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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. I play that human sacrifice was commonly practised, but then the Orlanth-Ernalda rites brought an end to that. It only really raises its head when the Orlanth-Ernalda rites fail, for example in the Great Winter after Orlanth is defeated by the Lunars. Hon-Eel famously reintroduced human sacrifice to make her maize grow, presumably because the current rites did not help.
  2. Leon will like the praise! 😃 But, thank you, much appreciated. As Nick helpfully says, many new spells. The Book of Doom clearly was not enough, as we have added spells in both Denarius the Minter and Temple of Heads. The beer in the Horned Skull Inn is a weak ale, because they are the only inn for many miles and the safest haven on the Ash Flat and Ghostdirt Plain, so they can serve rubbish ale and get away with it. The Temple of Heads just uses the beer from the Horned Skull Inn, as would you trust other Thanatari to brew your beer? Thanatari certainly don't. There probably is, but Thanatari don't trust anyone, especially not each other. Although, Damask is the cook and they all eat his food, so he is probably the exception.
  3. So, watch it anyway and let us know what you think. I have learned not to listen to what critics say. If I had listened to critcs I wouldn't have watched Mrs Brown's Boys ...
  4. Holiday Dorastor: Temple of Heads is now live on the Jonstown Compendium. Written by Leon Kirshtein, Simon Phipp, Nikk Effingham and Tal Meta, with artwork by Alexandre Gauthier, Dario Corallo, Martin Helsdon, Elizabeth Kirshtein and Elizabeth Browning. The Temple of Heads is the first instalment of Holiday Dorastor, a look at interesting places in Dorastor. This RuneQuest Glorantha supplement is a companion piece to Secrets of Dorastor and contains writeups of the Temple itself, 14 new Monsters, 8 new Spirit magic spells, 9 new Runemagic spells, 6 new Sorcery Spells, 8 new Magic Items, 4 Scenarios, 1 HeroQuest and many Scenario Hooks scattered around. So, come stay at the Horned Skull Inn and marvel at the Temple of Heads. You might end up with less than you had when you arrived!
  5. Holiday Dorastor: Temple of Heads is now live on the Jonstown Compendium. Written by Leon Kirshtein, Simon Phipp, Nikk Effingham and Tal Meta, with artwork by Alexandre Gauthier, Dario Corallo, Martin Helsdon, Elizabeth Kirshtein and Elizabeth Browning. The Temple of Heads is the first instalment of Holiday Dorastor, a look at interesting places in Dorastor. This RuneQuest Glorantha supplement is a companion piece to Secrets of Dorastor and contains writeups of the Temple itself, 14 new Monsters, 8 new Spirit magic spells, 9 new Runemagic spells, 6 new Sorcery Spells, 8 new Magic Items, 4 Scenarios, 1 HeroQuest and many Scenario Hooks scattered around. So, come stay at the Horned Skull Inn and marvel at the Temple of Heads. You might end up with less than you had when you arrived!
  6. The symbol of the Rokari should be a red pen, which they use to strike out anything that has been added to their scriptures.
  7. I doubt very much whether these were balanced in any way. What I would do, for a new Culture, would be to use the Mythras/Legend approach of assigning a certain number of skill points for the Culture. That way, all you need to do is to allocate the skills for that Culture and make sure they add up to your Culture Base Points. The trick is to work out what that Culture Base Points should be. I would total up the skills for each Culture and take the average, or something close to the average, rounded to a suitable round number.
  8. There are a lot of Lunar books, all non-canonical: ILH1, ILH2, Under the Red Moon, Rough Guide to Glamour, Life of Moonson I & II and Citizens of the Lunar Empire, to name but a few. We can take what we like from them and discard the rest. For example, I liked ILH1, as it was a very RuneQuesty HQ supplement, but I found a lot of ILH2 turgid and unreadable. Jeff probably liked rough Guide to Glamour for its freedom, irreverence and humour. saying it is close to what he thought Glamour was like is not saying that it is canon, just that it has the right approach. Some people like serious supplements, some like non-serious ones. I am lucky, as I like both. What I normally do is assume that half of everything that I buy is something that I cannot use, so if I can use more than half then I am happy. I almost never use scenarios as written and almost always adapt them to my campaign, often ripping them apart or using bits from several scenarios to make a new scenario. Does that mean that I dislike the scenarios that I don't use? No, it means that I accept that I will have to change them. It is the same with background. Do I like the humorous elements in Rough Guide to Glamour? Honestly, I don't know as I have only flipped through it. I don't have a Gloranthan campaign at the moment, so have no need to read it in detail. Saying that "A Rough Guide to Glamour must be like canon because Jeff said he liked it, whereas ILH1 is not canon because Jeff said he doesn't like it, therefore all of canon is useless" is being a bit over the top, in my opinion. Which is fine, because most of the stuff I do RQ/Gloranthawise is over the top. But don't expect everyone to agree with you, especially not Nick.
  9. Correction, Ambassador King Emperor Mello's full titles were: Militiaman, River Voice, Initiate of Yelmalio, Citizen of Sun County, Citizen of Pavis, Constable of Pavis, Husband of Kinope, Ambassador to Monkey Ruins, Master of Harmony, Master of Water, Master of Light, Prophet of Pavis, Golden Sage of Heaven, Companion of Pavis, Companion of Tada, Companion of Genert, Companion of Arkat, King of Dragon Pass, Hero of Yelm, Dragon Friend, Golden Dragon and Dragon Emperor of Dara Happa. Contrary to popular belief, Companion of Shan Argar and Arganaut are not titles that Ambassador King Emperor Mello accepts. After all, it is important to get these things right.
  10. I looked at it when it came out in French, professional interest. So far, I have not bought the English version, I suppose I should. It looked gorgeous, but I am not sure that I understood the system. It is very different from Land of Ice and Stone. If you are interested in that era then it is worth buying.
  11. Pharoah/Pharaoh/Faro are essentially the same word. It is always good to see snippets of lore.
  12. RD100 has a really good way of doing skills, but Legend is also really good. I am probably 51/49 in favour of Revolution D100 at the moment. However, if I produced an updated version for Legend, that might step on Mongoose's toes. Much better, for me, to produce a RD100 supplement and link back to Legend in boxed texts or with a conversion guide. It probably would not be called Land of Ice and Stone, though. Yes, sympathetic magic using cave painting, and the acoustic properties of the caves, makes a lot of sense. I have done something with Crafting in the Book of Doom, so could adapt some of the ideas. To a certain extent, the Craft () skill is enough description, as people know what it means, but we can expand on it to describe the various crafts. I had some feedback regarding some of the things in Land of Ice and Stone, so would include that as clarifications and expansions.
  13. I generally handle it by not having expended contests at all, or very rarely, but I am in a very small minority on this. The SRD currently calls then Sequences, which are extensions to Contests. NPCs, for me, provide resources to the PCs. They can provide Breakouts, Keywords or simply augment. An important NPC can be treated as a PC, so can take an important part in the Contests that make up a Sequence. In this case, just treat it as a PC but under the control of either the GM or one of the Players. If the NPC is a hireling or henchman then have the Player of the PC who they serve make the rolls. The SRD contains the following, which might be useful: An important NPC could be a contestant, in which case they play as big a role as a PC. A Secondary Contestant provides support and assistance but does not get to roll. A Supporter adds assists and is just an extension of a PC.
  14. The lines before that on the drivethrurpg page. What, these lines? So, great marketing quotes, but all I would read into that is that Jeff liked it. Will Chaosium base things on A Rough Guide to Glamour? I doubt it, but, of course, they might.
  15. If you are writing RuneQuest material for Chaosium then canon becomes fairly important, but when writing new material it is OK to amend canon, expand on it or clarify some points and give them differences. When writing for something like Jonstown Compendium, canon is a very loose guide as to what has been written before. Personally, I try to keep with what has been written, but have no problems changing it or overriding it. When GMing, canon is a guide, nothing more. Personally, I stopped worrying about canon a long time ago. The only place I bring it up is when "discussing" things with people on forums, where I will happily quote canon when arguing against a point, but ignore canon where appropriate when making my points.
  16. I am thinking of redoing it for Revolution D100, as that would fit quite nicely. Yes, thinking about those. I chose the ones that were fairly obvious. I am not particularly interested in having orcs as man-eating cavemen, though, as I don't think that sort of thing fits what Land of Ice and Stone stands for. some people love that kind of thing, but not for me. Yes, that is something I wanted to play with. Land of Ice and Stone is meant to be a primitive setting, so does not have advanced animism, but having local spirits to do things fits just fine. Yes, that makes a lot of sense, thanks. Part of fighting disease would be to bargain with the spirit, feeding and placating it so that is helps. I was constrained to using Mongoose's art resources, which were god but restricted. If I did a new version I would use different artwork. The cave painting style would continue, though. I was thinking of doing the Mammoth Steppe, or the Great North River as alternate settings. Also, need a way to slot in the Denisovans, who were not really known when I wrote Land of Ice and Stone.
  17. It was also pointed out by Bill the Barbarian, at an early stage in the process, so thanks to Bill and Nick.
  18. For me, it only matters when word puts a squiggly line under the word, telling me to change it. When I am reading, I don't really care how it is spelled.
  19. As others have said, if you want legal advice then ask a lawyer. However, the BRP OGL and SRD, apologies for the acronyms, are designed to allow people to use those rules and make games with them. if you use the SRD as it i, include the correct wording, do not violate the other clauses (No porn, no gratuitous violence, no over-the-top depictions of violence, no sexual violence etc) and don't attempt to produce a clone of a Chaosium game then you should be OK. One tricky area is the use of mechanics that exist in other games. The BRP SRD is quite light, without the many sub-rules that can be found in games such as BRP, Magic World, RuneQuest, Mythras or OGL versions of D100. Can you just lift and shift rules from those games verbatim? No, as they are copyright. Can you use the concepts with your own wording? Maybe, it depends on how close you are to the original wording. Can you copy magic from those games? Probably not. You cannot use material from the other OGL D100 games, as they use a different OGL to the BRP OGL. Whereas you can use something from Legend for a Revolution D100 rule, as they are covered by the same OGL, you couldn't use a Legend rule in a BRP OGL supplement. But, I am not a lawyer and you cannot rely on my opinion as the basis of publishing a game. Unfortunately, "But soltakss said so" is not an argument that will stand up in any court of law.
  20. Which is what I really didn't understand when creating my first Jonstown Compendium title. It was pointed out to me, by a really nice and helpful ambassador, that having mismatched titles and keeping them small didn't work that well, so I gave them all the Rune font and made them bigger to stand out more. Then I changed a lot of other things to get a consistent look and feel for my titles. That's the beauty of the templates, you can make all the titles different and still have them look similar enough to be recognisably the same product line.
  21. The Temple of Heads should be coming out within the next two weeks. I am churning through the Layout now and the cover art should be done within a week or so. That sounds like the sort of thing you would get in Beast Valley. Is there a small Beast Valley enclave in the Big Rubble? Maybe somewhere where the Centaurs and Minotaurs can meet in relative safety? Or maybe there was but it has been lost, until it has now been found.
  22. RQG has good guidelines on this. As a GM, I would play that the clan with ransom their clan members, for not to do so would be an insult. If the clan doesn't then the bloodline would. If even the bloodline won't then the temple might. If the clan, bloodline and temple don't want to pay an ransom then you must have done something really bad. In that case, the Ransomers' Guild might choose to ransom you themselves, but you would have to pay them the ransom back. Also note that the life of a Philosopher is worth way less than other people.
  23. With a really cool Emperor and right-hand person.
  24. Developing relevant JC materials for the terminal Third Age West presents its share of challenges. There are lots of areas in the west, with 1600 years of history and everyone helpfully wants to share their knowledge.
  25. Happens all the time in the real world... Someone I know has a relative who gave birth twice without knowing she was pregnant both times. The second time she guessed what was happening, having gone through it before.
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