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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Wahay! Stormspearia has made over 1,000 sales across 6 Jonstown Compendium supplements, an average of 166 each, with Secrets of Dorastor and Secrets of HeroQuesting way above average, Book of Doom at about average and How Humakt Learned to Grieve, Denarius the Minter and Holiday Dorastor: Temple of Heads below average. To celebrate this amazing feat, I will be adding a new HeroQuest download to each supplement, as a special thank you. Each HeroQuest will be similar in format to those from How Humakt Learned to Grieve. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/318512/Secrets-of-Dorastor?affiliate_id=66807 https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/326489/Secrets-of-HeroQuesting?affiliate_id=66807 https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/343046/Book-of-Doom?affiliate_id=66807 https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/345229/How-Humakt-Learned-to-Grieve?affiliate_id=66807 https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/347734/Denarius-the-Minter?affiliate_id=66807 https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/356993/Holiday-Dorastor-The-Temple-of-Heads?affiliate_id=66807
  2. I think he posted it at BRP Central. To be honest, I don't care if something is by Chaosium or the Jonstown Compendium, if it is useful it is useful. This is the table from Cults of Prax.
  3. But it would still be nice if it was published and available more widely, so that other people could read it and make up their own minds about it.
  4. There is a breakdown in Cults of Prax. However, @David Scottor @Scotty posted a more detailed and updated breakdown of Cults by Praxian Tribe.
  5. There may be hope for all us talentless clods, then.😃 The map looks really good.
  6. Glad you liked how it looked, it is a beautiful book and the setting has captured me for nearly 40 years. Yes, I can see that as being an issue. All I can suggest is to look elsewhere for NPC and so on. However, that means buying more than the core book, which can be expensive. The Jonstown Compendium has lots of examples of NPCs from various places, for example, mostly PDF but with some Print on Demand versions. I am not particularly keen on Game Master sections, as I have been running RQ for so long now that I don't need one. However, I can see that it would be useful to new Players/GMs. However, what would it contain? Don't bother too much with the rules, often provide alternatives to combat, use the rules flexibly, actions have consequences and monsters are people too. I know people who have never bought anything else that the RQ2 rulebook and have played using that for decades, so the extra stuff is not essential, but I can see it as being a barrier. That is a problem. The RuneQuest Glorantha Rulebook is 449 pages, the Glorantha Bestiary is 210 pages, combine them and you have 659 pages, add in extra NPCs stats and a Game Master section and you are looking at 700 pages, which is far too big for a printed book. It could be rearranged to have the basic rules and core monsters in one book and everything else in multiple add-ons, but then people would ask why they have to buy the add-ons. I don't think there is an easy answer to that, to be honest.
  7. Another 5* Review for Secrets of HeroQuesting by Leon K, bringing it to five 5* Reviews and another nine 5* Ratings, making 14 in all: This is something which has been missing a long time from RQ. A must supplement if you are planning to get you player involved in HeroQuesting in Rune Quest. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/326489/Secrets-of-HeroQuesting?affiliate_id=66807
  8. Another 5* Review for Secrets of HeroQuesting by Leon K, bringing it to five 5* Reviews and another nine 5* Ratings, making 14 in all: This is something which has been missing a long time from RQ. A must supplement if you are planning to get you player involved in HeroQuesting in Rune Quest. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/326489/Secrets-of-HeroQuesting?affiliate_id=66807
  9. Another 5* Review for Secrets of Dorastor by Leon K, bringing it to eight 5* Reviews and another eight 5* Ratings, making 16 in all: I am not an unbiased reviewer, as I have dealings with the author, but this is an awsome product and well worth the price. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/318512/Secrets-of-Dorastor?affiliate_id=66807
  10. Another 5* Review for Secrets of Dorastor by Leon K, bringing it to eight 5* Reviews and another eight 5* Ratings, making 16 in all: I am not an unbiased reviewer, as I have dealings with the author, but this is an awsome product and well worth the price. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/318512/Secrets-of-Dorastor?affiliate_id=66807
  11. Probably not everyone on the site, after all, I have been a member for 10 years now.
  12. In an Orlanthi Clan you would not rent a house, you would be provided one of the empty houses. If there are no empty houses, the Clan would build one and you could live there. I play that all farmers tithe 10% to the Clan, but that is normally taken care of in sacred Time Accounting. In somewhere like Pavis, however, the normal clan structure breaks down and you have to rent an apartment in a building, usually, although you can own one. Pavis had some living costs, I think. But, generally, the cost of renting etc is subsumed into your Cost of Living, you just pay that in Sacred Time and everything is OK.
  13. Because they have been very, very naughty
  14. Ernalda used to be associated with geese, so why not ducks as well?
  15. Duplicate Post
  16. Pity the Rhino Rider who has to help direct him, probably using both hands.
  17. Or in awkward time zones... Or with awkward wives ...
  18. Wish them luck hehehehe The best thing about using holy water is that it might reawaken the Gloomshark Temple that was there previously. What is worse than raiding a Thanatar Temple? Raiding a Thanatar temple full of tentacled sharks!
  19. Another 5* Review for Holiday Dorastor: The Temple of Heads, making five 5* Ratings so far, thanks John B. Very good indeed. I'm going to find it difficult to add anything to Nick Brooke's review but this supplement seems to have everything: Enemy characters and their supporting cast, monsters, spells, magic items, scenarios, quests, plot hooks, you name it. I liked the encounter tables and the In & Out nature of the scenarios fit well with my intention of having my players raid this place over and over until they burn it out and sprinkle holy water on the trampled ashes. I really liked the idea of the cult of Vivamort in Dorastor being entangled in an adversarial relationship with the Thanatari; that means that just about any interaction with the Temple of Heads has the potential of having three or more corners and open conflict would mean that all hell could break loose. Quite literally. Highly recommended. I can't wait to see the next vacation spot in Holiday Dorastor!
  20. Another 5* Review for Holiday Dorastor: The Temple of Heads, making five 5* Ratings so far, thanks John B. Very good indeed. I'm going to find it difficult to add anything to Nick Brooke's review but this supplement seems to have everything: Enemy characters and their supporting cast, monsters, spells, magic items, scenarios, quests, plot hooks, you name it. I liked the encounter tables and the In & Out nature of the scenarios fit well with my intention of having my players raid this place over and over until they burn it out and sprinkle holy water on the trampled ashes. I really liked the idea of the cult of Vivamort in Dorastor being entangled in an adversarial relationship with the Thanatari; that means that just about any interaction with the Temple of Heads has the potential of having three or more corners and open conflict would mean that all hell could break loose. Quite literally. Highly recommended. I can't wait to see the next vacation spot in Holiday Dorastor!
  21. Exactly, greens are as important as meat. That's why Shannasse invented pixies!
  22. By certain people. The rest of us just wait patiently, as we have done for nearly 40 years.
  23. Technically, the Adventurers have the problem. Of course, even chaotic innkeepers wouldn't kill all their clientele. Just some of them, probably the ones who piss them off or are lousy tippers, or who looked at the barmaid funny. You see, I just don't like that attitude in Players or GMs. Anyone can set up a situation that results in a TPK or similar, so an adventurer gets drugged in a bar, wakes up a prisoner and then gets ritually sacrificed. Great, that took ten minutes and now I have to roll up a new Adventurer. What is the point of that? Where is the fun in that? I much prefer setting up a situation where the Adventurers are in danger, in peril, could die, may well die, but can always get out of it. I don't always know how they could get out of it, but that isn't my job as a GM, working out how to get out of things is the Players' job, all I have to do is to facilitate it or rule whether it succeeds or fails. Yes, but they prefer other food. Yes. They didn't figure much in Secrets of Dorastor as they had been covered extensively in Dorastor Land of Doom, but they are there and breeding like rabbits. Sure, why not? Grayskins are still people, after all. The Ogres of Dorastor also eat Aldryami and various other humanoids. Sure, they prefer proper humans, but Aldryami have the Man Rune so sort-of count.
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