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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. The abstract wealth rules work OK if you always have abstract wealth. As soon as you introduce money into the equation they can fall apart. The way I use it, very generally is: If the item that you want to buy is two Wealth Levels below your own Wealth level then you can buy it without a roll. If the item that you want to buy is of the same Wealth level, or one level below, then you need to make a Wealth roll to buy it. If the item is of a higher Wealth Level then you have to make a Difficult roll to buy it, unless you have mitigating circumstances. Buying a lot of things at your Wealth Level might temporarily reduce your Wealth Level, as might buying something higher than your Wealth Level It is a narrative thing and does not really suit games where you need to keep track of your wealth.
  2. Yes. Yes. However, I play that it gives a 1 point wound, "Just a flesh wound", which is not in the spirit of the rules but works at my table. I don't know, but I cannot remember a rule about them. A punch or kick should be treated the same as any other weapon. However, something like strangulation or smothering would probably ignore armour. Constriction normally ignores armour until the armour is overcome, modelling the squeezing and, ultimately, breaking of the armour, but I cannot remember if that is in the RD100 Rules.
  3. Some are, most aren't. I imagine there would be pride in those Helerings born with a blur tinge, also certain families who often produce blue Helerings, and all the snobbery that comes with that.
  4. And JC Scenarios by Series: Series Supplements Scenarios Average Bad Day at Duck Rock 1 1 1 Beast Valley Campaign 2 2 1 Black Spear 1 7 7 Clearwine 2 2 1 Holiday Dorastor 2 10 5 Humakt Raven and Wolf 1 1 1 Jaldonkillers Saga 1 4 4 Jorthans Rescue Redux 1 1 1 Life of Moonson 1 1 1 Quatrini 6 6 1 Red Deer Saga 3 24 8 Rubble Redux 2 8 4 Sandheart 2 2 1 Six Seasons in Sartar 2 40 20 Standalone 18 27 2 The Duel at Dangerford 1 1 1 The Throat of Winter 1 1 1 Vinga's Ford 1 1 1 Yozarians Bandit Ducks 1 1 1 Total 49 140 62
  5. And JC Scenarios by Location Location Supplements Scenarios Average Anywhere 4 4 1 Beast Valley 2 2 1 Dorastor 2 10 5 Esrolia 1 1 1 Grazelands 1 1 1 HeroQuest 2 5 3 Lunar Empire 1 1 1 Pavis 2 8 4 Prax 3 3 1 Sartar 26 98 4 Seshnela 1 3 3 Sun County 2 2 1 Upland Marsh 2 2 1 Total 49 140 3
  6. Here are the Jonstown Compendium scenarios, with the location and number of scenarios. Supplement Series Location Scenarios Blue Moon White Moon Standalone Anywhere 1 Rocks Fall Standalone Anywhere 1 The Pendulum & The Pit Standalone Anywhere 1 The Quacken Standalone Anywhere 1 The Ruins of Bonn Kanach Beast Valley Campaign Beast Valley 1 This Fertile Ground Beast Valley Campaign Beast Valley 1 Spider Woods Holiday Dorastor Dorastor 5 Temple of Heads Holiday Dorastor Dorastor 5 Spirit Hunt Quatrini Esrolia 1 Rivers of Blood Quatrini Grazelands 1 Humakt Raven and Wolf Humakt Raven and Wolf HeroQuest 1 How Humakt Learned to Grieve Standalone HeroQuest 4 Life of Moonson Book Two The Freeform Life of Moonson Lunar Empire 1 Rubble Redux Rubble Redux Pavis 4 Rubble Redux The Insula of the Rising Sun Rubble Redux Pavis 4 A Grim Pilgrimage Quatrini Prax 1 Stone and Bone Standalone Prax 1 The Gifts of Prax Standalone Prax 1 Bad Day at Duck Rock Bad Day at Duck Rock Sartar 1 Black Spear Black Spear Sartar 7 Cups of Clearwine Clearwine Sartar 1 Dregs of Clearwine Clearwine Sartar 1 Valley of Plenty Jaldonkillers Saga Sartar 4 Jorthans Rescue Redux Jorthans Rescue Redux Sartar 1 The Avengers of Earth Temple Quatrini Sartar 1 The Search for the Throne of Colymar Quatrini Sartar 1 Underwater Quest Quatrini Sartar 1 A Sword Turned Inward Red Deer Saga Sartar 15 Elgar's Sword Red Deer Saga Sartar 6 Whitestone Ruins Red Deer Saga Sartar 3 Six Seasons in Sartar Six Seasons in Sartar Sartar 8 The Company of the Dragon Six Seasons in Sartar Sartar 32 A Tale of Woodcraft Standalone Sartar 1 Applefest Standalone Sartar 1 Arrows of War Standalone Sartar 1 High Rock Hill Standalone Sartar 1 Kovid's Nineteen Standalone Sartar 3 Night in the Meadow Standalone Sartar 3 Remembering Caroman Standalone Sartar 1 Rostakori Standalone Sartar 1 The Duel at Dangerford The Duel at Dangerford Sartar 1 The Throat of Winter The Throat of Winter Sartar 1 Vinga's Ford Vinga's Ford Sartar 1 Yozarians Bandit Ducks Yozarians Bandit Ducks Sartar 1 Kingdom of the Flamesword Standalone Seshnela 3 Tales of the Sun County Militia Sandheart Sun County 1 The Corn Dolls Sandheart Sun County 1 A Trek in the Marsh Standalone Upland Marsh 1 The Howling Tower Standalone Upland Marsh 1
  7. No, there is also a PDF. It should be back now. John had to change the title.
  8. Tradition: Sandheart Volume Three has a particularly good heroquest. Thanks, maybe Darren won't know, if I sneak a peak.
  9. That was nearly 50 years ago and the games have not remained static since then. For me, combat is a relatively minor part of RQ. Yes and it is about time that we brought social conflict, crafting and so on into the light, with more sub-systems.
  10. Not at all. We are talking about kicking the HeroQuest off in the first place. Then they are already on the HeroQuest. This is the Getting to the Ball station. Which are the results of actions on the HeroQuest, not trying desperately to start the HeroQuest in the first place. Which is the best way to run a HeroQuest. You might end up with something different than you expected, but you should end up with something. There is a writeup of an attempt to do a Magic Road from Cragspider's Castle to somewhere in the Holy Country. The PCs attempted Divine Intervention to go on the Magic road, but nothing was happening, so someone came down from the Castle and basically said that they were rattling the windows so hard they might break, so go back down your own end and stop with the Magic Roading. So, it does happen and, in that example, meant that they had to go by normal means, thus opening up another potential set of encounters/scenario. But, it does sound a bit dickish to me, to be honest.
  11. John Lawson has created a new Jonstown Compendium supplement. Now available on DriveThruRPG: The Smoking Ruin: Secrets of Korolstead I hope you find it useful (and fun)! What Korolstead has to offer the foolhardy and the unwary: New story seeds for visiting the Smoking Ruin Complete, wall-to-wall maps of the entire Ruin, including 44 full-color maps of over 20 unique locations Two new short scenarios to challenge players Two new factions to keep Vamargic and the players on their toes New friends, foes, and rogues to help or hinder the adventurers Five new minor cult descriptions New magic items New creatures, flora, and races Random encounter tables for all parts of the Ruin GM’s tools for generating loot, weapons, armor, medicine, and just about anything else you might find in a ruined city This supplement is compatible with Chaosium’s Runequest: The Smoking Ruin & Other Stories. Its contents is playable with expeditions before, during, or after running the official adventure. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/373384/The-Smoking-Ruin-Secrets-of-Korolsted
  12. John Lawson has created a new Jonstown Compendium supplement. Now available on DriveThruRPG: Korolstead: Secrets of the Smoking Ruin I hope you find it useful (and fun)! What Korolstead has to offer the foolhardy and the unwary: New story seeds for visiting the Smoking Ruin Complete, wall-to-wall maps of the entire Ruin, including 44 full-color maps of over 20 unique locations Two new short scenarios to challenge players Two new factions to keep Vamargic and the players on their toes New friends, foes, and rogues to help or hinder the adventurers Five new minor cult descriptions New magic items New creatures, flora, and races Random encounter tables for all parts of the Ruin GM’s tools for generating loot, weapons, armor, medicine, and just about anything else you might find in a ruined city This supplement is compatible with Chaosium’s Runequest: The Smoking Ruin & Other Stories. Its contents is playable with expeditions before, during, or after running the official adventure. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/373384/Korolstead-Secrets-of-the-Smoking-Ruin
  13. I think so, but I am biased.
  14. Yes, there is not much point starting a HeroQuest and not getting anywhere. Just go on the HeroQuest. What happens on the HeroQuest is important, what you do on the HeroQuest is more important.
  15. A high mortality disease. Start the CON roll at CONx5 for low doses, then reduce the multiplier to CONx1 for very high doses. Lose general hit points every time the radiation strikes, for high doses it will strike every turn or so. Essentially, you get it at a more deadly stage the higher the dose. I wouldn't let it give you chaos powers or super powers, though.
  16. There are a few supplements with HeroQuests on the Jonstown Compendium: Humakt, Raven and Wolf How Humakt Learned to Grieve Six Seasons in Sartar The Company of the Dragon (I think) Black Spear Secrets of HeroQuesting Holiday Dorastor: The Temple of Heads Holiday Dorastor: Spider Woods There are probably more, but I am generally banned from reading scenarios that our RQG GM is likely to run.
  17. Unless specifically stated, DI for Chaotics works the same way as for non-Chaotics. So, for example, Cacodemon DI just summons a Fiend as a final, petty, act of vengeance. The Mallia write up in Cult Compendium does not have any restrictions for DI, so I would say that it could be used to bring a cultist back from the brink of death, or just after death, in the same way that Orlanthi DI would. No, keep it as a Scimitar. Not every magic item needs to be useful to the Adventurers. If it is a Truesword Matrix then the Humakti could still use it and recharge it. Loot anyway. The items could be covered in disease, but there are ways around that. In one of the old RQ2 Supplements, maybe Borderlands, it describes burying disease-infected items to get rid of the disease. Also, Praxian Shamans can put diseased items in a bag and kick seven bells out of it to drive the disease spirits off. You could also get a Shaman to cleanse the items. Being close to a Broo makes you exposed to the disease, so roll to see if you catch it. There is no real need to roll each round, unless something gross happens. Having Broo blood squirt into your mouth, for example, might warrant a reroll. You could do. Or, just say that they have already contracted the disease and be done with it.
  18. I rarely experienced the hit-parry in RQ2, because of anti-parry, but did in RQ3. In RQG you can boost your skill to over 100%, which reduces the opponent's parry chance. So, you take a chance and go Fanatical to reduce their parry chance, much better if you hit first, of course. Combat can be about taking risks. Passions can augment your skill, as can Runes, so you can get a couple of boosts, in addition to spells such as Bladesharp. So, you could go from 80% attack to 140% attack relatively easily, which reduces parry chance by 40.
  19. H! We try to be. Pavis and Prax are pretty apocalyptic anyway, as they are the Wastelands produced when Genert's Garden was destroyed. Argrath and his Trickster, maybe, although his Trickster could have been devoured. We know that the trolls disappeared, so maybe all the troll deities were destroyed. It makes sense that all the Greater Deities and most of the Major Deities were destroyed, as they took part in the Ritual of the Net. So, those deities not powerful enough to have taken part in the Great Compromise are the ones to have possibly survived. So, local deities, city deities and so on. As to individual deities, I don't have a clue.
  20. For me, it depends on how you are HeroQuesting. If you are HeroQuesting within Time, so you are just physically going to the Underworld, then time behaves normally. It passes but unless you have a way of measuring it you won't know how long has passed. If, however, you have gone to the God Time, then time passes as effectively Dream Time. You can skip from one point to another, or can spend what seems like years at one point. You could go through all of the Lightbringers Quest and emerge two weeks after you started, even though it seems to take years.
  21. Serves them right for fighting near a healer.
  22. That is the same as raising someone else's baby. so, if you laid the egg and it hatches then it is your baby. If you take someone else's egg and hatch it then it might not be yours. If someone sneaks into your nest and replaces all your eggs with someone else's eggs then you are effectively raising a clutch and would qualify. To be honest, a series of "What ifs" becomes tiresome after a while and are best answered through gameplay. Maybe someone discovered that an Ernaldan faked a pregnancy and stole a baby, then became a Priestess. What happens if that was later discovered? I don't know, what happens in the game where it happened?
  23. That's OK, someone will raise a similar thread at some point in the future, anyway.
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