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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. If there are Thanatari then there will be Broo, as becoming a Broo is a side-effect of some Thanatari magic. From memory, and without checking whether the spells have changed, the effects of some other, non-Thanatari, spells include becoming Broo.
  2. Presumably to give birth to a deity. After all, they have learned all the lessons of what could go wrong, so this time it should be OK, right? It's going to be OK this time, right? Right?
  3. Are they? Some things swallowed by Trickster might have reappeared. If you can get the body back within the time limit of Resurrect then you are fine. However, getting the body back is the tricky but. I don't think that simply making the Trickster vomit is enough, that is fine for normal food, but not for the swallow spell, I would think. Forcing the Trickster to give up Swallowed items might work, if you could narrate ways of doing it,. Forcing the items to leave "the other way" might be possible through magic, but would be painful for the Trickster. Maybe the person swallowed might be able to HeroQuest their way back, if they are powerful enough HeroQuestors.
  4. Standard Human stats in every way. Except, perhaps, EDU if you're using it. Resist the urge to treat Neanderthals as "monsters" -- they're people, not orcs. The BGB "Primitive" (p.365) is probably your go-to for stats and skill set, though it still has its problematic assumptions (like the plural of shaman 😅). In Land of Ice and Stone, I have Neanderthals, or Red Men, as having slightly different stats to humans. All of the cultures in that are variations of Primitive.
  5. For me, there are several typical modes of marriage among the Praxians: Eiritha-Waha: The normal mode, where members of the cults of Eiritha and Waha marry. Marriage is normally within the same Nation, so Impala Riders marry Impala Riders, for example. Occasionally, marriage can be to a member of another Nation, but I would think that this is rare. This emulates the marriage of Eiritha and Waha. Eiritha-Storm Bull: This is a more primal, bestial marriage, designed to produce lots of calves. Unlike the Eiritha-Waha marriage, this is often used to marry someone from another Nation, for their union predated the Nations. Tada-Esrola: The foreigner marriage, used by Praxians to marry foreigners. Although Tada predates the Praxians as we know them, Praxians still remember him and remember how he married a goddess from far away. He also gave his daughters as wives to Vingkot, another foreign marriage. My giess is that this is the form of marriage that Bituran Varosh used.
  6. It is available as a PDF, which is the next best thing.
  7. IIRC that was the image that got Triff kicked off the Mongoose forum and prompted him to start up BRP Central. It was indeed, so it was a good thing for a number of reasons. No, it really isn't. Don't worry, nobody is going to post it here, I hope.
  8. The Book of Doom, available on the Jonstown Compendium, has a number of spells for this kind of thing, in particular a section on Crafting. It also has some ultra-generic spells that increase named skills, or skill categories, by a set amount. Holiday Dorastor: Spider Woods details the Domovoi, a household spirit. Holiday Dorastor: Seven Hills should detail the Bannik, a spirit of the baths.
  9. I would love to see Back to Balazar fleshed out and expanded as a Jonstown Companion supplement.
  10. We played in an RQ2 Griffin Mountain campaign and thoroughly enjoyed it. The Griffin Mountain supplement, and the Griffin island RQ3 version, are both very good. The Gloranthan Classics Griffin Mountain combines the two wonderfully and is even better than the separate individual supplements, so I would look out for that. Griffin Mountain gets the balance just right. It is a sandbox with directed scenarios. It has mythology and history, but doesn't go over the top and drown you, it has magical and mythical elements. Granny Keeneye, from Griffin island, really fits into Griffin Mountain well.
  11. I wasn't aware of the complete RQ3 softback book until way after it was published. Then I found it in a games store and bought it immediately. It works far better as a single book than as multiple booklets or a Basic/Advanced combination.
  12. Yes, that is exactly how I see it. Morokanth are the Eaters, not the Eaten. Herd Men were changed so they could survive by eating the plants of the Wastes, in the same way that other Herd Beasts were. Morokanth were not changed, as they were always omnivorous, in the same way that the other beasts and humans originally were, in Prax. Waha's Covenant changed the losers, not the winners. There is a banned image of a Morokanth and his prize herd cow, it is worth tracking down.
  13. My view is that if you have to ask if you can do it then you probably can't.
  14. I had great fun with Shergar Sunhoof, Centaur Extraordinaire, a Yelmalian Centaur Rune Lord. He ended up with five legs (Due to Jake's Amulet, diddle-iddle-iddle-um), which gave him an extra free attack, and a Spider Mask that meant he could turn his head into that of a giant spider, so he was a veritable windmill who would rip apart crowds of NPCs, leaving the other PCs to attack the major beasties. His failing was being really bad at climbing, so he carried a block & tackle in case he had to be pulled up a cliff.
  15. Agree. I have been looking at house-rules for this, but it's hard to have them 1) good, 2) in the style of the game, and 3) simple enough. Book of Doom has rules for crafting for RQG. Our Risklands Campaign will have a lot of things for that, expanding on the Sacred Time Rules.
  16. We asked that and a lot of Brits said "publish anyway and we can wait", but Chaosium wanted to wait for everyone to have a copy. Apparently, some people can be quite nasty when something is published somewhere else in the world but is not available locally.
  17. I like the Moon being veiled, that sounds Lunar to me. Also, I like the idea of the Moon always being full, but with its constituent parts waxing and waning,
  18. Geo's Bouncer executes wrongdoers. I would think that he does this publicly, to make a point.
  19. Yeah, a lot of the Hero Wars and HeroQuest concepts were mythical abstractions made to fit certain theories and then shoehorned into Glorantha. They were fine for justification for some parts of the rules, but just tied themselves into knots. I ignored them almost as soon as I read them.
  20. In Caladraland they could be thrown into active volcanoes. I can see people being thrown off cliffs amongst the Orlanthi - If Orlanth helps them they can fly. Being trampled by Earthshakers might work for Maran Gori. I remember watching Hang them High, when I was much younger, and being both fascinated, and appalled, by the public hanging. A lovely day out with a bit of excitement at the ned.
  21. "You have the wealth of a journalist, you can buy the kind of things that a journalist can buy". That might be enough for a lot of things. I don't think that actually happens in games with abstract wealth. There are three outcomes: You have enough wealth and can buy something You don't have enough wealth and can't buy something You have enough wealth to open up a credit line to buy something, but have to pay it back Players could argue about the amount of wealth they have, but you as a GM can either say "Yes, that is fine", "No, you can't afford it", or "Maybe fat Jim can help you out". Different pools of wealth works fine. Several games do something similar. In HeroQuest, if you had a Millionaire keyword then you could just roll under it to buy things that millionaires could buy, similarly, if you had Hobo as a keyword then you probably couldn't buy a gun. It is just getting your mind around the mindset of not tracking every dollar.
  22. If you are concerned about someone gaming the system then you are thinking in too concrete terms. It is much better to think in terms of "What can a millionaire buy?" or "What can a hobo buy?". Apply a sniff test if you want, so that someone buying lots of expensive stuff hits a limit on their credit, or gets a big credit line that forces their wealth to go down slightly.
  23. I have used this before, which produces reasonable clippings.
  24. It can be a reenactment of a Myth of someone being adopted into the Clan. Elmal and Heler are two examples that could be used. Alternatively, it could just be a series of oaths and promises, for the clan to support the new member and the new member to support the clan. That could happen as well. In Dorastor, the Risklands, or Renekotling, Clan accepts outsiders, as long as they prove themselves useful and have a sponsor from within the clan.
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