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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. With a really cool Emperor and right-hand person.
  2. Developing relevant JC materials for the terminal Third Age West presents its share of challenges. There are lots of areas in the west, with 1600 years of history and everyone helpfully wants to share their knowledge.
  3. Happens all the time in the real world... Someone I know has a relative who gave birth twice without knowing she was pregnant both times. The second time she guessed what was happening, having gone through it before.
  4. Griffin Island had Granny Keeneye, a Chaos spirit that possessed her victims and rode them until they disintegrated.
  5. We always agreed the terms of the duel beforehand. Terms could include: To the death, to first blood, last person standing wins, no magic, no non-cult magic, no elementals, no magic cast at the opponent, no outside aid, no healing magic, no non-cult weapons, only fight with the off-hand and so on.
  6. Ok, so next time the Investigator grapples a cultist, get the cultists to shoot the Investigator. Players who refuse to accept a Keeper's suggestion or ruling should not expect Investigators to last long.
  7. soltakss

    Famous Bell

    Far, far too late, that ship sailed long ago.
  8. soltakss

    Famous Bell

    I have thought it was something like the Bell in The Longships.
  9. Why not push the attacker away and then shoot? The rifle could be used to help push away. If they are in an enclosed space then the Investigator could shoot but at a penalty. If really enclosed, have each participant make a Luck Roll and the one who rolls worse is the one who gets shot. I have seen many films and TV shows where two people are grappling and a gun goes off, shooting one of them, but it is not clear which one gets shot.
  10. Sometimes. Messengers were sometimes, even perhaps rarely, killed. But it happened in real life.
  11. soltakss

    Solar Campaign

    That's not what I meant as that spell summons a separate entity in a separate body. I have always played that the Founder inhabits the Khan's body, so it is HeroForming. In RQ, Firshala cultists could do it, as could worshippers of Mistress Sazdorf. HeroForming is merely an extension of those examples into a general principle. That is essentially HeroQuesting, not HeroForming, although you are making Ernalda manifest in you, so it could be a combination of both.
  12. soltakss

    Solar Campaign

    It is all a matter of power, or importance. Deities such as Orlanth are bound by the Compromise, as are many demigods and powerful Spirits. I would go so far as saying that everyone in the God Time joined the Great Compromise, in particular those who died and were in Hell. The Cult Compendium has rules about Spirit Cults on p28. There was an article somewhere, can't remember where, about Spirit Lords, those Spirits not powerful enough to be full deities but who could grant skills and/or spells. These are not Great Spirits, as such, but just powerful ones. Whatever face Yelm presents to shamans. Among Pentians, Yelm is Yu-Kargzant, the Lord of Kargzant. For Praxians, Yelm would be very difficult to approach, but a son of Yelm might be easier to get magic from. Yamsur is probably the son of Yelm that Praxians contacted for magic, but he is long-gone.
  13. I think that Paolo based revolution D100 on similar rules that were on his website, or on a website. Like you, I looked at them and didn't like them much. But, I like a lot of Revolution D100.
  14. I am not sure I understand, one gains expanded POW surely that has a point or am I missing your point Binding a spirit in RQG gives you both POW for Magic Points and you can store spells. Why summon a POW Spirit that does not allow spells to be stored? Bound Spirits, Allied Spirits, your Fetch. For anything else, you need a way to suck out Magic Points from them and store in Magic Point matrices or POIW storage Crystals.
  15. As far as I know, Knights could knight people on the battlefield. Kings who were knighted could, in the same way, knight people. However, the power moved from Knights to Kings when knighthood became merely a recognition of lesser nobility.
  16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tums maybe?
  17. Doesn't that phrase mainly refer to friendly fire, i.e. the recipient of the message letting off steam on one of their own underlings (in typical Hollywood villain manner)? I am not sure. I always took it to mean that ancient kings used to kill messengers who brought them messages from rival kings. I read that kings often returned the heads of envoys as the answer to the message that was delivered.
  18. Prax was a forest, but the inhabitants fed it to Oakfed in the Greater Darkness, the Redwoods are the pitiful remnants of the forest. The Wastes would be Genert's Garden and would be a mixture of types of plants. and Genert just loves his mother, sisters, daughters and granddaughters. I suppose he could father some goddesses on Ernalda, as an Earth Goddess she is his niece, or grand-niece, so he still keeps it in the family. He might marry someone not of the Earth Tribe, but that doesn't seem to be his forte. Genert is one of Orlanth's Bad Uncles and is Ernalda's Uncle, so is an uncle on both sides. More evidence of Hillbilly Orlanth - Q: "Are you related by blood or marriage?" A: Puzzled, "Both" ... The Giants and Dragons were enemies way back in God Time. Genert is traditionally said to be the father of the Giants, so presumably he wouldn't like Dragons much. Although, he does have a True Dragon who lives in his Garden. That was a big part of my Oasis Folk Campaign. There were a lot of connections between Resurrecting Genert and the Reforestation Project.
  19. Chalana Arroy has a skill of Treat Poison, which works on venom. I would allow First Aid to be used to purge some of the venom, 1D3 on a normal success, 2D3 on a special and 1D3+3 on a Critical. There are many spells that affect Venom, any spell that affects Poison also affects Venom. The RQG rulebook,. Big Red Book of Magic and book of Doom all have spells that work against Venom and Poison. Heal Body definitely works. David's note about Cure Poison is an interesting one. Basically, there are more Shamanic Abilities than are described in the RQG Rulebook. Healing Spirits might be used to purge Poison from the system. In the Book of Doom, I list all the named poisons in the RQG Rulebook and Bestiary in a simple chart.
  20. Does that reduce the chance of the Adventurer jumping up and down in glee when their 30% spell goes off successfully?
  21. For me, some spells have a visual effect and some don't. Bladesharp makes a weapon look sharper, Protection makes armour or skin look better, Glamour makes the recipient look more charismatic and so on. Spells such as Darkwalk make the recipient blend into darkness, which can be treated as the visual part of the spell. However, I would not see face of Lanbril having any other visual effect other than the result of the spell, as you don't want to look ordinary but have a halo of light around you because you have a spell cast.
  22. That is fine for seeing what happens to an individual in a battle, but is not much use when determining the outcome of a battle. I would assign every Unit in the battle a Battle skill and have them roll it, using the table above. It is then possible to narrate the outcome of the battle according to the results. You might need several rounds to determine what happens. So, at a very simple level, you have the Bluebottle Clan fighting the Bleuejay Clan. Each has a Fyrd and Thanes, counting as two units. Bluebottle Fyrd has Battle 40%, rolls 30, fought competently. Bluebottle Thanes have Battle 60%, rolls 10, fought well. BlueJay Fyrd has Battle 30%, rolls 90, saw action. Bluejay Thanes have Battle 70%, rolls 100, killed. So, what happened in the battle? The two fyrds met in combat and fought each other with no clear result, but the Bluebottle Fyrd probably won the day. the two units of Thanes fought, but the Bluebottle Thanes fought well and devastated the Bluejay Thanes. It may be that the unit was destroyed but not all Thanes were killed, each individual Thane should roll the Battle skill, but with a big penalty, to see how well they did. More complex battles have more units and several rounds to see what happens.
  23. As for cult members: Most theists are Lay Members, very loosely belonging to a cult. Initiates have dedicated themselves to a cult in a binding way. Acolytes are people who work for the cult and are the lowest rank of cult leaders. Priests are the leaders of a cult, dedicated to the well-being of the cult. High Priests lead the temple and are the heads of the cult in the area. So, look at an NPC and decide what kind of worshipper they are. Most will be Lay Members or Initiates. If you don't have Lay Members, or don't count them as cult members, then the NPC is likely to be an Initiate. If the NPC is a cult leader, but not that skilled, they could be an Acolyte. If they are experienced with high cult skills then they could be a Priest. They would only be a High Priest under unusual circumstances. Starting Adventurers (PCs) might be lay Members or Initiates. They can progress to become acolytes, Priests and High Priests as they gain more experience and skills.
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