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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Workers and material. Normally, land is not bought in Glorantha but is granted, so people don't generally buy the land. As an architect friend of mine says "sure, I can cut the price by half, which half of the building don't you want?" There are ways to reduce the cost: Bargain with the workforce to reduce labour costs Hire cheaper workers, but the quality might not be as good Bargain over the cost of the materials Find a better source of materials Use cheaper materials, but the quality might not be as good Do some of the work themselves, if they have the right skills (Craft sounds good) A commoner's house is roughly a year's income, which feels about right. Normally, PCs bring money and supervise the work, not continually but enough to get the work done properly. Participating can be good, if they have the skills. Just helping out could bring the workforce onto their side and end up with a better building.
  2. The Red Emperor has passed every test thrown at him by the Yelm Cult and has consistently proven himself to be Emperor of Dara Happa.
  3. The Book of Doom has some prices:
  4. Yelm the Elder used to allow Priests from solar cults to join, under certain circumstances. I am not sure if that it still the case, but it might have been possible with Harvar Ironfist.
  5. Yes, Wonderhome was where the Trolls used to live, before Yelm came with his burning light. It is in what is now known as Hell. Then Yelm came, after he was killed, and destroyed legions of trolls with his burning light. The Trolls ran away to the surface World, for that was now without Yelm, so they thought that it was Darkness. Afterwards, Grandfather Mortal, or Daka Fal, made Hell the Realm of the Dead and this included Wonderhome. Yes, that is exactly the case. Trolls believe that they will go to Wonderhome when they die, where insects are plentiful, they don't need to work and where they can sit and eat all night.
  6. Our third 5* Review for Holiday Dorastor:Temple of Heads, by Scott S who has been busy: It blew my mind. I lost my head. This deserves an extra star. Horrifyingly funny! A module that reads as well as it plays. A showcase for the Jonstown renaissance! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/356993/Holiday-Dorastor-The-Temple-of-Heads?affiliate_id=66807
  7. Our third 5* Review for Holiday Dorastor:Temple of Heads, by Scott S who has been busy: It blew my mind. I lost my head. This deserves an extra star. Horrifyingly funny! A module that reads as well as it plays. A showcase for the Jonstown renaissance! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/356993/Holiday-Dorastor-The-Temple-of-Heads?affiliate_id=66807
  8. Another 5* Review for Secrets of Dorastor, this one by Scott S, taking it to 9 5* Reviews and 8 5* Ratings, so 17 in all: Where your SuperWorld characters go to die. This is a womderful product that outshines the previous Gloranthan renaissance. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/318512/Secrets-of-Dorastor?affiliate_id=66807
  9. Another 5* Review for Secrets of Dorastor, this one by Scott S, taking it to 9 5* Reviews and 8 5* Ratings, so 17 in all: Where your SuperWorld characters go to die. This is a womderful product that outshines the previous Gloranthan renaissance. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/318512/Secrets-of-Dorastor?affiliate_id=66807
  10. What do you mean? The Red Emperor is the Dara Happan Emperor, the legitimate Emperor, Yelm's face on the world. Or, maybe you meant the Carmanians?
  11. I seem to remember having the same problem. Someone recommended clearing the cache, which I tried and it seemed to work.
  12. It was indeed. You must have become lost in Spider Woods, wandering around for eternity. If you click on Spider Woods now, it should be a beacon of hope, allowing you to exit into the green pastures of DTRPG.
  13. I would allow Earth Shield. It seems silly that it would not benefit a Champion. Ernalda's spells are shown below. Ernalda Cult Magic: Absorption, Arouse Passion, Bless Champion, Bless Crops, Bless Pregnancy, Charisma, Command Snake, Command Swine, Dismiss Earth Elemental (any size), Earthpower, Gnome to Gargoyle (one-use), Heal Body, Inviolable, Regrow Limb, Reproduce, Restore Health, Summon Earth Elemental (any size), Summon Household Guardian. Associate Cult Magic: Accelerate Growth, Hide Wealth, Earth Shield, Healing Trance, Bless Animals, Seal Soul, Blast Earth, Peace, Bless Grave Husband Protector Magic: Cloud Call, Shield, Create Shadow, Bear Fruit spell, Breathe Air/Water, Impede Chaos, Cloud Clear, Catseye So, looking at this spells: Combat spells: Arouse Passion, Charisma, Inviolable (Maybe), Earth Shield, Shield, Breathe Air/Water, Impede Chaos, Catseye. For stopping violence: Arouse Passion, Charisma, Peace, Inviolable, Reproduce Other useful effects: Accelerate Growth, Bear Fruit, Regrow Limb, Healing Trance
  14. I am pleased to announce Spider Woods, another RuneQuest supplement in the Jonstown Compendium Holiday Dorastor series and my third collaboration with Leon Kirshtein. Warning: Contains images of spiders, but they don't totally creep me out, so they might be OK for fellow arachnophobes. If you have any questions, you know where to find me - Cowering in the middle of an open room, armed with a flyswatter.
  15. I am pleased to announce Spider Woods, another RuneQuest supplement in the Jonstown Compendium Holiday Dorastor series and my third collaboration with Leon Kirshtein. Warning: Contains images of spiders, but they don't totally creep me out, so they might be OK for fellow arachnophobes. If you have any questions, you know where to find me - Cowering in the middle of an open room, armed with a flyswatter.
  16. It would be great if these were made available on the Jonstown Compendium. However, I am not sure if anyone has PDFs that could be used.
  17. The Trolls have a Burning Hell in the Sky where bad trolls go after death. That is definitely not in the Underworld. But, generally, yes, Hell is that part of the Underworld that is beyond the Styx.
  18. Of course, they consider these as Holy Day Re-enactments. They are, however, HeroQuests and others can interact with them as HeroQuests.
  19. Maybe we should have a section for those that have passed beyond the veil.
  20. Sounds good. There are several easy ways to get to Hell: Pass through the Gates of Dusk, at the end of the world, you simply have to sail there and then travel overland a bit, then persuade the guardians of the gate to let you go through. Pass through the Gates of Dawn, at the other end of the world, you simply have to sail there and then travel overland a bit, then persuade the guardians of the gate to let you go through, although this is generally harder as this is traditionally an exit not an entrance. Jump down Hellcrack to the northeast of the Rockwoods Sail down, or jump down, Magasta's Pool Swim down through the Tarpit in the Holy Country Travel down into the basements of the Castles of Lead, Cragspider's Castle or the ruined basements of the Castle of black Glass Go through the doorway in the Sazdorf Caverns Perform, the Six Stones ritual at the Six Stones in Sartar to appear at Six Stones in Hell In once sense, Hell is just a physical place. You can go there and travel between the different parts of Hell. However, Hell is really big, bigger than Genertela, Pamaltela and all the seas and oceans combined, so it will take many lifetimes to explore by normal means. In another sense, Hell is on the Hero Plane, intimately connected to the God Plane, so using HeroQuest stations to navigate is a better bet. Basically, Hell is the Land of the Dead, where all the souls of dead Gloranthans go. Each Realm holds the dead of a deity or a pantheon, so Ty Kora Tek oversees the Halls of Silence, where dead Earth Folk go, Humakt had his Sword Hall, Yelm's Realm is ruled by the Maggot King and is where Solar cultists go and so on. Your Adventurers would explore each area in turn, probably. It has been done before, of course. sir Ethilrist famously led the White Horse Company into Hell, they traversed Hell and returned as the Black Horse Company, riding on demon steeds.
  21. So, you are not a fan of the idea of a child being sheltered by parents, maybe locked away or kept from outsiders, due to being cursed by chaos? Or a warrior able to live with the chaos gift he received on a HeroQuest, steadfastly fighting the forces of chaos yet secretly bearing his own gift? Shame, as I love those kind of stories.
  22. I have never liked the "We just kill them" approach to things. Someone having a Moon Rune could call it the Rune of Balance, as Balance is a property of Moon. so, it is the balance of being with us and them, rather than being us or them. That, to me, is a good starting point for an interesting story. Having an Adventurer choose the Moon Rune and then telling the Player that "Oh, Sartarites kill anyone with the Moon rune as part of their initiation rites" is dull, boring and not good storytelling to me.
  23. Still air is actually more dangerous, as that is Molanni's preserve, stealing the very air from your lungs.
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