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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Better chance of success if you incur a Penalty (60%-30=30%, 160%-30=130%) Better Special or critical ranges, if the game has them. Some D100 games use "Anti-Parry" or similar methods to reduce opponents' chances in a contest if your skill is over 100 Bragging rights
  2. Couldn't you slip into the printers and try to buy a copy, assuming they have spares?
  3. It's your game, but why can't a non-Colymari be assigned as a Thane? If they have proven themselves, then one of them could be assigned as a temporary Thane, so that the Colymari can see whether they make a good Thane and see whether they can be brought into the Colymari. He is a master of spirits and, in particular, foreign spirits. He has access to spirits of Law, which can be very useful indeed. Generally, shamans are useful members of society, as they summon spirits that can teach spells. They are foreigners, which may or may not be a problem. Language skills can be learned, over time, as can culture skills. There might be competition from other Adventurers, from locals who are jealous of their new-found position, or from Colymari who don't want you to join the Colymari.
  4. Thanks for letting us know. A lot of people were worrying about that.
  5. It depends on the type of scenario and GM style. No, I trust Players. I call it the tickchase. In RuneQuest I just allow it. However, I much prefer to give out Experience points that Platers spend to get increases in skills. It allows people to focus better, instead of everyone trying to Hide, sneak, devise and so on.
  6. Multispell is a 1 point spell.
  7. Okay. We have the basic Blood Beer story, but it ends with BG passing out. There are sources listed here, though, and the ones that seem relevant are Heroquest Glorantha, Sartar Companion, Sartar, Kingdom of Heroes, Storm Tribe, and Gods of Glorantha. As it so happens, I have all of those sources in varying degrees of handiness. Let's see what they say. Thanks, I was going to try and find the myth today. This does not say that Eurmal seduced Babeester Gor. However, some people have interpreted the myth as it involving seduction. Personally, I don't subscribe to that interpretation of the myth. So. I think that this may not be the origin point of this textual variant, but it's probably representative of what those textual variants say. I think that it is perfectly proper to completely ignore this text, mind. It's a very, very strange myth with comparison to everything else about BG. But with that said, I would also like to point something out. This seems to be a way of seducing without sex, which is perfectly fine for Gloranthan Deities. There are lots of cases of reproduction without sex.
  8. What about the Year King, or seven year Kings? Wasn't Belintar sacrificed as a Seven Year King? Or am I misremembering?
  9. I do not feel good about this reaction! I'm really angry about this. How dare you? Nobody said anything about this. What, it's not good violence unless there's women raped? This statement is so incredibly belittling, I expect so much better than this misogynist shit from you. I tried to read this in its best light and all I got was: nothing good. Read into it what you want. I did not say that rape myths are good. In fact, they usually indicate why rape is wrong. At least, that is what I draw from such things. As for good violence, my own personal view is that no violence is good, whatever the reason. However, Glorantha is a violent world and we play violent characters.
  10. Soul Fire didn't make it into the Red Book of Magic, unfortunately. I think that 1D3+1 is reasonable, as we found that 2D3 was too much. Combined with Multispell, 2D3+2 takes out a normal person's limb, on average, 3D3+3 takes out most people's limbs and 4D3+4 shatters most people's limbs. So, using 5 Rune Points and 4 MPs per round you get to take out one NPC per round, assuming you have a good POW. Not bad at all. I remember being hit with 4 Multispell III Disrupts and all my limbs just shattered, dead from total hit point loss. It is very effective, more so with Soul Fire.
  11. I agree. Mythology can be dark as well as light. A lot of real-world mythology is far worse than that, for example. Sure, it is a game and we can control what kind of myths are written, but having just nice and pretty myths with rainbows, unicorns and green pastures misses the whole point of how Glorantha was torn to pieces. Many Gloranthan deities were not nice, as we understand the term.
  12. You can hack a hole in the ice with an axe or pick and that could be a bronze or bone tool. It is definitely Gloranthan, I would say.
  13. Apologies, maybe it was a house rule we had. Griffin Mountain had rules for Train Dogs that allowed dogs to have three commands. When Fixed INT came along, we might have just said that they could have their Fixed INT in commands, instead of just 3. I thought that might have also been in Griffin Island, but it isn't.
  14. Here's a slightly more informative macro: /me Resistance Table Roll Attacker ?{Attacker|0}, Defender ?{Defender|0} /roll {(1d100-(?{Attacker|0})*5+(?{Defender|0})*5)}<50 It isn't perfect, as it doesn't take into account 01-05 as an automatic success or 96-100 as an automatic failure, nor does it cope well with extremes (30 vs 5 or 5 vs 30) but it works for normal ranges.
  15. How did you do that? Is there a macro behind it? I managed to generate a macro that seems to work: /roll {(1d100-(?{Attacker|0})*5+(?{Defender|0})*5)}<50
  16. How did you do that? Is there a macro behind it?
  17. I bought a copy of Different Worlds just for the cult of Gestetner. It took a few weeks to arrive, shipped from the Chaosium in the States. When I opened it up, I found a cult of printers with "funny" spells. It still burns.
  18. I think that RQ3 Griffin Island had it as the number of commands an animal could reasonably be expected to know.
  19. In our RQ2/RQ3 Camapign, we simply gave an increase of the stated amount after the stated time of study. So, if it gave a +20 to your skill and takes 5 weeks then you got +20 after 5 weeks of study. no need to roll or anything, that's the advantage of the scroll. I am thinking of putting a value of the amount you would normally pay for the training, so 500L, in RQG.
  20. Thanks, I'll check that out. That is useful, thanks. Great, thanks, I'll check that out as well. We used to pass them around, or have a class where everyone read the scroll and got the benefit of the training, then we sold them.
  21. Ostrich eggs make good water containers. Their feathers make good decorations. Ostrich meat is gamey and tasty. They also have gold, being Light-based.
  22. They don't go out in boats, but ice fishing is good. Yes, repairing things and doing the jobs that you have to do indoors is always good in Dark Season. Spinning is a good thing, as all the family can help. Knitting or making new clothes is also good, especially warm clothing. Making lots of babies. Telling stories Retelling myths. Getting on each other's nerves until you are forced to go hunting or fishing just to get away.
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