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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Andrew has been unwell, but seems to have recovered. I believe he will come back to this in the new year. He says so in this Facebook thread.
  2. If it means you harm then it is an enemy and will detect. One example of this is a bunch of Lunar Soldiers who are searching for your brave Orlanthi Rebel, they don't know you are there but are your enemy. Another example is a Lunar soldier on guard duty, you are a rebel Orlanthi, so you are their enemy, so the Guard would show up under Detect Enemies. One example that would not show up is when you see another Orlanthi who doesn't belong to an enemy clan and has no grudge with you, he would not show up on Detect Enemies, but if you then fire an arrow at his companion, then his situation changes and he becomes your enemy. If you are an Orlanthi and cross a Thed temple boundaries, then you are an enemy, regardless of your intentions. If you are an Orlanthi and cross a Storm Bull temple boundaries, then you are not an enemy, if your intentions are not to cause harm, but are an enemy of you wish to cause harm. If you are sneaking into someone's home and someone is behind a door, then you are probably their enemy, but they are probably not your enemy. You use Detect Life, or Detect Undead in that case. If you are attacking a bandit lair and the bandits have sworn to kill you, then they would be an enemy. If you are an Elf and you cast Detect Enemy near some Trolls, then they will generally show up, unless they have a Passion of Doesn't Hate Elves, or something similar. Maybe, but I would always rule on those edge cases during a game. Again, all in my opinion.
  3. No Yes Yes If it is planning/going to try and harm you, yes, otherwise no If it is planning/going to try and harm you, yes, otherwise no No, but the person/thing that causes the rockslide would, if it tried to harm you. All in my own opinion, of course.
  4. Anyone who is an enemy. Seriously, when I am GMing a game, I don't spend more than a second on this kind of thing. Something is an enemy or isn't an enemy.
  5. I think they were treated as Old Way Traditionalists, or rebels. I seem to remember somewhere saying that they were enemies of things like Wyverns, so maybe that is a memory of the EWF flying creatures hunting them. Anyway, when you have easy control of Air Elementals and Storm magic, you can disrupt other flying creatures fairly easily.
  6. That's what I was going to say. He bears a grudge for being killed and for all the Deities that came after him, forcing him to become the Judge of the Dead and all the mindless judging of petty deities and mortals that followed. Basically, he is bitter and hates his job, so hates almost everyone because of it.
  7. Here are some reasons that might work: They are friends They have shared experiences They are joined together in some way They have made common enemies As a GM, I never overthink this, the Adventurers are together because they are together. As a Player, my concern is "What does my Adventurer want to so?" and I react accordingly. If my Adventurer wants to leave the Party, then it will do so and I'll roll up another Adventurer. If another Adventurer wants to leave the party then fine, their problem.
  8. Of your four theories, this is the only one that somehow floats. Yes, there will have been Praxian raids on now Lunar occupied territory, and the Lunar high command under Euglyptus would certainly have liked to put a stop to that. My impression was that a lot of rebels from Starbrow's Rebellion fled to New Pavis, to join their kin there, and started causing problems for the Lunars. That was one of the reasons for the attack on New Pavis. If they were going to attack New Pavis then Prax would follow. Also, the Lunars had an interest in Moonbroth and probably wanted to take that anyway, so that would mean invading Prax.
  9. Those of us without the applications and skills can be lucky enough to have friends who will do the work for us. Nick Brooke did the work for Secrets of Dorastor and Neil Gibson did the work for secrets of HeroQuesting, and fixed an issue with the new version of Secrets of Dorastor. Thanks, Nick and Neil for all your help. Personally, I don't like doing that. What I have done is to add the PDF cost to the cost of printing the book, very roughly. This means that I get the same margin for a POD as for a PDF. I am aware that some people will buy everything and don't like to abuse that by inflating prices. However, that is a personal view and I have no problem with others adding a premium for Hardcover.
  10. My view is very simple. Unless the foe has some kind of Detection-Blocking magic, anyone intending harm to you shows up on Detect Enemy. Those not intending direct harm at that moment, but with a simmering hatred/distaste of you and intending harm at some point is also an enemy.
  11. It's the tribe of nearly-civilised Orlanthi near Dorastor. The Skanthi are less civilised, which is why the Lunars like the Talastari. The best kind of games. Games that include staying Orlanthi while sucking up to the Lunars. Games that include surviving the horrors that periodically erupt from Dorastor. Games that include venturing into Dorastor, that Land of Doom, and coming out again, maybe better, maybe worse, but always changed. As I said, the best kind of games. I am planning a Holiday Dorastor: Risklands supplement, for Jonstown Compendium, that focuses on the Bilini Risklands clan. It should be in the spirit of the RQ3 material, but with a far more emphasis on the clan and how it works, using the things we have learned since then. It should also involve scenarios in Dorastor and a bit of politicking and uncovering secrets. From https://www.patreon.com/posts/59714381 That sounds really good. I'll try and keep away from Talastar in the Holiday: Dorastor series, concentrating on Bilini instead.
  12. Over the years, I have only used one avatar for soltakss for all my profiles on various sites. However, once I started publishing Jonstown Compendium titles, I have changed my profile picture to be one of the faces from the illustrations in the supplement. I am so glad that I could change it from the Spiderling picture from Holiday Dorastor: Spider Woods, as that picture always creeps me out when I look at it. My current picture is the Book Wyrm from Secrets of HeroQuesting. Well, I suppose it must be a Greater Book Wyrm, as Austin Conrad has published a lesser version in his Monster of the Month series. I am not sure how long the Book Wyrm will stay for, as I will probably change it when Holiday Dorastor: Seven Hills comes out.
  13. I am very pleased to announce that the Hardcover Standard Colour edition of Secrets of HeroQuesting is now live. Thanks to Neil Gibson for preparing the POD. DTRPG has now added an option to price the POD and PDF Bundle differently, so I have given it a $2 discount. If you want to buy the POD and PDF together, please use the bundle price. If you have previously bought the PDF, buy the POD and send me proof of both purchases then I will give you a Gift Certificate of $2 to reflect the Bundle Price. Send emails to soltakss at yahoo dot com and don't forget to include the email address you use for DTRPG purchases and screenshots of your DTRPG Orders. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/326489/Secrets-of-HeroQuesting?affiliate_id=66807
  14. I am very pleased to announce that the Hardcover Standard Colour edition of Secrets of HeroQuesting is now live. Thanks to Neil Gibson for preparing the POD. DTRPG has now added an option to price the POD and PDF Bundle differently, so I have given it a $2 discount. If you want to buy the POD and PDF together, please use the bundle price. If you have previously bought the PDF, buy the POD and send me proof of both purchases then I will give you a Gift Certificate of $2 to reflect the Bundle Price. Send emails to soltakss at yahoo dot com and don't forget to include the email address you use for DTRPG purchases and screenshots of your DTRPG Orders. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/326489/Secrets-of-HeroQuesting?affiliate_id=66807
  15. They are one of the Elder Races. Trying new things isn't what they do, unless a Hero emerges to teach them a different way.
  16. The Fortunate Succession p35 has a map that shows Talastar Tribes moving southwards from Naveria, under the reign of Elmexdros the Conqueror.
  17. The History of the Heortling Peoples p45 says: Now, Lakrene is not shown as part of Dorastor, but presumably they take over the lands to the west of Lakrene as part of this expansion. Here, Talastar is shown as rebelling against the EWF, so Talastari must have moved in to the Dorastor Borderlands and have been conquered by the EWF.
  18. The map shows the Empire of the Wyrms Friends covering that area, so they must have had something to do with it.
  19. My guess is that the Talastari expanded into the edges of Dorastor some time between 700 and 900, similar to how the Renekotling Clan have expanded into the Dorastor Borderlands.
  20. I have never seen any skill as being useless. All skills are useful in some way. Putting Adventurers into a mile-high Ivory Tower and asking them to find a certain book will be challenging, unless they have the right skills. In that situation, those skills tend to be not useless at all.
  21. There is presumably a Hsunchen-like Bat deity that allows its cultists to transform into normal bats. We just have not seen it yet. I think that the Crimson Bat has inherited that ability in some way.
  22. It doesn't matter to Chalana Arroy cultists. Disease is the Enemy and Chalana Arroy is a goddess of Healing, with one of her focuses being the curing of disease. Disease Spirits are the enemy and need to be destroyed.
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