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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. It depends on the Magic Road. Travelling on the back of Orlanth's Ram as it jumps between mountain tops looks very different to calling down a rainbow and walking the Rainbow Bridge, for example. In any case, as a HeroQuestor you will see the Magic Roads as being overlaid on the Mundane Plane, so you would see it as a magical thing, with whatever that entails. Probably not by the naked eye, I would think, unless you have magical vision. It depends on the Magic Road, some might be magical paths, some might be weird wormholes linking chaos portals and so on. I am working on one at the moment that is a journey through a mile-tall library. Normally point to point, although I can see HeroQuestors trying to jump off at way stations, although that is harder.
  2. I think the main problem was that there was a movement away from using generic names, as they were used in the Monomyth, to using local names, because the Monomyth was bad. Then there was a movement to have the local names as being entirely separate deities that the God Learners merged together, because the God Learners were bad. So, some people think that Veskarthan is a different volcano god to Lodril. For me, Veskarthan is just the local Orlanthi name for Lodril, because they don't really understand who/what Lodril is.
  3. I haven't seen that map. However, I am not sure if Mongoose have a copy. Have you tried on Mongoose's Legend Forum?
  4. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! That's a good one. False hope, maybe. Hope dangling shiny on a string, to be snatched away at the last minute, sure. But, hope? Nah!
  5. Maybe because of your question. Yelmalio's appropriate cohort goddess is Ernalda, but Sun Country Ernaldans are very different to Sartarite or Esrolian Ernaldans.
  6. Generally not, as Yelmalio is the main cult. Some might, though. There is nothing to stop them worshipping Lodril. Generally, men worship Yelmalio and women worship Ernalda. There are exceptions, of course. Some women worship Yelmalio or Yelorna. Some men worship Lokarnos. Some men and women worship Chalana Arroy and, very occasionally, the other Ligthbringers. I think it is more the case that someone not worshipping Yelmalio or Ernalda should have a reason for that.
  7. I am not sure what you mean here. It would help to link the original post, although I suppose you can't if you can't find it. First of all, if someone takes out an arrow and prepares it then they could probably shoot on SR6. Then taking out another arrow they can shoot on SR11. So, the order of events is: SR 1: Take out an arrow SR 6: Fire the arrow and take out another arrow SR 11: Fire the second arrow If he does not fire the first arrow then there is no point taking out a second arrow and firing that. The two shots do not go off at SR 11, but at SR 6 and 11. The archer's round starts on SR1, like everyone else's.
  8. Of course you can. We love to see what fans have written, whether related to RPG or outside RPG.
  9. I have a concept that I am super-strong in the sense that I can stop a bullet train dead in its tracks by holding it. In BRP, that also makes me a huge damage-wielder, which might not be part of my character concept. I am hugely resistant to magic, which gives me a high POW, but with a high POW I can crush my opponents' POW with magical attacks, if I had them. It is the use of different characteristics, across different abilities, for me, which makes BRP Super Heroes difficult. HeroQuest/QuestWorlds solves all these issues and more, which is why I tend to use that for Super Heroes.
  10. Pocharngo would disagree ...
  11. I just assumed that Shargarsh took a mace from a conquered darkness being. He is also the Drummer, so maybe the mace is part of that. Personally, I hope he keeps the mace, as a solar deity wielding a darkness weapon just annoys players of Yelmalians.
  12. I loved the story of when the God Learners first gained access to the Storm Realm. They sent a HeroQuestors in, but he didn't return, so they sent two in, but they didn't return, then they sent 10, then a hundred, then another hundred. Finally, one HeroQuestor returned, with a broken body and spirit. "Aha, Success!" they said ... They also did the God learner Challenge, where they quizzed mythic creatures about various things, gaining knowledge if they won and losing it if they lost, but they had such a wide knowledge base that they could ask obscure questions that the mythically-limited opponents would not know, but had a good chance of knowing the answers to anything they were asked. So, after a while, they could rip any knowledge from their opponents.
  13. Depends on the GM. I see it as a place where they go to change.
  14. Considering RBoM lists it as a Darkness spell, apparently not Shargash uses a Mace as a primary weapon, so he could have taken Crush from someone. True Maul works as well. Ah well, we'll have to wait to see what he gets and then complain bitterly.
  15. I thought he had Crush as well, he does in my games.
  16. That is exactly how I see it. Highland Games, Country Fairs, Church Fetes, Sabantui, that sort of thing.
  17. RQ2 had books that increased skills when you read them as magic items. Presumably this is the same thing.
  18. The way I see it is that an adventurer can spend time in class learning how to read and write, so the skill can clearly be taught. It could be researched by reading more challenging material. It can be increased through experience by using it. In many way, the rules need to be taken with a pinch of salt and interpreted in whichever way fits your game.
  19. As a GM, do you want Read/write to be increased by experience, training or research? If so, then allow it. Yes, if it has a tick box it can be improved in play, otherwise why have a tick box? Reading a difficult text, perhaps. Chronicling the adventurers absolutely.
  20. Well, typing the phrase brings up the death rune, which is fantastic, thanks. Many thanks for this, David, it really adds a lot to the Gloranthan part of the site.
  21. In theory, Orlanthi clans can switch between tribes with no problem. In practice, it's a bit more complex than that. Individuals might have a stronger tie to their Clan than their Tribe, as Clan allegiances don't change as often as Tribal allegiances. Also, you belong to your Tribe through your Clan, whereas you belong to your Clan on a personal basis. Some might do any or all of these. Some Maboder families might remain with the Red Cow, in gratitude for taking them in, but some might immediately break away and reform the Maboder. Depending on the reaction of Red Cow members, they might leave the Red Cow and not want to join Maboder, so might join another clan instead.
  22. I get the impression that you have decided that the Waertagi ship cannot leave the Lake. Fine, I know GMs like that. For me, I like to give people options as to how things might happen.
  23. Borderlands is a solid and fun campaign, they would enjoy it. However, I voted for Risklands, for purely selfish reasons, as you could buy Secrets of Dorastor for lots of ideas how to expand a Risklands campaign. The actual scenarios in the Risklands campaign are OK, but nothing spectacular. The strength of a Risklands campaign is that you can interact with Dorastor as much or as little as you want, but it is always there, simmering in the background.
  24. People say that Arkat was the first HeroQuestor, but that clearly isn't true. The Awakeners of the Theyalans were essentially HeroQuestors, repeating their myths to awaken those who had gone to sleep to survive the Darkness. Some of the Dara Happans HeroQuested to reignite old flames and to restore the Empire. The whole business with the Pseudocosmic Egg, Sunstop and Birth of Osentalka was the result of HeroQuesting.
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