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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. OK, then, I must not be a True Fan, as I only ever buy PDFs nowadays. I suppose that playing in Glorantha for almost 40 years doesn't make me a True Fan.
  2. For Secrets of Dorastor, I had about a dozen requests for the POD, with some people saying they would not buy the PDF. Nick's figures show that approximately 20% of the total sales of Secrets of Dorastor were POD, which meant that not very many people really wanted it in print.
  3. In RQ combat I like to know where I am hitting or where I am hot. Personally, I find games without Hit Locations unsatisfying.
  4. The spells are granted by the Crimson Bat, which is why they are red.
  5. Yes, sure, why not celebrate your birthday? Also, your Clan Initiation Day, your Cult Initiation Day and so on.
  6. Yes, it is a gross breach of hospitality. But, what will be steadholder do about it? Whinge and moan to his clan chief? Face up to the armed Adventurers and potentially be harmed or bring harm to his family? Spread the word about how rude the Adventurers are? Bring down cult spirits of retribution upon them? Your house, your rules. Very few people are landowners, most hold steads. The rules of hospitality surely do not only apply to landowners, they should apply to heads of households. Unfortunately, not having stated laws of hospitality in the game, and having a difference between clan rules that are known to clansfolk but not to Players, is very unrewarding. Sure, we can mimic them by using the Culture skill, but what happens on a Failure? Do you break the rules or just don't know what to do in a certain situation? Fumbles are clearer, they mean that we messed up big time, by eating a date with the right hand and a chicken leg with the left hand, or sneezing and not throwing pepper at the host, or wearing a blue hat and a green coat, what were you thinking? For me, the general laws of hospitality are well known, but the specific rules that apply to a certain clan, bloodline or stead might not be as well known. In fact, some might keep them secret to annoy, or trap, strangers.
  7. I am sure that a bunch of Investigators will come along and spoil it for everyone.
  8. Eurmal the Guide seems a most reasonable subcult. After all, Eurmal guided the Lightbringers into Hell, for he had already been to Hell to find Death. However, Eurmal being Eurmal, you had better have a way of forcing him to keep to the right track, or he will mislead you and lead you into danger.
  9. From the RuneQuest Glorantha rules: I would say that a herd of horses would be the same and probably between 20 and 100, so maybe 50 horses. Mares can give milk, but not as much as cows. The milk can be used to make Kumis, cheese and other dairy products. You can comb horses to pick hairs up and make felt. You can eat horses, and colts are probably used this way. Some horses can be used as riding animals or war beasts.
  10. Clan Founder Days would be important, as would local celebrations. "The day we drove the so-And-So Clan from out lands" or "Apple Fall day" might be local celebrations, for example. Celebrations of events that happened in the mythology of deities could be important celebrations.
  11. Yes, I think a sword is acceptable. Anything reasonable and inoffensive. Maybe. Clan Champions are probably expected to carry weapons wherever they go, for example. Probably not. I would expect a rule to be followed,. so everyone must stow their weapons, or everyone can carry one weapon. No, I think it doesn't matter who hosts the feast. The only difference there is "Can they enforce the rules?", so a clan Chieftain might be able to force Adventurers to leave their weapons at the door, but Bob the Steadman might not be able to make them do that.
  12. Hallelujah! Uleria has blessed her worshipper with new life. Give birth to the blessed baby. Not that I know of. If the baby was conceived during temple worship, then who is to say who the father is? If the father can prove they are the father, then perhaps they have rights. Otherwise, it is a Temple Baby and will be reared by the initiate, or by the temple. Generally, if you are an Initiate of Uleria then you value life and procreation above everything else. Sure, Love is there as well, but procreation if foremost. Ulerians would be against abortion, as it goes against their cult beliefs. In that case, the father could try to exercise rights over the baby. If it is magical in nature, so perhaps a Minotaur, then it would be more obvious who the father is.
  13. They hate the, for they are evil. Disease Spirits cause harm and disease, they serve Mallia, who is a cult enemy. Chalana Arroy cultists have no problem with destroying Disease Spirits. The only people who do are Players who overthink things, or GMs who try to put moral dilemmas in front of Players.
  14. Yes. Yes. Yes. I suppose that is open to interpretation. It probably means the rounds before the augmented skill is used in combat, otherwise you are not using the augmenting skill for a full round, or two full rounds.
  15. Not it hasn't. First off the BRP booklet wasn't even there at the get-go, but was in fact a trimmed down introduction to RQ. But, the Basic Roleplaying booklet was the first incarnation if BRP, so that was from the get-go. If we are talking RuneQuest, then the Luck Roll was introduced for RQ2, not RQ1, so not from the get-go there.
  16. If that works at your table then carry on doing that. In fact, that's how I would probably play it anyway. It probably reflects the concentration involved with augmenting a skill. Presumably this is the section you are referring to? This means that if you rush the augment it is harder. So, if you used a sword dance to augment your sword skill, you would use Dance beforehand, but if you did a little jig then it would be harder to augment, instead you have to focus on the dance, get into it and do it properly, the longer you Dance for the better your chance of augmenting.
  17. The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name is an interesting concept and fits very well. the members could be people alienated from society and free to behave as they want, inside cult bounds. It sounds like a Secret Society, as well, for there is a big overlap between cults and secret societies. If the PCs meet NPC members of the cult, socially, by accident or deliberately arranged by cultists, they could find, at first, a group of sympathetic people with a similar lifestyle, they could get sucked further into the cult through favours and so on, each step revealing something deeper. They don't have to realise that it is a cult straightaway, in fact it probably works better as a loose organisation with the cult stuff reserved for deeper members.
  18. It depends, those could be Romantic Love, the Love of a brother or sister, Love to a blood-brother or blood-sister, or even Love in a general term. Love is not always romantic.
  19. The printers pulled it because a map was unclear. I have replaced the map and am working to get it through the system.
  20. Merrie England: Age of Chivalry describes the Demon Lords and their Powers. It also covers several types of demon, but they are fairly generic. Land of Ice and Stone has the Red Men, who are Neanderthals.
  21. There were the poleaxe-wielding zombie pixies that one of our GMs used, they could fly, were invisible and appeared to hack at you with poleaxes, because their STR was now high enough to use them. I can't think of another one, unless it's something that was forgotten. There was a pixie Trickster, I think, who had the Swallow spell, so would fly behind someone, appear with huge jaws and gobble them up, but that might have been an NPC or a dream. He became Dragon Emperor of Dara Happa in my last Gloranthan campaign. I am not sure if that is canonical, though.
  22. Yeah, that sounds like a bad idea and I wouldn't do it in a game.
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