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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. At long last, Secrets of Dorastor is back as a POD. My usual offer is available for those who have bought the PDF and POD. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/318512/Secrets-of-Dorastor?affiliate_id=66807
  2. At long last, Secrets of Dorastor is back as a POD. My usual offer is available for those who have bought the PDF and POD. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/318512/Secrets-of-Dorastor?affiliate_id=66807
  3. There are 99 scenarios set in Sartar in the Jonstown Compendium, although that might have increased since my last count. Official Chaosium Scenarios increase that to over 100. As I am banned from looking at most of them, I can't stitch them together into an inter-linked campaign, but it should be fairly easy to do. At one scenario per session, that gives you about 2 years of gameplay. Use my "33% Published Scenarios, 33% My own Scenarios and 33% Player-led scenarios" and that takes you to 6 years gameplay. If they get bored, take them to Dorastor. Have some scenarios as fillers that you can just throw in when required. Don't have an overall plan at the start. Just mix and match scenarios as you see fit, so you might use some one-off scenarios at certain points in the Six Seasons in Sartar or Company of the Dragon, to add more flavour. Pros: It sounds like an awesome campaign. Using the scenarios together should be fairly straightforward. You can add new Jonstown Companion and Chaosium scenarios as they come out. Cons: It might be expensive to buy everything you need. It might take a bit of work to fit the scenarios into your campaign. Not everyone likes 6 year campaigns (I don't understand why they wouldn't, but some people like short campaigns)
  4. It was over 1100 years ago, after all.
  5. I am pleased to announce our newest Jonstown Compendium supplement, Holiday Dorastor: Seven Hills, a RuneQuest supplement covering the Seven Hills area of Dorastor.. Here you will find descriptions of the many places and people found in this foul nest of Ogres, plus magic items, new spells, new monsters, and eight scenarios ranging in difficulty from beginner to advanced. So, come, worship at the Temple of True Being, visit the Carnival, Sweat Lodge and the House of Many Pleasures. Marvel at the military might of the Ogres and let your Inner Ogre out, without restriction. You know you want to! Please Note: We are still awaiting 2 images, one for the Temple of True being, the other for The Mansion. Once those are available, we will add them and upload them as a free update. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/381173/Holiday-Dorastor-Seven-Hills?affiliate_id=66807
  6. I am pleased to announce our newest Jonstown Compendium supplement, Holiday Dorastor: Seven Hills, a RuneQuest supplement covering the Seven Hills area of Dorastor.. Here you will find descriptions of the many places and people found in this foul nest of Ogres, plus magic items, new spells, new monsters, and eight scenarios ranging in difficulty from beginner to advanced. So, come, worship at the Temple of True Being, visit the Carnival, Sweat Lodge and the House of Many Pleasures. Marvel at the military might of the Ogres and let your Inner Ogre out, without restriction. You know you want to! Please Note: We are still awaiting 2 images, one for the Temple of True being, the other for The Mansion. Once those are available, we will add them and upload them as a free update. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/381173/Holiday-Dorastor-Seven-Hills?affiliate_id=66807
  7. History of the Heortling People also has: So, it looks as though they sided with Nysalor. Presumably they simply merged with the Talastari afterwards, or were massacred by Arkat.
  8. Yes, at any time. Garrath Sharpsword could have been killed when in the Big Rubble, in New Pavis or in Prax. Lunars could have killed him when on the Giant Cradle. Lunar Assassins could have killed him in Alone. He could have died during any of the battles with the Lunars. The rebellion could have continued under someone else's leadership, or could have died like Starbrow's Rebellion. I prefer things like this to be played out at the gaming table, to be honest.
  9. If you send me your DTRPG Email address and proof of purchase, I am happy to refund you.
  10. There is a lot that isn't in other books: The overlaying of Myth onto the world to create a HeroQuest The Invoking of stations or HeroQuests to gain magical effects Using HeroQuests as counters to other HeroQuests Heroic Casting of Runemagic (In effect, using your POW as a Rune Pool) If you want a system to run HeroQuests then use the system you normally use to game with. That is the whole point - You do not need a separate system for HeroQuesting, if you use RQG for gaming then use RQG for HeroQuesting, if you use QuestWorlds for gaming then use it for HeroQuesting, same for 13th Age Glorantha. HeroQuesting does not need another gaming system, in my opinion. Secrets of HeroQuesting does cover building HeroQuests and How Humakt Learns to Grieve has some examples of how I turned a Myth into a HeroQuest.
  11. Argrath creates the Temples of the Reaching Storm, which eat into the Glowline, but they are merely a manifestation of this ability rather than explaining how he obtained it. Maybe he gained it through HeroQuesting against the Red Emperor.
  12. I can spam all the lists again, reminding everyone that it is Christmas, but I am not sure if that would work.
  13. You are the GM, you use whichever rules you want to. So, if you don't want to let it increase, then don't let it increase. Maybe binding it into a cage has restricted what it can do. Players do that kind of thing, it should be discouraged. That is a pretty good decision, it's main focus is as something to cast spells, so allowing it to potentially increase POW is good.
  14. My unpublished Jonstown Compendium supplement, A New Age, has a Sun Archer Class that is based, partly, on the Griffin Riders of Estangtang.
  15. Probably because people whinged about how it was impossible to beat the Lunars inside the Glowline. Personally, I was happy with Lunars getting the full benefit, as that is how it worked, in RQ2, RQ3, WB&RM and Dragon Pass. In my games, Lunars get the benefit of the Full Moon within the Glowline.
  16. For me, the whole process of creating a POD version has been difficult and time-consuming, even though I have had fantastic support from Nick Brooke, Neil Gibson, Meredith and everyone else at DTRPG. I would not want to go through the process of turning everything into B&W softback, as that would also mean redesigning the covers, which is a pain in itself, and rechecking all the ink coverage and everything else needed for a POD version. Secrets of HeroQuesting has only sold 40 POD Copies since it was released, compared to over 400 PDF Sales. So, I am seriously thinking about whether to put in the weeks of effort to produce POD copies in future. In my experience, people bug me for POD Copies all the time, but the sales do not really justify them, at least for me.
  17. I just couldn't stand its reliance on things like quarter-turn-moves to model turning in combat. It had a lot of good ideas, but was far too crunchy for my tastes.
  18. Jar-Eel would not have been born to another House in the same way. She is both the result of a breeding programme, starting with Hon-Eel, and an Inspiration of Moonson. Isn't she also the Red Emperor's daughter? I always assumed that she was. That carries with it a great deal of power.
  19. I must have been thinking of those who fled the Lunar Invasion of Sartar. I distinctly remember Sartarites fleeing to New Pavis.
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