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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Probably not very tasty, but Ok to eat. People in Cults have established ways of working and would be taught what they can and cannot eat. The odd worshipper who constantly questions the rules, pushes them and always looks for loopholes either makes for a very bad cultists who won't last long in the cult, or a very good one who founds their own Subcult.
  2. Oh, I know I am doing it wrong, in many ways, sometimes quite deliberately so. I just don't care.
  3. I already Hate several groups of people, form my Family History, for killing Chalana Arroy Healers. So, I have an idea of which groups of people cannot be trusted and will happily tell people that. Same with people who do not respect my role as a Healer. Their names go in the book. "Hey, you can't eat bacon, you are a Healer!" "Are you a worshipper of Chalana Arroy? have you sworn her sacred oaths? Do you answer to her High Healers? Do you know her sacred doctrine? No? Then how can you tell me what I should and should not do? Anyway, it is mock-bacon, leaves from the Little Pigglee Tree".
  4. "The deities trapped The Devil and Arachne Solara ate it, giving birth to Time". "But, who was the Devil?" "The Devil was the Devil". "But, was it Kajabor or Wakboth?" "Yes".
  5. Our GM said that he would be OK with humans or Ducks, no hostile cults, that is it. We all pitched out ideas to the GM and he said if it was OK or not. So, there was a discussion with the GM but not with other Players. I have heard this before from various people and I get it. I have played in a party where several PCs hated each other, but worked together when they needed to. That adds a certain frisson to the game. As for spell selection, I don't think I have ever been in a party where we have coordinated spell selection. I get the spells I want, other people get the spells they want. If that means that everyone has Flight and Shield, then fair enough. But, yes, I se that it makes sense to optimise spell selection and make sure that we have a fighter, a talker, a healer, a sneaker and a knower in the party, but that is not how I generally do it. Yes, that is how I am playing it. If I say that someone is under my protection then nobody else in the party can touch them. If they do then they feel the wrath of a healer, but I have not yet worked out what that means. I do have a little book that I am writing names in, though.
  6. In other places, female Broo have the smelly end of the stick, as they cannot worship Thed. However, in Dorastor, there are many other deities they can worship. In my Dorastor, Ralzakark protects female Broo and encourages them to join cults such as Chalana Arroy and Lunar cults such as the Seven Mothers and Etyries. They can also join the Humakti Sword Broo of the Broo Legion. So, there are many chances for female Broo to shine in the enlightened utopia of Dorastor.
  7. No, I asked the GM if he was OK with me playing a Chalana Arroy cultists and he said yes. I didn't ask the other Players, as it it none of their business. In the same way that they didn't ask me if I was OK with them playing their Adventurers. Party pooping is fine and something that I look forward to doing at some point. I have control over who lives and who dies, well as long as I have Rune Points left. They seem to go pretty quickly, I used all 5 Rune Points by half-way through the Adventure, so need to get some more. I can also say "I support that cause of action" or "I don't support that cause of action", but won't say that I won't heal the other Adventurers unless they cross me. I am a combat medic for the Blackspears, so I have a vested interest in healing the Adventurers.
  8. They need a lot of healing.
  9. It was definitely there in Cults of Terror, but might have been in a Wyrms Footnotes before that. Wyrms Footnotes 4 says "TIME was born in Hell, where the shadows of Chaos reigned and held the heart of the universe in its greasy paw. All of the universe was in confusion, elements blundered amidst each other, and devils ran amok slaying and kidnapping gods and mortals alike, sending them into the formless void of entropy. When the Lightbringers entered the underworld and completed their great tasks, they forged a cosmic pact which bound all entities, living or dead, spiritual or physical, pure or unholy, intelligent or inert, into the Great Compromise. No Beings who were responsible for the creation of the world were exempt from this universal synthesis. In the pact all the deities agreed to immediately settle their senseless and destructive wars which had precipitated the very chaos they now fought against. They agreed to accept a common ground between them, and the deities warring over any ground would now share responsibility for the protection of that realm. The gods swore their oaths and vowed their Beings to uphold their present status in the universe binding themselves to the thus-created spiritual matrix of the New Age.".
  10. I am currently playing a Chalana Arroy Healer. It is interesting to realise that I am playing him with a zero tolerance for taking part in combat, with immediate shouts of "Don't hit me, I'm a Healer" whenever we get into tricky situations. I originally thought of using weapons to parry and wearing armour, but that just didn't feel right when I started playing Yangan. He has used Sleep and Harmony to great effect, though.
  11. It's a myth. Myths can be contradictory. Storm Bull saw the Devil pinned beneath the Block, other deities saw the Devil appear, be trapped in the Net and be eaten by Arachne Solara. Maybe it wasn't the same Devil, maybe it was. Breaking Myths down into a series of Facts is what starts heresies, splits and different sects. "We know that this happened this way, your belief that it happened that way" is the start of dogma and rigidness. Better to stick with the Myths and their many possible interpretations.
  12. Unless a Chalana Arroy worshipper is discorporate, this does not apply to them, as they would be attacked by discorporate spirits. Even if it did, I would argue that they could pull the blow and not cause physical damage.
  13. Don't forget rugs, carpets and cushions. They could have a lot of art, are portable and can be used to line tents, keeping the wind and cold out.
  14. They are just bringing a shadow of the deity into the world. This is not the same as the deity walking the world. It probably didn't, at least in my opinion. The Sunstop broke the Compromise, everything else was just consequences. Maybe the birth of Nysalor broke it, but I don't think it did, that was just a symptom that people recognised.
  15. Someone clarified this, somewhere, on one fo the forums. The Wild Broo Healer is, apparently, chaotic and not Illuminated. I can't remember who mentioned this and where, but it has stuck in my mind ever since.
  16. I'm not talking about fighting, which is always forbidden, I'm talking about the extent of the Chalana Arroy protection of subjects, e.g. those sleeped, befuddled, etc. "Oi, these are under my protection, so you cannot hurt them. You have to come through me first. What, are you attacking a Healer? An attack on them is an attack on me! Do you want to never be healed by me, ever again? Oh, now you strike a Healer, I curse you so that all Healers recognise you and refuse to heal you!"
  17. I read that as covering setting broken bones and pulling teeth. Or slapping misbehaving patients, but not too hard, or giving them a wrist burn when putting on bandages. The key word here is "needlessly".
  18. Treasure Factors are still a good way of determining how much treasure a band has. Most of the NPCs written up in the Jonstown Compendium have some treasure on them. Adventurers can take their stuff or not, it is all a matter of choice.
  19. It used to be a 1 point, one-use, stackable Runespell in RQ2. Priests could get it to give them a 10% chance of success per point spent. I can see that working for RQG, where someone sacrifices for Divine Intervention and rolls 1D100 with the following POW cost. Priests/God-Talkers might have a reduced POW cost. 1D100 POW/Rune Pool Cost 01-05 0 06-10 1 11-15 2 16-20 3 21-25 4 26-30 5 31-35 6 36-40 7 41-45 8 46-50 9 51-55 10 56-60 11 61-65 12 66-70 13 71-75 14 76-80 15 81-85 16 86-90 17 91-95 18 96-100 Fail
  20. The thing about divine Intervention for Initiates that annoys me the most is that an Initiate with Devotion (Deity) 90%, Loyalty (Temple) 90% and POW 10 has half the chance at Divine Intervention as a new Initiate with no Devotion (Deity) and POW 20. The other thing that annoys me is that for Initiates it is very unlikely to succeed, even if you add your Rune pool to the chance of success. By the way, I would definitely add an Adventurer's Rune Pool to their chance of success at classic Divine Intervention.
  21. Exactly. It is possible to pick combat apart and expose all of the flaws, then to design a system that overcomes each flaw. However, different people see different flaws, so unless we catch all the flaws that everyone sees and builds a new system around that, what is the point? Even then, unless the system is as easy to use, easy to play and as fun as the RQG combat system, then what is the point?
  22. The first part is not a lie, though, it will give you a power.
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