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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. soltakss

    Solar Campaign

    Spirits are often dead Deities or Demigods, sometimes they are not even dead. In my Glorantha, there is no difference between a Deity and a Spirit. The only difference is in how they are normally worshipped. Shamans can access a deity's powers, through personal contact, a spirit Cult or through a Tradition. Theists can access a Spirit's powers through direct worship by setting up a cult to worship the spirit, in which case it looks like a normal, minor cult. Maybe among the peasants, probably not in the cities. Don't forget that the Dara Happans got rid of the horse folk who ruled them in the First Age. More generally, in Peloria, the Beast Riders of the Hungry Plateau might have shamans, as might some descendants of Spolites. Yes, there is even a HeroForming spell in the RQG Rulebook, Call Founder.
  2. Pavis would probably not exist, at least not in its current form.
  3. Genert the Earth king would have stood against Chaos and might have stopped it in its tracks. Wakboth might have still reached the Spike, from another path, destroying it. There would be no Waha, at least not in his current form, no Beast Riders surviving in the hostile wastes, no broken Oasis Folk, so Prax and the Wastes would be very different. Prax would still be an Aldryami Forest, with a Great Tree in Redwood. Genert's garden would be a very fertile place. Ernalda might be Queen of the Gods, as Orlanth's wife, but she wouldn't be Earth Queen, for Genert would be Earth King. I am not sure of the impact of that, though. Yelm might have a rival for Rulership, as Genert would be king of Genertela, leaving Yelm as just the ruler of Dara Happa.
  4. Ah, but it is arty topless, not smutty topless.
  5. Maybe a weapon, a child of Robber, so a net than drags ships to the bottom of the sea. A whirlpool, opening up beneath ships. A hole in the water, causing ships to fall into the depths below. Stagnant, still water that stops ships in their tracks, causing the crew to starve to death. Death that causes a ship's crew to fight among themselves until the only survivor jumps to their death into the water.
  6. Does Illumination even have Runes? Nysalor is Light and, as mentioned, perhaps infinity. Gbaji is Chaos, all the way. Arkat is Darkness, amongst the trolls, so would not have Light, except, perhaps, as a mystical Light within Darkness thing. Other versions of Arkat have different Runes, none of which are Light. The Lunars gain Illumination through the Moon Rune.
  7. Removing something from deep inside a body. Helping someone who has had a wound so severe that it would have killed them, but has made a hit location unusable, by making it usable again. There might be some illnesses that require operations to fix them. It is one of the things that we decided on in our RQ2 gaming group. "Never harm a living creature" was interpreted as including the shedding of blood. So, causing harm to ultimately help was also forbidden.
  8. Of course they would. Taboos are ways that followers of a Spirit must live in order for the Spirit to continue to grant them magic. If they don't want the magic they don't need to follow the taboos. They might not like it and they might try to find ways around it, but a Taboo is merely one of the costs of having that magic. My guess is that spirits normally contacted by Broos don't have celibacy taboos. But, even if they did, the Broo must follow it to keep the magic, so it has a choice. It depends on the rules. "Eat one sentient creature per Season" is a reasonable Taboo from a Chaotic Spirit, for example. Exactly.
  9. soltakss

    Spirit world

    It could incorporate parts of the Story of Death as well as the Lightbringer Quest. Grandfather Mortal is killed by Humakt, trying out his new toy. Flesh Man sees it and goes mad because of the consequences. Grandfather Mortal walks the Path of the Dead and enters Hell. Flesh Man travels the world, looking for someone madder than he is, or someone powerful enough to combat the world's madness. Grandfather Mortal separates the Living from the Dead, putting each in its rightful place. Flesh Man finds Eurmal, who is madder than he is, and Orlanth, who is powerful enough to combat the world's madness. Grandfather Mortal separates the Corporal from the Discorporate, putting each in its rightful place. Flesh Man goes to Hell and proves that mortals have a role to play in the Underworld. Grandfather Mortal separates the Judge from the Judged and becomes Daka Fal, Judge of the Dead. Flesh Man is judged and has a place in Hell. Grandfather Mortal judges Orlanth and sends him to seek the Emperor. Flesh Man returns from Hell intact but forevermore changed. Grandfather Mortal remains in Hell as Judge of the Dead. So, pick a mythlet and expand on it. Mix and match them, if you want. Some of the above mythlets might be useful. Vingkot had something to do with ancestors, I think, or Maybe Heort. Firshala, in Griffin Mountain, has ancestor worship, as do the Trolls, through Kyger Litor, and the Aldryami.
  10. I am a great fan of picking other taboos. For example, every Tradition will have sacred places and shamans need to go to a pilgrimage there. so, amend the relevant taboo to change the sacred place. Similarly, change the sacred animal that cannot be eaten to be something more relevant to the Tradition.
  11. I take on the powers of multiple deities to fight my enemies, You take on the powers of multiple deities with no regard of what is right or wrong, They take on the powers of multiple deities in a wicked, evil and world-destroying way.
  12. Arkat was Nysalor's Shadow, or Gbaji was, or Arkat was Gbaji's Shadow, depending on who you ask. in any case, Arkat seems to have much the same type of Illumination as Nysalor. Now, Arkat might have had Rashoranic Illumination, as opposed to Nysaloran Illumination, but Nysalor, or rather Osentalka, was Rashoran reborn, so has essentially the same kind of Illumination. Nysalorans say that Nysalor had "Good Illumination", Light-Side Illumination, but Gbaji has "Bad illumination", Dark-Side Illumination, they also count Arkat as being like Gbaji, with Dark-Side Bad illumination. Gbajites say that all Illumination is the same, there is no Light-Side or Dark Side, they are simply extremes or points of view, in the same way that there is no Light/Dark/Good/Bad Water or no Light/Dark/Good/Bad Lightning. Some water kills and some nourishes, but it is the same water. Some lightning kills and some lights up the sky, but it is the same Lightning. Arkati say that Arkat had "Good Illumination", Light-Side Illumination, but Nysalor and Gbaji had "Bad illumination", Dark-Side Illumination, as they make no distinction between them. I use Illumination Powers wisely, You use them poorly and They abuse them. All three essentially say that.
  13. soltakss

    Ancient West

    My dumb theory is that Lunars see the Law Rune with Malkion as its base, Hrestol as it's right side and the Red Goddess as it's left side, supported by Malkion and Hrestol.
  14. soltakss

    Solar Campaign

    Tricksters violate the Harmony of the Solar Court, so Dara Happans don't like them one bit. Arkat/Gbaji was a Trickster and look how that turned out. The God Learners were taught by a Trickster and nothing good came of them. The EWF Dragons ate Tricksters and were consumed from within.
  15. It's been basically the same since the cult was first published in Cults of Prax (Lay members also must take an oath never to harm a living creature and to aid all within the limits of their ability.) My view as a GM? If you have to argue why something is right then it is probably wrong. As for the Needless qualification, we had loads of fun as Yelmalians justifying why is was necessary to cause horses pain. In terms of Chalana Arroy, we interpreted it in the form that a Chalana Arroy member could reset a dislocated arm using First Aid, it caused pain but was not needless. Similarly, putting pressure on a wo0und to stop it bleeding causes pain but is not needless. Operations are a grey area, we said that Chalana Arroy couldn't perform them, as they involved shedding blood, but the Seven Mothers healers could.
  16. Which begs the question "How did the Elves of Brithos become Illuminated?"
  17. Firearrow is great, as it destroys the weapon. So, cast it on the enemy Rune lord's magical hammer that returns when thrown - fffft!
  18. Andrew Logan Montgomery has produced a review of the Book of Doom, thanks Drew. https://andrewloganmontgomery.blogspot.com/2021/04/the-book-of-doom-jonstown-compendium.html
  19. An old fan supplement had the cult of Kanak Gor, I think, a cult of self-castrating eunuchs who voluntarily castrate themselves in religious ecstasy. They were earth warriors.
  20. So, it could be good for training, except that it also reduces the weapon skill, or at least it used to.
  21. It is good for Healers, as it gives them the chance to get a POW Gain roll when they can't use Befuddle or Sleep.
  22. One example comes to mind. According to the Book of Heortling Mythology, Umath seems to have spawned a daughter of his own, Serenha in his (literal) wake, without anyone involved. I remember reading somewhere that Orlanth was in a really bad mood, with a bad headache, and threw it off to form Urain. Maybe King of Sartar or Heortling Mythology, something officialish anyway.
  23. No, I have never used it. However, it does work as a Chaos Feature effect, that all opponents are affected by Dullblade 4, or 8, or 12.
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