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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Now, where is the fun in that?
  2. Not really, unless you, or your GM, have a very extreme interpretation. A Chalana Arroy cultists who is harmed by someone else or something else is not breaking her vows, as something else is harming them. It is arguable whether the restriction applies to self-harm, I would argue that it didn't, but it is easy to fix by adding "another" to the vow.
  3. Glad to see "needlessly" in the wording, that is often an Adventurer's Get Out of Jail Free Card. Easy enough. Easy enough, as most Healers are supported by the cult, unless they are wandering healers. A Chalana Arroy cultist's protection is not just a small thing, breaking it could bring Chalana Arroy's punishment upon them. Try to get healing at a Chalana Arroy Temple afterwards and see what happens. Presumably, she can allow them to leave and then her protection ends. Personally, I would escort them to a place of safety and let them go. I would not allow others to harm them as soon as I have released them from my protection, for example. Of course, but a Chalana Arroy cultists might still offer her protection, just that Chalana Arroy does not care if it is broken. Which is always fun. No getting out of it by offering a big treasure, like Bituran Varosh did. That sounds OK in principle. I would have butchers employed at Chalana Arroy Temples to do such a thing, to ensure the Chalana Arroy Initiates can keep their hands clean. Even beings of Chaos? Fine, let the other Adventurers do the killing instead. I am playing a Chalana Arroy Healer for the first time and it is fun.
  4. It is written up as a Sorcery spell, nut there is no reason at all why it couldn't be a Dormal Rune Spell. In fact, if I ran a Gloranthan RQ Campaign, I would make it a 1 point Dormal Rune Spell.
  5. You could use QuestWorlds with 1D100 instead of 1D20, increment in units of 5 and it becomes functionally identical to QuestWorlds.
  6. When Arkat converted to the worship of Orlanth and Humakt, he left his Hrestoli regalia in a temple. I can't remember where I read it, but I came across it in my research for Secrets of Dorastor. Maybe those cults gained some of their sorcery from Arkat.
  7. That is how I do it for Mythras and Legend, I simply use the tens digits as a Critical. So, 72% criticals on 01-07, 115 criticals on 01-11, nice and easy.
  8. Secrets of Dorastor has Illumination Rules. I have no idea how close they will be to the official rules, as I wrote them years ago.
  9. If that is how you want to play it, then fine. Personally, I would not want a set of restrictive rules,. as Players will always ask "Well, what about this?"
  10. You could try screenshotting it and opening it in Google Docs, which does a good job of OCRing it. Alternatively, use PDFTK, or something similar, to extract the page. But, if you have tried that and it is still blurred then that is tricky.
  11. If only SaintMeerkat had seen a copy before it was published ...
  12. If you get the PDF of the Gloranthan Classic: Cult Compendium, it details the spells available to the cults. However, Cult Compendium is going to be superseded by Gods and Goddesses of Glorantha, when that comes out.
  13. They can be like playing parts in a play. That is what happens in the retelling of Myths, or the sacred time re-enactments or myths to reforge the world. in my Glorantha, you overlay the myth of King Arthur and Excalibur onto the world and redo it. In one way, you get Excalibur, just that it isn't the same as the original Excalibur. You could go to the Otherworld and find the actual thing that you were searching for. So, if Eurmal dropped a Black Gem that was on Death when he found it, you could actually find that Black Gem. Alternatively, you could find a black gem that your HeroQuest imbues with the powers of the Black Gem. Either way works, but the Black gem would be more powerful than a black gem.
  14. Various people have different interpretations of this. Here is my take ... At the Mythic Level, the Deities had certain objects, or items. So, Humakt and Orlanth both had the Sword Death, for example. Taking the Sword Death from one of them would be a major undertaking and would mean that you ended up with Death powers. Does that mean that Humakt and Orlanth would lose their power of Death? No, because you would be taking a copy, or manifesting the power of Death in your own sword. Perhaps you acted as Orlanth's Sword Bearer and used Death at some point. At the non-Mythic level, you go in a HeroQuest, find a magical sword and bring it back. Now, you might find it in the hands of a powerful opponent, or you might find it after having forged the power of death into a sword, or perhaps you find it as part of a lost treasure hoard. How did the sword get there in the end? That is not a problem for Adventurers or Players. Games Masters might struggle with it, but essentially someone must have embodied the power in the item at some point. HeroQuest, the game system, has almost nothing to do with HeroQuesting. You can HeroQuest using RuneQuest, or 13th Age Glorantha as easily as you can using HeroQuest/QuestWorlds.
  15. Yes, I think it is. There are descriptions of theatres and plays, so it must be around. Some cults treat theatre as a sacred act and put on religious plays. Some think it is sacred and put on secular plays. Some think it is not sacred and put on various types of plays. The Puppeteer Troupe has already been mentioned, but Donandar the Entertainer must have a strong influence on theatre. I think there are wandering Nysaloran Theatres that put on plays that can increase your chance of Illumination. Mystery Plays should be a thing in Glorantha, teaching cult mysteries and cult lore to spectators. As a Brit, Pantomime must be in Glorantha, somewhere.
  16. Excellent, I love Gloranthan Maps.
  17. I am pleased to announce a new RuneQuest Jonstown Compendium supplement, Holiday Dorastor: Joulupukki. This seasonal supplement was delayed due to Christmas, but should be good for the rest of Sacred Time. It contains the Eurmal subcult of Joulupukki, who gives gifts to children during Sacred Time, 2 new RuneSpells, a new type of Nymph and a Scenario, Taking Candy from Babies which can be run anywhere. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/381878/Holiday-Dorastor-Joulupukki?affiliate_id=66807
  18. I am pleased to announce a new RuneQuest Jonstown Compendium supplement, Holiday Dorastor: Joulupukki. This seasonal supplement was delayed due to Christmas, but should be good for the rest of Sacred Time. It contains the Eurmal subcult of Joulupukki, who gives gifts to children during Sacred Time, 2 new RuneSpells, a new type of Nymph and a Scenario, Taking Candy from Babies which can be run anywhere. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/381878/Holiday-Dorastor-Joulupukki?affiliate_id=66807
  19. This is really important. What I explain when using a BRP ruleset is: Skills are percentile based, you roll equal to or below your skill to succeed, really low rolls get better results (Except for Revolution where the tens digits needs to be higher than the units digit) Your weapons do damage, your armour and parrying weapons block some damage, the remaining damage gets through and hurts you Damage is either done to hit locations or as a general idea of damage (I prefer hit locations) Magic really depends on the type of BRP game you are using And, really, that's about it. Everything else is just added crunch.
  20. Yes, one of the cults has dietary restrictions of not eating, or must eat, potatoes. In my Glorantha, Dorasta's original plant was the potato, or a yam-like variant. Forn is sacred to Hon-Eel and is a Lunar crop, fed with blood. Tomatoes figured in a myth of a Lunar concubine on the Moon, so I have no idea if that is official or not. In the ground. There is no reason why these would be widespread, they could be in little local pockets. Someone could go to the Otherworld and bring back a kind of plant that can then grow. Several people doing this means that it grows in different areas. All, maybe, maybe not. Some, certainly. As far as I am concerned, if you want a crop such as millet then pout it into an area.
  21. Broos worship Thed as their Ancestress and the association with Daka Fal reflects that. Why yes, they do. Basically, look at the Mythos of any Chaotic Deity and those actions form the basis of HeroQuests. Broos can use HeroQuests from Thed and Mallia, fairly easily. So, spreading of disease is a good one, asking for Justice from Orlanth is a dangerous one. Answering the Summons of Evil can be a common one, but is really dangerous. At some point, I need to go through all the Mythos of the Chaos Cults and pull out the HeroQuests.
  22. RuneQuest, Glorantha Fans, The Clan Hearth and QuestWorlds.
  23. As far as I am concerned, each Chaos Source is as chaotic as each other. However, some have more than one Chaos Source close together. So, Snakepipe hollow has one Chaos source, where the Giant Red Worm appeared. The Footprint has one Chaos source, where Hrarsht was buried by Lodril's spear, or maybe two if you count where Larnste was bitten. Dorastor has many Chaos sources, which explains why it is so dangerous. The Tunnelled Hills have many Chaos Sources, making it more chaotic in general, or as chaotic over a wider area.
  24. The forums are very helpful, both here at BRP Central and on Facebook. Sometimes you get pages and pages of discussions that are minutely detailed and go into things very deeply, but even they tend to be friendly and useful.
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