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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. No, I have never used it. However, it does work as a Chaos Feature effect, that all opponents are affected by Dullblade 4, or 8, or 12.
  2. Some extremists may think that. Most might prefer mating with Telmori, as only Telmori understand Telmori mating. However, some might think that mating with humans is fine. I'm generally not that keen on blanket statements.
  3. The OP asked for examples of other places/times that could work using RQG.
  4. soltakss

    Solar Campaign

    Shargash took lightning bolts from Umath's brain, after he killed Umath. Orlanth merely regained that which was stolen by the Sky.
  5. I'll consider it Maybe this review will help people decide whether to buy this.
  6. One of my most abiding gaming memories was going to my first convention, Conjunction of a Million Spheres, and listening to Greg Stafford giving a talk, where he read from what was to become King of Sartar, describing very roughly how the Hero Wars were going to pan out. I think he ended by bringing back Sheng Seleris, and you could hear the gasps going around the room.
  7. I just keep it really simple. Everything on the character sheet is treated the same. So a Keyword is a Keyword is a Keyword, a Breakout is a Breakout is a Breakout. There is no difference, to me, in having a Keyword of Spirit Magic with a Breakout of Bladesharp or a Keyword of Humakt with a Breakout of Truesword. both work in exactly the same way, in my games. Sure, that might confuse people used to "But, Truesword is better than Bladesharp", but that doesn't matter to me.
  8. It all depends on who rolls. Some people get Players to roll for things attacking them, to see of they can defend successfully. Here, Sorala would roll, being the Player/PC, with a 65% chance of resisting the gas. I prefer the attacking force gets to roll, whether that is the Player or the GM. Here, the GM rolls, as the gas, with a 35% chance of overcoming Sorana's CON. In that case, Sorala has tried to resist the gas and has failed, so is affected by the gas. In the second case, if the gas attacked, it would have failed and would only do half damage to Sorala.
  9. Yes, because it was cool is another good reason. In our RQ2/RQ3 campaign, Derak the Dark Troll had become a living lead skeleton, so bound three wraiths to his bones, so they would continually whirl around him, so purely as a cool special effect.
  10. Interesting, I had never thought of it in that way. so, Orlanth went to get Ernalda back and, in doing so, brought Yelm back as well. another unintended consequence of his actions. What Heat-aid have you been drinking??? An accurate one. Orlanth slaying Yelm is completely out of their knowledge/existence. The first they knew about it was when Yelm crashed into Wonderhome, burning legions of UzUz and forcing them to leave for the cruel surface world.
  11. But, you could use the same principles by assigning magical powers to the Germanic/Nordic Runes, to Ogham or to letters of alphabets.
  12. You are in the right place. Yes, you are correct. However, they use the same skills and have the same SR, so it makes sense for them being in unarmed. In much the same way that someone using a pair of knuckledusters would use a Fist rather than having a new skill of Knuckleduster. In real life or in a dream? But, yes, scratching in a fight and scratching with metal claws in a fight would use the same skill.
  13. I simply treat those as a penalty to rolls, depending on the level of fatigue. Simply being a bit tired doesn't matter. So, a penalty of -5, -10 or even -20 might apply. same applies to starvation, thirst, being ill and so on.
  14. QuestWorlds would be perfect for that. Use Runes and Passions a lot. Any Heroic age real world settings would work. Mythic Greece is coming out soon for Mythras, would be a perfect fit. The Dark Ages, Vikings, Celtic Invasions, Germanic Migration Period, all would be great for RQG. Personally, I would use the RQ3 Archetypes for cults, so Ares is a War God, Poseidon is a Sea God, Zeus is a Ruler/Storm God, Hera is a Household/Ruler Goddess, Aphrodite is a Love Goddess, Athena is a Knowledge/warrior/City Goddess and so on. Bear in mind that none of those deities fit the archetypes completely. What do they like doing? What interests them? Use that in the games. Relationships might be more important, for example, so concentrate on those.
  15. Now you have pointed it out. it is obvious, really. Thanks, I have never thought of the Holy Country in that way before.
  16. I can understand that. The best way to get more familiar with HeroQuesting is by doing it, by going on HeroQuests. Sure, some people think that HeroQuesting is for powerful heroes and nobody else should do it, and that it a reasonable point of view. Yes, and that can be a problem. For me, a HeroQuest is a myth overlaid onto reality. Anything more than that is just window-dressing or rules to allow you to do the HeroQuest. What rules are needed on a HeroQuest? None over the normal rules of the games system you are using. I say that, having written a set of rules for HeroQuesting, sure they are nice to have but are not essential. What you need for HeroQuesting is a mindset. Someone who is really set in the rules probably won't enjoy HeroQuesting: GM: OK, you reach a thirty-metre wide chasm and need to get over it, what do you do? Player: I jump over it. GM: No, it is too wide to jump over. Player: I try to fly, then. GM: No, you don't have any magic to fly with. Player: OK, I throw a rope across the chasm and climb across. GM: The rope is not long enough and you don't have a Throw Rope skill as opposed to: GM: OK, you reach a thirty-metre wide chasm and need to get over it, what do you do? Player: I jump over it. GM: How? Player: Orlanth's strength fills my muscles, his wind blows me across and I use his powers of Movement to cross the chasm. GM: OK, make a Jumping roll, augmented by your Air/Storm and Movement Runes. Which is more fun? Again, it's a mindset. freeing yourself to be able to do things and change things using HeroQuesting is liberating. The HeroQuest game rules helped me with this, as Player contribution to the game was a core part of those rules.
  17. In RQ2 and RQ3 yes, all the while. in RQG, no, because I have only played it a couple of times at conventions. To free the points so they don't need to be stored in mind. To allow other PCs to use the spell. To allow for faster casting of the spell (we played that spells in Matrices went off at SR1, or rather DEX SR+1) For trade, but that was minor as it was easier to trade matrices liberated from the corpses of our foes.
  18. But that was the whole point of the thread, wasn't it? Godlearner asked:
  19. Take a myth, break it down into sections, work out a little scenario for each section. that's about all it really takes. I find it easy, but I have been doing it for a while. Why not? Players might say "Surely there is a myth that covers what we are about to do?", find a myth and then apply it as a HeroQuest. Yes, that takes a lot of work by the GM. Much better to get the players to do it. So what? People create myths all the while. I might have a myth about Orlanth that isn't in the RQ Rules, but it doesn't matter. A myth is just a story about what deities did in the God Time. The God Time is full of untold myths. You should not restrict yourself to only the myths that have already been told. Be creative, make stuff up. Here's a secret - All of Glorantha is made up ... That is challenging the Players. They are happy in their little comfort zones, they know what Ernalda is and then you drop a bomb on them that challenges their core beliefs. That is a good thing. HeroQuests can be something you do at the drop of a hat. There are examples where this has happened. Some GMs might be uncomfortable with Players creating convenient myths that fit a given situation. But, what is wrong with that? I don't have a problem with it, generally, but might ask them to think about the myth if it is obviously contrived. it is much better, however, to use an existing myth. There are Stafford Library supplements with hundreds of myths that could be used as HeroQuests, however not everyone has access to them. Nothing is sacred, everything changes. There are different versions of all the stories of the deities. It is fine to change them, mess about with them or retell them. What I do is to read the cult descriptions, take a sentence or two from the mythos and create a longer version of the myth. If you create a myth that says that Orlanth is a Dragon and then perform it, you might find that it fails and fails badly, or you might find that it is difficult but succeeds. That is an example of a huge myth that might change the setting, but actually happened. Thanks! How Humakt Learned to Grieve has some HeroQuests together with sections on how I turned the myths into HeroQuests, which might be helpful. The trouble is, that is the wrong way to think about myths, if we are allowed to say that anything is "wrong". Myths can build on what have gone before, and that is fine. However, many Gloranthan deities have multiple aspects and have done things that are seemingly out of character. Accepting that Orlanth abducted deities and fathered children on them makes some people feel uncomfortable, but the myths are there. I am sure that there are myths about how Uleria or Chalana Arroy did something nasty, for example. I generally have a HeroQuest of some sort within the first 5 or 10 sessions, to show that anyone can be a HeroQuestor. My ideal Player is one who wants to do things that are unusual or strange.
  20. If you wrestle an opponent, use STR vs STR. If you shoulder-barge into an opponent, trying to knock them over, use SIZ vs SIZ. If you try to pick them up and throw them over a wall, use STR vs SIZ. That's how I do it in RQ and I assume the same applies to Magic World.
  21. I do it a lot simpler, as I prefer simpler magic in HeroQuest/QuestWorlds. Generally, all spells are Breakouts. Runespells might be Breakouts of a Rune or of a Cult Keyword; spirit Magic spells are Breakouts of a Tradition, a Shaman Keyword or a Cultural Keyword; Sorcery spells are Breakouts of Grimoires, Religious Keywords or Background Keywords. Some spells might be standalone abilities, but are better off as Breakouts. standalone Abilities, for me, are just Keywords without Breakouts. If a standalone spell gets a couple of Breakouts then it becomes a keyword with those Breakouts as spells, anyway. All spells are equal. I don't have any silly rules about this type of spell is only used as an augment, that kind of spell is an effect or that kind of thing. As spells are Breakouts, they can be used as direct adds to the keyword, which can be used as an augment, but I could use Teleport to move to another location without it doing anything else, similarly I could use the Face of Lanbril Breakout of my Lanbril keyword to pass some guards. And that is about it for me.
  22. You are a Yelm cultist. Your legitimate sons are Yelm cultists. you can initiate them into Yelm. Eventually, you or they become Rune Level in the cult of Yelm and you, as the ranking member of Yelm have the authority to invest them. You probably won't get the many layers of the Yelm cult, but you can definitely establish the cult in your family. However, it will only be a family cult, as outsiders cannot generally join it, except as members of Yelm the Elder if they are Priests of Associate cults and only by invitation from you.
  23. soltakss

    Solar Campaign

    Nobody is saying to run a Solar Campaign using Jeeves and Wooster, well Nick might be. It is more about the social dynamics and the possible scenarios. Domineering Great Aunts with lots of inherited power work in Solar cultures and in Esrolia. Sure, they don't have the inherited ruling power of Yelm, but they have money and social influence. Never underestimate the social influence of Great Aunts, for they can ruin your reputation, but not too much as it also affects their reputation. The gadabouts work well for young Dara Happans, they have all the money they need, but it isn't theirs, they have to get it from their family. They have an endless array of parties to go to and adventures to go on. So, you don't have to use the stories as scenarios, although they can work quite well, nor do you need a scheming valet fixing things. But you can use the ideas very easily.
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