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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Thanks, glad you liked it. Those tailless Scorpionmen with two extra legs are sneaky, and they use webs to put you off the scent. But, Storm Bulls know better. That would be good. We went with the RQG Spider Venom that paralyses its prey, just for convenience. However, extra spider abilities are always good.
  2. I am brushing up on a Treasure Generator for RQ2, using the Treasure Factor rules in RQ2 and the item costs in RQ2 and Griffin Mountain (Gonn Orta) but cannot find anywhere where it states the value of scrolls. Now, I am sure that a map to a treasure hoard won't be worth much in itself, but the training scrolls would be worth a bit, but I cannot find any references to their values. Eventually, I'll convert them to RQG, but need to get the base costs right first. Does anyone know where the cost/value of scrolls are stated?
  3. If a cult does not specify God-Talkers and they fit in your game then I'd say just include them. Humakt having Acolytes called daggers has been around for a long time, so why not include Daggers as God-Talkers? To me, God-Talkers do a lot of the admin that priests could do, so apply quite well to Humakt.
  4. Maybe Hero Points, as they work really well. I also like focussed experience, rather than haphazard rolls of everything you ticked. Special Criticals and Hyper Criticals work for me, for historical reasons in our old campaigns. But, that's about it.
  5. I used to love reciting Orlanthi Poetry as a Wind Lord. Foul slime, curse of existence, begone!
  6. We have Arachnaurs (Human upper parts with a spider body and legs) and spiderlings (Human body with a spider head). They use the magic of the Great Mother to transform Head, Sprout Limbs and get Carapace. The Great Mother is very similar to Aranea and grants transformation spells, so I didn't think we needed a Hsunchen cult. But, humans could worship the Great Mother and transform into spiders. The Seven Hills has a Were-Fiend, an Ogre who can transform into a Fiend.
  7. Didn't you say before that her Mum was in the game? Or maybe it was her aunt. Check with the other adults in the game, to see what they think is appropriate. Use examples from Young Adult fiction, they seem to love the idea of love triangles, confusion and sideways glances rather than actual romance and sex. Of course, if you go by the Ancient Greek Legends, they were all about sex and its results. If you introduce the minotaur and she asks where they come from, don't be surprised to get an "Ewww".
  8. River Voices Campaign: 1. Which version of Runequest do you run? Or perhaps even another system? RQ3, but heavily modified 2. How long have you ran your campaign? 2007-2018 3. What time period in Glorantha did you start? 2018-Hero Wars (2030?) 4. Where in Glorantha did you start? What regions has your campaign covered since? Prax, covered the Wastes and Pavis, briefly went to Dorastor and Sartar 5. Where are your pcs from? Pavis 6. What products from any version of Runequest have you used? Which were particularly useful? Pavis & Big Rubble, P&BR Companions, Borderlands, all the RQ3 Praxian supplements, King of Sartar 7. Is it a sandbox or more plot led campaign? Sandbox with with GM input 8. How much have you followed the arching events of the time period or has your Glorantha varied? The PCs were river Voices, so they brought back the Boat Planet, restored Orlanth, brought back Pavis, Tada and Genert, aided and then stopped the Great Reforestation, became King of Dragon Pass and Golden Dragon Emperor of Dara Happa. So, we followed the timeline to a certain extent, but the PCs ended doing what Argrath did in King of Sartar. 9. How would you describe your campaign? Mad, exciting, political, HeroQuesting, ripping the heart out of the Hero Wars. 10. What advice would you give newbie gms to runequest and glorantha? As above
  9. RQ3 Campaign (Continuation of RQ2 Campaign but with 1 GM): 1. Which version of Runequest do you run? Or perhaps even another system? RQ3, heavily modified at the end 2. How long have you ran your campaign? 1990-1996 3. What time period in Glorantha did you start? 1624-Hero Wars 4. Where in Glorantha did you start? What regions has your campaign covered since? We played in Dorastor, Balazar, Dagori Inkarth and Sartar, which is where the main PCs had interests 5. Where are your pcs from? Sartar, Prax, Dagori Inkarth, Sun County 6. What products from any version of Runequest have you used? Which were particularly useful? All RQ3 supplements. Dorastor Land of Doom and Lords of Terror were useful, Griffin Island/Griffin Mountain were useful for Balazar, Troll pack was great for Dagori Inkarth. 7. Is it a sandbox or more plot led campaign? Sandbox, with evil GM input and puppet mastering 8. How much have you followed the arching events of the time period or has your Glorantha varied? We followed what was in King of Sartar pretty well, but not the way it was covered. We killed Argrath (Rival to Brankist Farlow) and Harrek (Friend of Argrath), Brankist Farlow wanted to become King of Sartar, Solarus Skywatch became king of Greater Balazar and the adopted son of the Red Emperor and Derak the Darktroll became King of Dagori Inkarth (King of a matriarchy, great, so just a puppet then?) and tried to break the Trollkin Curse by becoming Gbaji and then not cursing the trolls. 9. How would you describe your campaign? HeroQuesting, Politics and King-making, with acid. 10. What advice would you give newbie gms to runequest and glorantha? As above
  10. RQ2 campaign: 1. Which version of Runequest do you run? Or perhaps even another system? RQ2 2. How long have you ran your campaign? 1986-1990 3. What time period in Glorantha did you start? 1618-1624 4. Where in Glorantha did you start? What regions has your campaign covered since? Multi-GM, Multi-region campaign 5. Where are your pcs from? Sartar, Prax, Dagori Inkarth, Sun County 6. What products from any version of Runequest have you used? Which were particularly useful? RQ2 supplements and packs, the campaign packs were particularly useful 7. Is it a sandbox or more plot led campaign? Plot-led, as it was multi-GM, each GM had their own scenarios to run. 8. How much have you followed the arching events of the time period or has your Glorantha varied? We did not care about the official time period. 9. How would you describe your campaign? Mad, bad and dangerous to know. 10. What advice would you give newbie gms to runequest and glorantha? Forget rules complexities, strip it down to the basics. Start small and work up. Don't use the rules to work out why something should not work, assume that things should work unless there is a glaringly obvious reason why not. Don't be afraid to make house rules If a plot point might not be in the rules, still use it, plot should trump rules Use things from the Jonstown Compendium as much as official works Make up your own scenarios Don't flood Players with loads of background, introduce things drop by drop
  11. Not in my Glorantha. In my Glorantha they are like the Cenobites in Hellraiser, Necromantic Sorcerers who live in a portion of Hell pushed into the normal world. There's is a world of the living dead, of chambers of hanging corpses that the magicians can possess and animate, where they can stitch the corpses together to make new things. But, my Glorantha varies.
  12. D100 games have always had a lot of playable humanoid races. However, most of the examples are out of print. The current Glorantha Bestiary, for RQ, has some races that you could use. Drive Through RPG might have some Bestiaries for RQ, Call of Cthulhu, Mythras, Legend or any of the D100 games. They should all be fairly compatible with BRP, or give you ideas. One of the good things about D100 games is that you can pretty much use any intelligent race as a PC, simply by using the normal character generation rules and amending anything that looks a bit odd.
  13. For me, the people of the Wastelands practise a brutal form of hospitality. they will offer food and drink to anyone who asks for it, for they do not know when they will themselves require food or drink. They will not imprison, enslave or kill guests, unless the guests attack them first. However, they will happily let the guests go and them chase them down afterwards, depending on the circumstances. Agimori, however, never take slaves, so would only hunt to punish those who break their hospitality. Oasis Folk will offer food to all who come to their Oasis. However, their food tends to be variations on a theme. If you don't like dates, for example, then you will be disappointed on a date Oasis, as they will offer you a variety of dates, stuffed dates, roasted dates, date wine and date surprise (Yes, it's a date). When I worked on an archaeological dig, the chap in charge told a story of hiking around Greece when he was 18, looking at the various sites. He often had no money and relied on the hospitality of the locals. Once he met an old couple who gave him a bed to sleep in and a meal, basically a plate of mutton stew and lentils, he finished it and they put another plate in front of him, which he could barely finish, then they out another plate in front of him. Panicking slightly, he realised that they would not stop until he was full, so he ate some, thanked them and then said he could eat no more. Apparently they looked so relieved, for they must have thought that he would eat all their food.
  14. In my Glorantha, Humakti can be resurrected. If they are killed in battle and ask for Divine Intervention as their life slips away, then Humakt will grant it and being them back to life, as they never actually died. However, is a Humakti is found recently slain and another Humakti uses Divine Intervention to bring them back then the request will be denied, as Humakt does not resurrect. However, if the deceased Humakti is resurrected then nobody really minds. Of course, fanatical Humakti might kill the resurrecting healer and then kill themselves in a fit of religious pique, but good riddance.
  15. The concept is way older than that, there are many tales of a sorcerer's apprentice doing things. I see an apprentice sorcerer working similarly to an apprentice shaman. So what? I have never used sorcery in my games and we only had one sorcerer PC in any campaigns that I have run or played in, so it is pretty irrelevant to me. My guess, and it is only a guess, is that a lot of people won't like how Malkioni are treated in forthcoming supplements. That guess is, of course, not based on any knowledge at all, but on a hunch that the sources of inspiration of the Malkioni is not in the Swords and Sorcery-style lonely Sorcerer with a couple of apprentices in a remote tower, but on some ancient real-world philosophies.
  16. Because without Breath and Air you are merely an empty shell. Before Umath, all were just empty shells. all the ancient Gods and all the people were just hollow shells going about their business. when Umath appeared and took his first breath, he energised everyone and gave them air with which to breathe. All the ancient Gods were invigorated and could achieve so much more.
  17. It is ridiculously easy to use the Jonstown Compendium template to create reasonable-looking supplements. There is no reason why an author couldn't get other people to write articles or short sections and put them together to form a supplement. I had work from Tal Meta, Nikk Effingham and Leon Kirshtein for the temple of heads, for example. Austin Conrad asked me to write something for Treasures of Glorantha. So an ensemble of authors works.
  18. It's a damned fine Pogues album as well.
  19. It might have been, I was pretty close anyway.
  20. I couldn't have done it without your myths. When a myth makes me cry when I read it and again when I write the HeroQuest, I know it's a good one.
  21. I just rolled up a Healer that could have qualified for High Healer status, if she had taken Heal 6 and took 5 Rune Points. Obviously, the bar for High Healer is lower than for other cults, but you can roll up a PC that is near God-Talker, Rune Lord or Rune Priest status.
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