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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. They regularly clear it out, then the Ogres come back and fill it up again. There are lots of tunnels and secret ways in that the Storm Bulls cannot block. Also, the Cacodemon shrines tend to attract nasty chaos. Normal thing, plus they can probably flood it with chaos creatures really easily. They probably have false entrances with some poor ogres living there as bait for the Storm Bulls.
  2. Ogre Island hosts The Basher, a reinforced ram designed to carve open Cradles that hit it. It was at the forefront of the Jrusteli operations against Cradles. Sorcerers would direct the Cradles into the middle of the stream and force them onto The Basher, splitting and beaching them, at which point teams of treasure-hunters would board, kill the occupants and loot the treasures. In my Pavis, some of the Jrusteli survived the sacking of Robcradle by hiding in tunnels and caves deep beneath the island, where the giants could not go. When Pavis came, they simply re-emerged and became citizens of the new city. When Pavis disappeared, the Nomads and then the Trolls sacked Pavis and the inhabitants simply retreated to their previous hiding place. However, this time they drew on their Jrusteli past and searched for deities that could strengthen them. They HeroQuested for strength and contacted Cacodemon who gave them what they desired, making them strong enough to survive the Troll Occupation. So, they became ogres and settled Ogre Island. During the Troll Occupation, the ogres of Ogre Island thrived and spread to the banks of the river nearby. They fed on those humans foolish enough to pass nearby, as well as on trollkin and the occasional troll, for all were descendants of Grandfather Mortal and all were prey to Ogres. Their tunnels stretched to both banks and allowed them free access to the nearby lands. With the advent of the Dragonewt Dream, the seals on the gates of Old Pavis were opened and the people of Pavis Outside the Walls could again enter Pavis. This brought a whole new lot of food to the Ogres, who thrived once more. as New Pavis was settled, the Ogres settled in as both Old Pavic Families and hunters of the people who ventured into the hunting grounds. When the Lunars took over New Pavis, the Ogres of Ogre Island reached out to them, thinking that they could make allies with the Lunars, as they accepted Ogres into their armies. However, the Lunars were not particularly keen, fearing an uprising among the Sartar Exiles of New Pavis. They became friendly with the Ogres of Ogre Island but did not openly acknowledge them. Now the Lunars have gone and a new Warlord is in charge, the Ogres of Ogre Island have once again gone into hiding. Some still maintain the appearance of Old Pavic Families, desperately trying to survive in the Big Rubble, but their kin living near the Cacodemon shrines of Ogre Island find it difficult to maintain an appearance of respectability. The new rulers of New Pavis want to restore and reinvigorate Pavis. they are actively HeroQuesting to bring back the lost deities and spirits of the City. The Ogres of Ogre Island hold some of the secrets of its past, as they were there at its founding. They want to weave themselves into the fabric of Pavis and are not afraid to use their old Jrusteli secrets, new Lunar techniques and the secrets known by the Cacodemon cult to do so. Argrath has little interest in Pavis, he simply used it to drive the Lunars from Prax and as a stepping stone to prove himself as a warlord capable of taking on the Lunars. He left some Storm Bull cultists in Pavis and they are keen on wiping Chaos out in the Big Rubble. They want to destroy the Ogres of Ogre Island, but have no real idea of how powerful or deep-rooted they are. The Ogres of Ogre Island have ties with the Cacodemon and Krarsht cults. They know of the Chaos in the Devil's Playground but do not have many dealings with them. Some Ogres have joined the Thanatar cult and they have access to more of the old secrets of Pavis. The Ogres of Ogre Island are trying to build alliances of Chaos, so that they can face whatever onslaught is coming their way. All in my opinion, of course.
  3. Secrets of Dorastor and Holiday Dorastor: Temple of Heads both have Encounter Tables in the classic RQ2 Roll a D20 mode. All of the Holiday Dorastor supplements will have tailored Encounter Tables that amend the general ones for the surrounding area, as well as new ones for newly-described areas. Secrets of the Oasis Folk will probably have encounter tables for the Wastes and for Oases. Secrets of the River Voices will have encounter tables for Zola Fel, maybe.
  4. Right, thanks. I remember being in Russia, in the winter, when it had been -20C for a week, then it warmed up to -5C and we were walking around without coats and gloves, saying how warm it was. Obviously, we didn't walk around without coats and gloves for long, we weren't stupid with a death wish, we took them with us and put them on after about 15 minutes.
  5. I think that is missing the point a bit. It is hard to breathe in a hurricane because so much powerful air is all around you. It probably sucks the air from your lungs to make it join the nearby air. Real world physics don't always apply.
  6. @threedeesix is still going string, as far as I know. Mythras occasionally pushes out a Classic Fantasy module.
  7. That sounds like the sort of thing that a PC would ask, or argue. There is an easy way to find out: Take someone who has spent nearly a year on Makoto, remove them from the island for a couple of weeks, return them to the island for several weeks, so they have now spent more than a year on the island in total, then try to remove them again. If they can't be removed then you know the curse is a cumulative period, if they can be removed then it covers a full year on the island. Of course, the problem there is how is the curse enforced. Is the person stopped dead in their tracks, so they cannot physically be removed? Do they disappear and reappear in the centre of the island? Does a dragon arise and destroy the ship that they are being transported on? Do agents of the curse appear and fight any would-be abductors? Does Mokato smite thee down as transgressors? The JC is non-canonical, so write whatever you like. JC can disagree with published material for several reasons, all of which are valid: Your material is better and differs as a clarification The original reason sucks You wanted to vary it for some reason that fits into your game material You didn't know about the original material Because that's what you wrote in a JC supplement Mokatoans wear their curse with pride, or complain about it bitterly. I cannot see everyone taking their newborn infants and all children with them on a sea voyage once a year to escape the curse, so most Mokatoans are affected by the curse anyway. It stops you from endlessly wandering the oceans, being eaten by monsters, dying of a foul disease on a ship, being turned into undead sailors or worse ...
  8. Requests for a refund of $10.00 for those purchasing Secrets of Dorastor in both hardcopy and PDF have dried up. I keep checking my SPAM, just in case, but nothing has come through. So, a reminder, anyone who has bought the Hardcopy and PDF of Secrets of Dorastor, either separately or together, can email me at soltakss@yahoo.com with a screenshot of the orders and I will send a DTRPG Gift Certificate $10.00 to the email address used for the order. For those who may be worried whether I can afford this, I am simply using the markup from the Secrets of Dorastor hardcopy for this, so have no fears about that! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/318512/Secrets-of-Dorastor?affiliate_id=66807
  9. Requests for a refund of $10.00 for those purchasing Secrets of Dorastor in both hardcopy and PDF have dried up. I keep checking my SPAM, just in case, but nothing has come through. So, a reminder, anyone who has bought the Hardcopy and PDF of Secrets of Dorastor, either separately or together, can email me at soltakss@yahoo.com with a screenshot of the orders and I will send a DTRPG Gift Certificate $10.00 to the email address used for the order. For those who may be worried whether I can afford this, I am simply using the markup from the Secrets of Dorastor hardcopy for this, so have no fears about that! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/318512/Secrets-of-Dorastor?affiliate_id=66807
  10. I normally say that the air gets so thick that it is hard to breathe.
  11. It does work as a Find (Irritating GM) though. That always works on me, by the way.
  12. My definition is that a Deity is Chaotic if it has the Chaos Rune.
  13. Orane the Spinner, or Orane the Steadwife, might be a candidate.
  14. Probably not. Yelm the Emperor is seen as Orlanth's rival and there is not a place for Yelm Temples in Orlanthi lands. Even among Yelmalians, Yelm if the Bog Boss, the Overlord, the Faraway Emperor. They love and respect him but like the fact that he is faraway even more. Yelm Initiates outrank all Yelmalians, so they tend to lord it over them when they come to visit, which Yelmalians absolutely hate. It is present among the Grazelanders, for sure. Every Yelmalio Temple will have a Yelm Shrine, but will probably not have any Yelm cultists. Maybe Tarsh might have Yelm shrines, but not much more than that. Yelm is definitely a Dara Happan cult to the Orlanthi, so is a foreigner and hostile cult, despite what the Cult Relationship Table might possibly say. Yes, it is almost certainly a subcult of Yelm, but not all cultists worship Yelm. Moonson Imperator shrines probably also count as Shrines to Yelm, as Moonson is the Red Emperor, the incarnation of Yelm in the world.
  15. Maybe, but there are always exceptions. PC Adventurers are among those exceptions. Maybe, but those people would be seen as Lunar sympathisers or, even worse, as Lunars, by the fanatics that are out there. Having a Moon Rune is certainly a story point and can drive scenarios and affect encounters.
  16. Well, you could play that. However, I have seen enough Martial Arts films to have it in my mind that you definitely can parry with your hand, so I'd allow it without even thinking about it. For me, an outright "No, you can't do that" needs a very strong reason and "The rules say so" just isn't anywhere near a strong enough reason for me.
  17. Welcome aboard! We are very friendly and helpful here. Sounds as though you'll fit in just fine.
  18. I put together a Google Sheet to make it easier for me. This cuts the process down to about 30 minutes, excluding Family History, as it does all the calculations for me and allows me to choose the skills I want to increase through Culture/Profession/Cult/Personal Boosts etc. I have a Google Questionnaire for the Family History that populates a sheet, but have not yet added automation to build the skills up.
  19. Looks Ok on Microsoft Edge Version 91.0.864.59 (Official build) (64-bit) under Windows 10. Maybe a bit blurry at 100% due to the stick-thin letters. Absolutely fine when zoomed in to 200% to fit to the width of my wide-screen monitor. @Bill the barbarianMaybe you should move to a Windows 10 PC/Laptop! 😮
  20. Why did I start playing RPGs? Because Dave Rewhorn, a student when I was in my first year at University, said "Hey, I play a game where you can play other people on adventurers, want to give it a go?" Why did I love RuneQuest? Because I read Homer's Iliad when I was a kid and was transfixed by the battle scenes. When I played RQ it seemed as though those battle scenes had come to life. Also, I was brought up on swords and sorcery, swords and sandals and so on, which fits RQ perfectly. Why do I play RQ now? To build worlds, go on HeroQuests and be a Hero, or a Villain, I am not really fussed which, as long as it is big, bold and impressive.
  21. The Gloomshark is the cult for you, then. That is a big fish in any pond, and it has tentacles, because a normal shark just isn't dangerous enough.
  22. It's like Detect Enemy. If I cast it and my mate Lookus Liked-By-All cats it in the same place at the same time, some people would detect under my casting but nobody will be detected by Lookus. Does that invalidate Detect Enemy? Of course not.
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