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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Have a look at the Silver Medal winning Book of Doom, which has a section on Alchemy, including how to work out the prices.
  2. Celestial Court members were the original manifestations of their respective Runes. Lhankor Mhy is the next level down from the Celestial Court, i.e. One step removed from the Great Powers. So, he would not have been an actual member of the Celestial Court. He could have been an advisor or assistant, though, that makes sense.
  3. There is a distinction between The Ancestors and Ancestor Worship. The Ancestors are those that went before and operate in a mob of tutting, teeth-sucking, bone-chilling disapproval of whatever the young folk do nowadays. Nothing is ever right for them, not the way you worship Orlanth and Ernalda, not the way you manage your Household, treat your family or raise your children. You always bring the wrong type of food and drink for the Ancestors, if you even remember them at all, you never honour them, except on the Ancestor Days and barely even then. Basically, you suck, especially considering how perfect your Ancestors were, how well they behaved and how they always honoured their Ancestors. Ancestor Worship is the worship of named Ancestors, or a named lineage. You honour them all the while and actively worship them. You keep their names alive by sacrifice. You do things properly. They like this, a lot. Of course, some don't, but they probably had it in for you anyway. These ancestors worshipped their own ancestors and what was good enough for them is good enough for you, laddie or lassie. They don't need any jumped-up Gods or Goddesses telling them what to do, for they worship their own family and, unless the gods and goddesses are part of that family, they don't count.
  4. Essentially, yes, they are the same deity. Grandfather Mortal became the Judge of the Dead, i.e. Daka Fal. As written, Daka Fal simply reveres ancestors, so many of the ancestors will worship Daka Fal, especially if they came from the same ancestor-worshipping clan. I have never really understood the prohibition against joining other cults. It isn't the case for Trolls or Elves, both of whom gain Daka Fal worship through their respective ancestor-cults (Kyger Litor and Aldrya). An ancestor is an ancestor, no matter who they worshipped. The ancestor who worships another deity might have married into the clan, or might have descendants who married into the clan, or might have left the clan, joined another cult and then their descendants joined the clan again. Some people say that it doesn't even have to be a direct ancestor, uncles, aunts and cousins are fine, as long as they are part of your family. I just allow Daka Fali to join other cults, it makes things simpler. As a rationale, I say that people worshipping their Yelmic ancestors, for example, would not do it through Daka Fal, but instead have a Yelm Tradition of Ancestor worship that grants most of the same spells.
  5. China had bronze greatswords at the end of the Bronze Age/early Iron Age, so why not have Bastard Swords? I refer you to flying machines and flintlocks, if we can have those then why not Bastard Swords?
  6. I play that time works normally on most HeroQuests, so normal rules apply. On Other Side HeroQuests, i.e. those in GodTime, I play that a spell lasts for a Station, unless it is a spell that specifically affects multiple Stations, such as Path Watch.
  7. The GM did. It was a multi-GM campaign and another GM had given it out as a joke item, but we had a gentleman's agreement that we did not nerf other GMs' items. Soltak Stormspear had a cloak made of shadowcat fur that whirled around him, so any wind blowing on him moved the cloak but left him unaffected. On a HeroQuest the PCs had to retrieve an item from the Hurricane Room, which had winds of STR 60+, but Soltak just walked in and the GM said "Oh, I forgot about your cloak" as I picked up the item and walked out.
  8. Not really. The typical view of Ducks are that they are bold fighters of undead, warring with Delecti's Minions, but most aren't, they hide away in the Upland Marsh, avoiding anyone who would attack them for bounty and so on.
  9. Horses from the steppe tend to be small. There are lots of breeds of them and often don't have a breed. Yes, they are surprisingly small.
  10. That is why Agimori do not hire out as mercenaries, in case they meet each other on the battlefield, as Agimori are forbidden to fight other Agimori. Of course, those short-piked Yelmalians don't have such restrictions, so they hire out to anyone. Just push shields for a bit and hope no-one gets hurt? Yep, that's what I'd say.
  11. True, but I have also used them with some Beast Valley and Crested Dragonewt units as mass archers, with limited success, mainly due to be abysmal dice rolling when playing Dragon Pass.
  12. Someone decoded they were not Bronze Age enough. Tell him to use the RQ3 version of the Bastard Sword. If you want to keep them special, make them a cult secret of Humakt. Personally, I'd just have them as a bigger sword.
  13. The Hardcopy and Bundle for Secrets of Dorastor are now live. The Eagle-Eyed amongst you might have noticed that there is not a discount for the hardcopy if you have previously bought the PDF. This is intentional, to reduce the impact on DTRPG Customer Services. However, because I am a nice GM and you rolled 01 on your Bargain skill, or I rolled 100, if you send me a screenshot (soltakss@yahoo.com) showing that you have previously bought the PDF and have also bought the Hardcopy, or have bought the Hardcopy and PDF Bundle, I will send you a $10 Gift Certificate to your DTRPG account. This, of course, comes with some Terms and conditions: Only 1 Discount per Order Screenshots have to be complete enough to show the two orders You need to tell me the Email Address that you used for your DTRPG Order If this is abused, I will discontinue the offer So, if I have 10 sales after the hardcopy has gone live and receive 20 emails saying that people have bought the hardcopy I will make some checks and suspend the offer. I might even send Wally after you ... https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/318512/Secrets-of-Dorastor?affiliate_id=66807
  14. The Hardcopy and Bundle for Secrets of Dorastor are now live. The Eagle-Eyed amongst you might have noticed that there is not a discount for the hardcopy if you have previously bought the PDF. This is intentional, to reduce the impact on DTRPG Customer Services. However, because I am a nice GM and you rolled 01 on your Bargain skill, or I rolled 100, if you send me a screenshot (soltakss@yahoo.com) showing that you have previously bought the PDF and have also bought the Hardcopy, or have bought the Hardcopy and PDF Bundle, I will send you a $10 Gift Certificate to your DTRPG account. This, of course, comes with some Terms and conditions: Only 1 Discount per Order Screenshots have to be complete enough to show the two orders You need to tell me the Email Address that you used for your DTRPG Order If this is abused, I will discontinue the offer So, if I have 10 sales after the hardcopy has gone live and receive 20 emails saying that people have bought the hardcopy I will make some checks and suspend the offer. I might even send Wally after you ... https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/318512/Secrets-of-Dorastor?affiliate_id=66807
  15. The Hardcopy and Bundle for Secrets of Dorastor are now live. The Eagle-Eyed amongst you might have noticed that there is not a discount for the hardcopy if you have previously bought the PDF. This is intentional, to reduce the impact on DTRPG Customer Services. However, because I am a nice GM and you rolled 01 on your Bargain skill, or I rolled 100, if you send me a screenshot (soltakss@yahoo.com) showing that you have previously bought the PDF and have also bought the Hardcopy, or have bought the Hardcopy and PDF Bundle, I will send you a $10 Gift Certificate to your DTRPG account. This, of course, comes with some Terms and conditions: Only 1 Discount per Order Screenshots have to be complete enough to show the two orders You need to tell me the Email Address that you used for your DTRPG Order If this is abused, I will discontinue the offer So, if I have 10 sales after the hardcopy has gone live and receive 20 emails saying that people have bought the hardcopy I will make some checks and suspend the offer. I might even send Wally after you ... https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/318512/Secrets-of-Dorastor?affiliate_id=66807
  16. Try to find pictures of steppe ponies, they are the normal size of Sartarite mounts. Grazelanders have larger horses, faster horses and horses that can see in the dark.
  17. There is a parcel waiting for me at the Post office. I tried to collect it yesterday but the collection office was only open from 0800-1000! It is open from 0800-1200 today, so I'll pick it up this morning. Assuming it is Secrets of Dorastor, I can check it later today.
  18. The rules describe some Ducks, or most Ducks, not all Ducks. Some are cowards, some are fierce warriors. In fact, most are cowards, hiding away in the Upland Marsh and living peaceful lives. Those outlawed by the Lunars fled to other areas and live cowardly lives as bandits or thieves, being outlaws. The brave ones usually join Humakt or, occasionally, Orlanth and Storm Bull.
  19. The Yelmalians of Sun County see Yelorna as merely a subcult of Yelmalio. The Amazon Riders see her as a Goddess in her own right, with Yelmalio as a Subcult. Sure, in the RQ2/3 cult writeups they are listed as associate cults but really that isn't how it looks. In my Glorantha, Yelorna was worshipped as a Praxian Goddess even before the Sun Domers founded Sun County. They recognised Yelorna as a minor goddess of their pantheon and had shrines to her in their Yelmalio Temples. In the same way, the Yelornans recognised the Yelmalio the Rider worshippers among the Praxian Tribes as related to Yelorna, way before the Sun Domers came. The Sun Domers merely clarified the relationship.
  20. I am waiting for the proof copy to drop in my doorstep. Once it does, and I have checked it, we should be good to go. Maybe in the next couple of weeks, if I don't need to make any changes.
  21. Even Jonstown Compendium sales, which are better than average, mean that only 20% of supplements have reached the threshold that POD can be thought about. Maybe 40% are at, or near, that point. Using Nick's excellent breakdown, the sales are: Type Sales % Gold 5 4 Electrum 20 16 Silver 30 24 Copper 37 29 None 34 27 Total 126 100 I suppose it depends what we mean by poor sales.
  22. No, you haven't! 😃 I don't use Multi-Quote , for that very reason. What I do instead is to simply select the text that I want to quote and the site gives me a helpful little Quote Selection box that I can click to quote. That then makes a little quote of the selected text. The Community Content programmes are PDF because they generally sell poorly and POD is an expensive thing to do. So, expensive process with poor sales means it is not worth doing for most titles. Some people have asked me whether their PDF will be discounted from the POD price when it comes out, so they fully expect the Clicks and Mortar principle of the PDF being bundled with the POD book for free. They will be disappointed.
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