or roll Characteristic vs Characteristic, use Hit Locations if they make sense or don't)
  6. That's how I do it. Someone with Chalana Arroy 10M (Sleep) is functionally the same as someone with Seven Mothers 10M (Madness), Grimoire of Dreams 10M (Force Sleep) or Satyr 10M (Song of Sleeping). The only difference is the effect of the spell, if you want to narrate them. I can't be doing with nonsense such as "Spirit/Common Magic can only be used to augment" and that kind of thing.
  7. I would allow the quarry to be an entity in itself. That means you use Manage Household/Craft (Quarrying) or whatever to see what comes out of the quarry. It then becomes something that exists alongside the hide, generating extra income.
  8. Why would we figure that? Humakt is the go-to deity for Orlanthi/Storm when fighting Undead.
  9. Or steal other people's idols and use them instead.
  10. We have never played them as such. After all, they have POW. Sorry, I was getting my obscure RQ3 beasts mixed up.
  11. Hellions, those flying head things from RQ3, they didn't have POW but were not necessarily undead.
  12. It was more an example of how rules-mongering can have undesired effects.
  13. Except for those who can. The Travels of Bituran Varosh have an example of a Humakti turned into undead and he comments on how it chilled the blood to even think about it.
  14. No Chalana Arroy cultists in their right mind would dispel a flight/wind walking/similar spell mid-flight as they know that this will cause the target to become hurt. It will cause harm and could kill an intelligent person. I am sure that you could ask the same about an unintelligent creature under Flight and Chalana Arroy cultists could dispel it. Sure, why not? They probably wouldn't, though. As a GM, it would mean that the Chalana Arroy cultist has killed someone. If they were chaotic then maybe it is a slap on the wrists, otherwise they get the full punishment that the GM/High Healer sees fit. Don't forget that Chalana Arroy have a reputation to maintain. If people go around thinking that Chalana Arroy cultists can kill people be dispelling a Flight, or similar, spell then what's to stop people taking out Chalana Arroy cultists? High Healers put a stop to that kind of thing, very hard. I haven't seen that, yet, but we are only a few sessions in our campaign. I can see the POW Crystals thing as being an issue, as that is what is constraining me, as an Adventurer.
  15. I am not sure if it states it in the rules. If you don't go that way, you open yourself up to loads of tricky calculations for no real benefit.
  16. Undead are the Living Dead, i.e. those beings that are dead yet still move around. Using Runes is problematic, for Zorak Zoran does not have the Hunger Rune yet still creates undead. Ghosts are not Undead, but Wraiths are. Zombies, skeletons, Ghouls, Revenants, Vampires and so on are undead. There will be more, especially if people create new types of monster. The defining factor seems to be that they have Magic points and not POW, but not everything that has Magic Points is necessarily undead. I can't think of any undead that have POW, though.
  17. There was an Isaac Asimov story where he was exploring the Three Laws of Robotics. One of the relaxations of the Laws was removing the "Inaction" clause to the First law, so that a robot was not forbidden to cause harm to a person through Inaction. The thought experiment that ensued went something like this: Old First Law: I cannot drop a heavy object onto a person's head, as I would be causing harm by action. New First Law: I cannot drop a heavy object onto a person's head, as I would be causing harm by action. New First Law: I could drop a heavy object above person's head, as I could quickly grab the heavy object and so not harm the person. New First Law: Once I have dropped a heavy object above a person's head, I know that it will fall and kill them, but now I am not forbidden by inaction to stop it, so I can let it go, thus causing the person's death. Your example follows similar logic. "This person is under my protection until the effect of the Sleep or Befuddle spell wears off, then they are no longer under my Protection". It makes me feel really uncomfortable to have that. As a Chalana Arroy cultist, I should say when my protection ends. So, I agree with you that it cannot be how that should work.
  18. As Bind Ghost is/was a Humakt spell, I would say it is possible.
  19. What about if your CA high priestess is a bitch who is out to get you ? Then move to another Temple. It happens fairly often. If the restriction is to cause no harm to another then do whatever you like to yourself. Again, if that's how you want to play it, then fine. Personally, I subscribe to the "Don't be a dick" school of GMing, although my Players might not agree. Arguments such as the above fail that test, in my opinion.
  20. "Typical, you are just like the <Rival Bloodline/Clan/Tribe/people>". "All you Storm Folk are the same, Orlanth, Vadrus, Ragnaglar".
  21. No it isn't. Playing a weekly game, with one session a week gives you that in about 4 years. Our RQ2 campaign was longer than that and gave several characters at, or just below, 300%. Lots of magic can give you 300% skill, Berserker, Fanaticism, Bladesharp, Bludgeon, Crush, Sword Trance, Axe Trance, Arrow Trance and more. If you start off with a high skill and use that kind of magic then you easily reach 300%.
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