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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. I like the idea of Urain not being chaotic, just being a natural extension of Storm's ultra-violent tendencies. I think King of Sartar gives Urain's origin as Orlanth being in a really bad mood and having a pounding headache, so he throws it off and creates Urain.
  2. It also denigrates the idea of Jonstown Compendium being primarily for PDFs. "I am selling a PDF for $20, but will bring out a POD version soon". "Great, so are you going to offer your PDF for free when the POD comes out?" "Er , no, because it costs $20.00". "Everyone else throws in the PDF for free, why don't you?" It implies that the PDF is worthless and the print edition is all that counts. I do indeed. Exactly. However, I am thinking that if someone sends me proof that they have bought the PDF and the POD version (Maybe in the form of a screenshot of the email from DTRPG acknowledging the order(s)) then I might send a small gift certificate out. That way, all the admin is down to me, I can vet each email for potential abuse and can stop it at any time if I feel that it is being abused. No extra work for DTRPG and, maybe, everyone is happy.
  3. That would be in another supplement. We are trying to keep each one in the 100-150 page range. It's on my planning board, but not on yours, yet ... Yes, of course Ralzakark is permanently dead. Until he comes back or is brought back, of course. Yes, we should be covering this in more detail in future supplement. Also, waiting for the official take, which will be good to see. For me, the Renekotlings could side with Bolthor, Hahlgrim or both, neither is not really an option due to the ties they have with the Bilini Clan. My guess is that some side with Bolthor and some with Hahlgrim. The ones that side with Bolthor will claim that they didn't know that he was a chaos-loving ally of Ralzakark. In any case, when Hahlgrim and Oddi the Keen start the war against Ralzakark in earnest, the Renekotlings and Adventurers will be able to take part.
  4. Excellent news! A Survival roll is enough to find water. Adventurers can dig beneath the ground to find some lost stream or damp mud that can be used to get drinkable water, or they can cut into a type of cactus and drink from that, or spend Magic Points to Dew Maiden to get enough water to survive for a day, or they can do any number of things to survive. Sometimes, GMs and authors get hung up about things and it stops them creating scenarios. Just ignore them or use system mechanics to make them go away and it frees up loads of stuff. A GM in our RQ2 game ran a journey across the Cactus Desert in the Wastes and had detailed rules about thirst, but one of the PCs had a magical bottle that filled up with weak, foul-tasting ale by spending a Magic Point, thus trashing his scenario.
  5. I am not too keen on moving time forward to after those events and having them in the background. It is much better to have the Adventurers take part in those events and drive some of them. Moving to 1625 means that these events have already happened, perhaps the Adventurers parent was involved in them. maybe we need an amended Family History that included being exiled to Dorastor and involvement in Hahlgrim's War. The Windstop might enhance the transportation, as Orlanth can be worshipped in the Risklands, as it is out of the Windstop's area. Also, Orlanth is weak and the Lunars are strong, so they can exile more people. Again, should be Adventurer-led and the Sludgestream needs to be cleansed. It needs to sell a lot more to get to that point. It should be being carried by the Emperor's Couriers as we speak. I need to get it past the Guardian of the Door Who Sees All, though, so that I can check it. So, all being well it should come out in early June.
  6. I find that this helps: Go around the table and ask everyone what their Adventurer is doing, perhaps making suggestions if they don't know Give them things that they can do, if they are healers give them things to heal and so on Allow them to shine, praise them for doing something well Don't penalise them for not doing anything, instead show what could have happened if they had done something Find put what they enjoy, trap-finding, social interaction (maybe not), solving puzzles or whatever, and use that in the games. Don't shut anyone down, even bad decisions lead to interesting outcomes Use "no but" instead of just "no" Ask them what they think the party should do in a situation
  7. Leaders often have executioners for this exact reason. It might be dishonourable for the leader to do it but not for the executioner. If the execution is against kin, or a guest under the rules of hospitality, then that could well be deemed dishonourable. If not then the leader is probably OK. Killing an unarmed foe might be fine if you give the foe a dagger or something similar. It is then quite honourable. One of the PCs in our RQ2/RQ3 game had weapon geases, Never use a Shield and, I think, never use an Axe, so he was sentenced to death by Combat and given an axe and a shield to defend himself, so he dropped them, grabbed his attacker's arm, ripped it off and beat him to death with the bloody end, because he did not have a prohibition against using crushing weapons.
  8. I haven't played it, as I am waiting for our RQG Campaign to start. But, there is no problem with worshipping a long-lost demigod and using it as a subcult. Depending in her description and powers, it could be any earth goddess or specific ones. Yes. They can learn her magic and gain a Rune Pool from her. Restrictions might come from her backstory or myths. Sure, give her cult one Rune Spell to start off with and build from there. One of the good things about starting a Subcult is HeroQuesting to uncover new powers, but a Subcult normally only grants one or two spells to the main cult. Absolutely, why wouldn't you reward Adventurers for their successes? Starting a subcult is a really good way of doing that, I use it all the time.
  9. HeroQuesting is all about doing the impossible. Breaking an Unbreakable Sword is just the results of a HeroQuest. Perhaps the sword was so full of the power of dismembering The Deceiver that it broke under the strain, bursting from within instead of being broken from without, I would say that it could not be broken from without. Thus allowing the Adventurers the chance of finding the pieces of the Unbreakable sword and reforging it. In my Glorantha it was given to him as a baby by his father, Humakt, or won by his mother when she seduced Humakt. Maybe the sword was her prize, or was Arkat's prize. Until then it was Unbreakable. The ability to dismember The Deceiver came at a price, the breaking of the sword. standard HeroQuesting stuff, really. Maybe it is an allegory, of Arkat perhaps breaking his geases and thus having his sword break, even though that had never happened before. That is a whole different story. That's why we have forums such as this, to ask questions.
  10. Its not any year specific, but in my mind I would say closer to 1625 Probably options for both. I need to remember when the events from Cults of Terror were and build around those. There is a lot of fun and games with Argrath and the Lunars in faraway Dragon Pass and that can have an impact in Dorastor.
  11. I am adding a Riskland Campaign to Spider Woods at the moment.
  12. That is a shame. Have you thought of Crowdsourcing or a Patreon page to help fund it? If you used it to generate booklets of NPCs and sold them on Jonstown Compendium, I am sure that would cover the running costs.
  13. Better get those Hero Points ready. Good luck and hoping for some insider stories at some point.
  14. The RQ2 rules had the concept of Associate Priest, which was like a lesser version of a priest, RQ3 had Acolyte which performed a similar function. RQG Has God-Talker, which is essentially the same, but expanded a little. As a GM, I say they pay 90% tithing, split between the cults, but I am notoriously lenient. I generally say Yes to any request, unless there is a really good reason to say No.
  15. Not official, but I am working on Secrets of the Oasis Folk, which will cover Oases in the Wastelands, for Jonstown Compendium, if I can escape the clutches of Dorastor.
  16. When I read the Book of Glorious Joy I was disappointed that it wasn't about Succubi.
  17. I think that groups can participate in the Great Hunt. However, by participating as a group: You cannot become an initiate of Foundchild, as this is an individual activity You cannot become the Master Hunter, as this is also an individual activity However, you can still participate and bring back good game, sharing it with the other hunters and your Clan.
  18. Most of the time, when HeroQuesting, you meet other HeroQuestors playing the parts of the Deities, so they look like Cosplayers of varying ability.
  19. Holiday Dorastor: Temple of Heads is a Copper Seller! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/356993/Holiday-Dorastor-The-Temple-of-Heads?affiliate_id=66807
  20. Holiday Dorastor: Temple of Heads is a Copper Seller! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/356993/Holiday-Dorastor-The-Temple-of-Heads?affiliate_id=66807
  21. Secrets of Dorastor does not really cover those areas covered in Dorastor Land of Doom. Where it does it mentions the page reference and a brief summary. So, Secrets of Dorastor extends the places of Dorastor, has a lot more Personalities and Monsters, with loads of Scenario Hooks. So, there is very little overlap. Although all Jonstown Compendium supplements carry the Chaosium logo and come under Chaosium on DTRPG, Chaosium have absolutely no input into any of my Jonstown Compendium supplements. Although there is a lot of fan appetite for the good RQ3 supplements to be republished, I doubt if it will happen soon. Apparently, it is a lot of work to redo these and Chaosium have a lot on their plate at the moment, preferring to publish new material rather than rehash 30 year old material. The propaganda about Dorastor being a truly awful place is just that, propaganda. A well-prepared, powerful and lucky group of Adventurers is likely to survive very well around the borders of Dorastor and could easily penetrate the interior several times before getting into real trouble. Personally, I am not one of those GMs who would kill a party just because they can. I prefer scenarios with a lot of threat and danger but which are ultimately survivable. That is my Dorastor.
  22. HeroQuest for one, go to the Land of Big Horses, or wherever, and bring a magical horse back. Bison could easily hold them. Big sables, maybe, but it depends on how big the Agimori is. High Llamas can probably cope as well. Impalas, Bolo Lizards and Ostriches definitely won't cope, Zebras might, but they would need to be specially bred, probably. Nomad Traders would probably sell them. Normal Agimori find riding mounts taboo, I seem to remember. but the PC is not raised by normal Agimori so that isn't a problem, until they meet other Agimori.
  23. Wahay! Stormspearia has made over 1,000 sales across 6 Jonstown Compendium supplements, an average of 166 each, with Secrets of Dorastor and Secrets of HeroQuesting way above average, Book of Doom at about average and How Humakt Learned to Grieve, Denarius the Minter and Holiday Dorastor: Temple of Heads below average. To celebrate this amazing feat, I will be adding a new HeroQuest download to each supplement, as a special thank you. Each HeroQuest will be similar in format to those from How Humakt Learned to Grieve. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/318512/Secrets-of-Dorastor?affiliate_id=66807 https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/326489/Secrets-of-HeroQuesting?affiliate_id=66807 https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/343046/Book-of-Doom?affiliate_id=66807 https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/345229/How-Humakt-Learned-to-Grieve?affiliate_id=66807 https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/347734/Denarius-the-Minter?affiliate_id=66807 https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/356993/Holiday-Dorastor-The-Temple-of-Heads?affiliate_id=66807
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