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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. So, the spell is subjective. If I cast Detect poison then it will show poisonous things. It might also show things that are not poisonous to me but are deadly to Aldryami. If a Broo casts Detect Poison, does nothing show up, because Broo are not affected by poison? Or do things show up because they are poison, to which the Broo is immune?
  2. We have written Secrets of Dorastor, which gives a Chaotic viewpoint for many things. Currently, we are working through Holiday Dorastor and have produced The Temple of Heads and will soon publish Spider Woods, with more to come. I like to look at things from different viewpoints and Chaos is an interesting one to look at. Not all Chaots are ravening psychopaths and not all are misunderstood good guys. They tend to be evil simply because they are often forced down that path by having to join Chaotic Cults simply by being cursed by Chaos.
  3. In the same campaign, the Lord General of Death wanted to question Derak the Dark Troll, as he showed suspicious behaviour for a Death Lord of Zorak Zoran, for example going adventuring with humans. so, he invited Derak to his castle in the Throne and brandished a Detect Law matrix and a Detect Chaos matrix. When questioned about the legality of having Detect Law, a Krarsht ability, he simply said "We use any tool in the fight against chaos". He cast Detect Law and rolled 100, a fumble, so the spell just didn't go off. Then he cast Detect Chaos and rolled 100, another fumble, so that didn't go off. Derak successfully argued that Zorak Zoran was displeased that the Lord General of Death was accusing Derak, with a critical Fast Talk, so the Lord General of Death made Derak, who was illuminated, the Inquisitor General, charged with hunting down any Illuminates who had infiltrated the Zorak Zoran cult. He found loads, mostly among his rivals and enemies.
  4. In our RQ2 campaign, one of the GMs gave out a Detect Mountain matrix on an ENC 50 Boulder, but it only had a range of 5m. They took it around with them on a cart. They had the last laugh, though, when the same GM ran a scenario around a cursed mountain that was perpetually covered in fog and was poison to touch, but they had to find a hermit's cave. They simply carried the boulder on a sylph and kept it at 4m away by poking a long spear at the mountain, until the spell did not detect mountain, due to the cave being there. The GM was not best pleased, but saw the funny side of it.
  5. I can't remember seeing any EWF architecture in supplements. Most of it will be in ruins now, anyway. EWF society was mainly Second Age Orlanthi, although I would say urban Orlanthi, instead of the hillbilly Orlanthi that we know and love. Sure, there was a veneer of Dragon-worshippers at the top, with the mystics, but the majority was Orlanth-based. Orlanth the Dragon and Ernalda the Serpent had some influence and definitely changed some of their worshippers. There night have been some fashion changes, for example wearing clothing that resembled that of dragonewts, or was like scaly skin, similarly EWF citizens emulated dragonewts in many ways.
  6. Absolutely not, but my thinking was twofold: firstly, the Orlanthi are more likely to be accepting of a chaos tainted person as it's more of an occupational hazard around there, and secondly, that bonus STR is going to be really handy against some of the horrors there. And thirdly it's a great place to go out in a blaze of glory. And fourthly there's material published there to go play. I like the fourthly ...
  7. But what if it's chocolate coated? Miracle Max would disagree.
  8. I buy all the Jonstown Compendium supplements, so you are guaranteed at least one sale. Seriously, you won't know what people are prepared to buy until you produce something. I would go with finishing a thing, although that is easier said than done. I have 3 supplements that I am working on and two more than I am sketching out, so I am the last person to comment on finishing things. Don't bother too much thinking about what people will want to buy. If you don't think it will sell many copies, be careful with how much you spend making it. Cut down on artwork costs, use stock art, think about whether you need an editor, think about whether you need a fancy front cover. That reduces the reliance on whether people will want to buy it. What people want to buy: Background Scenarios NPC Writeups Maps have that special little place that people like maps but don't often buy them for some reason. I have bought all the Jonstown Compendium maps and have found them useful.
  9. People HeroQuest very early in my campaigns, so it is quite common for newbies to save the day. For me, HeroQuesting is dangerous and scary, but is eminently doable. Other people disagree, reserving it for powerful heroes, but why should they have all the fun? The be honest, the HeroQuest system doesn't have a lot to do with HeroQuesting, both in the rules presented and the scenarios published. You can do HeroQuesting as easily using the RuneQuest rules as with the HeroQuest rules. In my Glorantha, HeroQuests are relatively common.
  10. Easy solution: Write Jonstown Compendium supplements and use them to pay for other RQ supplements.
  11. Looks Ok to me. I'd have a -30 malus for each extra multiple attack, rather than a straight 50/50 split, as that rewards high-skilled combatants better, same for subsequent parries. To be honest, combat is, for me, the least important part of a SciFi game.
  12. I just use the NPC Stats in the Classic modules. If I need a Rune, I'll just invent one, same with Passions. But, basically, if I ran the Cradle, I would use the stat blocks that are present in the Cradle. as Rune Magic uses a rune pool and Spirit Magic uses CHA, some of the NPCs in RuneMasters don't correspond exactly to what is in RQG, but again I just handwave those and use what is in RuneMasters.
  13. Ask away anyway, we don't mind. Someone might be able to point you to other, similar threads as well. As a percentile, since that is RQ through and through: RQ2/RQ Classic: 90% Compatible (Just reduce treasure by a factor of 10, remember that some skills are renamed and NPCs won't have Runes or Passions) RQ3: 80% Compatible (Just reduce treasure by a factor of 5, remember that some skills are renamed, NPCs won't have Runes or Passions and will have odd Strike Ranks, Hit Locations and Hit Points, I just use the stats in the books and let the Players tell me the location they rolled) RQ6: 50% Compatible (Major differences in spells, skills and almost everything) RQ4/5: 50% Compatible (Major differences in spells, skills and almost everything, but 70% Compatible with RQ6) I don't bother converting and just use the NPC stats in the books, making up spells if I need them. You should be OK. However, it depends on what kind of GM you are. If you get annoyed because a SIZ 13 CON 13 NPC has 13 Hit Points in RQ3 but 14 Hit Points in RQG then it might drive you crazy. If, however, you can get over, or ignore, that then you should be fine. Adventures should be OK, I have run the scenarios from the Sartar Rising books using RQ3. I have a lot of converted HW/HQ material on my website (www.soltakss.com) that might save you converting cults and spells. A lot of it made it into the Book of Doom on the Jonstown Compendium. You can switch Ages without a problem. However, there is no Lunar Empire in the First or Second Age, but they have the Bright Empire and the Middle Sea Empire instead, which are both benevolent but Chaotic Empires. Hah! Call that a Wall of text? Ask @Bill the barbarian about the first draft of Secrets of HeroQuesting that I sent him! I hope our answers and discussion helps.
  14. Paolo became ill but is slowly recovering. Projects are continuing, I believe.
  15. That is a shame. Are you going to keep the audio files available to download or are you going to delete them?
  16. Yes. Sartar/Dragon Pass is full of wilderness, so the sense of isolation can still be there. Fields of Hazia growing in amongst other crops works in Dragon Pass as well as in Prax. You might regret not doing it ...
  17. That is easily solved by having a Profession skill, for example Profession (Accountant) or Profession (Zeebug Handler) and then using that to be able to do the sort of things that people in the Profession can do. Sure, you might have extra skills that overlap, for example Knowledge (Maths) or Science (Alien Biology), but they can be used to enhance the Profession skill, as they are then some kind of specialist skills.
  18. We have just started project Endor at work and apparently they had a very similar conversation.
  19. However the GM and Player want it to manifest. It happens. Our Duck PC gained +3D6 STR as a Chaos feature and thought it was a gift from Humakt, so he trained his CON up to 21, then realised that it was Chaotic, got rid of it and then trained his STR up to max. We weren't powergamers at all, oh no. That is difficult. On the one hand, the PC is the same as before, but has a new feature, so why would the PC change? On the other hand, the Chaos Rune is evil, twisted and perverse, so how could the PC not change? What is the Chaos Trait? Sometimes, hidden chaos is more subtle than overt chaos. Having a gem somewhere on the body is a minor chaos feature, but growing an arm out of your head is a pretty obvious one. I am not a big fan of "Oh, I have a Chaos feature now, so I must turn evil". It is much better to roleplay it as a curse, or undesirable thing to be removed. Or, alternatively, embrace it and join the Sword Broos of Dorastor. You know it makes sense ...
  20. Looks good. I'm going to have to do something similar for the Book of Doom now. Any plans on including spells from the RQG Rulebook as well?
  21. I think it is ... ... a book with no colour artwork, just slabs of solid colour in its headers and text boxes, let’s remember. Exactly. I don't like lots of colour in my supplements for several reasons and this helped me decide which print quality level to choose. Other people could have full colour internal illustrations , colour maps, complex colour diagrams and so on, which might need better colour quality.
  22. I never realised that, but it is obvious now you mention it.
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