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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. In one of our campaigns, a PC became the adopted son of the Red Emperor, but they didn't really change a lot. In another campaign, Mello Yello interrupted a ritual where Great Sister performed Utuma on the Red Emperor, transferred the wound to himself and died, but was immediately reborn as the Golden Dragon Emperor, at which point the Utuma wound flared up again on the Red Emperor and he died, mainly of embarrassment. The campaign stopped after that as the Players did not know how they could top that.
  2. I love them. By the way, I haven't forgotten your images for my supplement, that is on hold for a while until a finish off some more things.
  3. Personally, I really don't like this approach, although I know that a lot of people love it. So, some people say that Yelmalio is formed of little deities whose cults merged, so was Orlanth and Ernalda, and so on. Personally, I much prefer the idea that the various cults existed at the Dawn, worshipping whet they knew or could remember about the Deities who helped them survive. The Awakeners of the Theyalans came around and woke up dryads, elves and so on. In doing so, they encountered a lot of fragments of cults and said "Hey, your cult is really similar to our cult, but we have a juicy pomegranate and you have a delicious apple, so that meant that our goddess had both a pomegranate and apple, we just didn't realise before". As they met a lot of cultures and cults, they could do this more and more often, thus rebuilding the shattered cults. Oh yes, again, and it will come up again and again until Glorantha is forgotten. Which is a reasonable way of reconciling everything. The Yelmalians of Prax originally came from Dragon Pass, but I can't remember it explicitly being stated where the Yelmalians of Dragon Pass came from. Palangio could be a reasonable interpretation, but I am not sure if holdouts from his time would have survived in Arkat's Dark Empire. An offshoot of the Sun Dragon Emperor in the Empire of the Wyrm Friends could also be a reasonable source. Maybe the Yelmalians settled by Palangio were strengthened by the success of the Sun Dragon. After all, Balazar brought Yelmalio to the land named after him, at about the same time. That is another good interpretation. Elmal being Yelmalio without the connection to Yelm makes sense, as he if from the Fire Tribe but serves the Storm Tribe. He has lost his kin but has gained new kin by being adopted into the new tribe.
  4. Yelmalio was Yelm's son, an uptight god of light and phalanxes with no phalanx magic, with temples scattered around and a few in the arse-end of nowhere (Prax, Balazar). Elmal was unheard of. Then Greg Stafford came along and said "Hey, don't forget that Elmal is the same as Yelmalio but worshipped by Orlanthi, but Monrogh showed them bright new toys and they all joined Yelmalio". A lot of people didn't like the fact that a Deity could be changed so much (Yelmalio/Elmal) and outright rejected Elmal, but they came around in the end. Then came King of Dragon Pass and Six Ages that made Elmal sexy and loads of new players loved him. (I haven't played the games so have no idea how Elmal is portrayed, I loaded King of Dragon Pass on my laptop years ago but had not clue how to play it so gave up) Finally, when writing the Cults Book, Jeff puts Elmal back as a face of Yelmalio. The players invested in Elmal, quite understandably, don't like this. So, what do I get from this? It is really cool that deities can change, or be changed. HeroQuests can change deities by revealing aspects that were hidden, sometimes hidden in plain sight. Deities can be two different things at once. So, Yelmalio can finish the Hill of Gold, naked, beaten and stripped of his fore powers, led away by Arroin and High King Elf; but also, Elmal can leave the Hill of Gold with his weapons returned by Orlanth and leaving to join Orlanth at Stormstead. Then we have divergent myths of Elmal and Yelmalio where they do different things at different times. Are they the same deity just telling two parts of the same story? Are they two different deities, split apart by the trauma of the Hill of Gold? Are they two different deities who both went to the Hill of Gold? Who knows, and to a certain extent, who cares? In my game, I don't put much emphasis on Elmal simply because I think it's a boring deity. The same applies to Yelmalio, but I did play a Yelmalian for several years. Nothing is static. Just because something has been described in a certain way doesn't mean that it can't be revised and rewritten when expanding.
  5. The ideal situation would be that Sorcery has no spells. You just rely on the Runes and Techniques that you have mastered and improvise effects based on them. I see spells as just being handy little packages to make such improvisation easier.
  6. For Philosophers, I like to think the conversation goes something like this: We have Harnack the Well-Versed in Philosophy and we demand a ransom Sure, we'll pay you 150L No, he knows much, we want 500L Nah, keep him!
  7. They would have Seven, but one would be empty!
  8. We'll have to wait for Storm Drains of Los Angeles then.
  9. Sounds good, I hope you and your players enjoy it. Our old RQ Campaign had three Players, so 3 PCs, but one had to go away for work a lot, so they had two Players, 2 PCs and one PC who didn't do much except act as support. It might be Ok for one Player to have one PC and the other Player to have 2 PCs. In our RQ2 campaign, some Players had more than one PC and some stuck with one, which worked well. Retainers are good, especially when played as friendly NPCs by the GM, which gets around the Player not liking multiple PCs. If you have a lot of them then it can get confusing, especially in combat. Other advice: Let them have lots of healing, give everyone some Healing from the start, make healing potions common and easy to get Don't flood them with large parties of NPC opponents, keep enemies at roughly the same number as the PCs Make Resurrection fairly common and available, if you don't want them to roll up PCs every few sessions Be generous where death is concerned, for PCs. I never have death at 0 Hit Points any more, if someone has 12 Hit Points I play they don't die until they have reached -12 Hit Points and, even then, they might not actually die but might just hang on to life. NPCs that take big wounds should drop out of combat or run away, very few should fight to the death
  10. That makes so much sense, in many ways.
  11. That's how I treat it in the Book of Doom, where a Crafter can have a workshop and each workshop is treated as a tenant, using Manage Household.
  12. How Humakt Learned to Grieve is now a Silver Best Seller! Many thanks to those that managed to push it across the line. Now, we need to get Holiday Dorastor: The Temple of Heads and Holiday Dorastor: Spider Woods there. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/345229/How-Humakt-Learned-to-Grieve?affiliate_id=66807 https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/356993/Holiday-Dorastor-The-Temple-of-Heads?affiliate_id=66807 https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/363111/Holiday-Dorastor-Spider-Woods?affiliate_id=66807
  13. Nor do I, as I have a couple of D3s. I also have a couple of D2s, which is easier than flipping a coin.
  14. Are those things good? The Sky falls to the Earth, squeezing out the Air. That doesn't sound great to me. The end of Time means that everyone is in the afterlife, essentially, so they probably all died.
  15. He owns the Trading Post but is busy becoming a mountain or contemplating current events. However, the Trading Post will trade anything magical. You bring things and you will probably get a buyer, as the Trading Post will buy things. We played that the Trading Post would buy anything at half its official list price, or value, without checking on its provenance, as they could probably get a buyer later on, You could try to Bargain with them to get the price up, but you are likely to lose and drive the price down. However, don't try to cheat them, as they are giants and will happily throw you off a cliff or stomp on you. actually, they probably wouldn't, but they would make you think that they would.
  16. And he isn't going to trade those.
  17. Denarius the Minter and Other Minor Cults has just become a Silver Best Seller! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/347734/Denarius-the-Minter?affiliate_id=66807 How Humakt Learned to Grieve is at 99 sales, so two more sales make it a another Silver Best Seller, so what are you waiting for? https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/345229/How-Humakt-Learned-to-Grieve?affiliate_id=66807
  18. For some reason, I thought it was breaststroke. No idea why, though, that's what I thought I read somewhere. I am sure that there are scholars in the Holy Country, and beyond, that have impassioned debates about this.
  19. The land rises from the Oceans, the sky drops to the Earth, the spike is rebuilt and connects Sky and Earth, Magasta and the other Oceans depart to the edges of the world, Trolls depart to Wonderhome, Time ends, everyone lives happily ever after.
  20. It looks fairly stable now. I am using it as the basis for some QuestWorlds material in A New Age, probably coming out in late August or early September.
  21. I didn't know that, many thanks.
  22. And that is exactly what was going to happen in our last campaign, before it ended. Hundreds of Pentian HeroQuestors performed Yelm Seeks Justice, but as Sheng Seleris, to force Orlanthi HeroQuestors to try to rescue Sheng Seleris. However, the campaign finished before anyone could bring him back.
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