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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. I suppose it could happen, but it fundamentally changes the nature of the crystal. A lot more common. In RQ2, every foe party had at least one POW storage Crystal, but we rarely gained any Powered Crystals. We had a rule that any Powered Crystals would be offered to those without one first, to ensure that everyone had a Powered Crystal, once everyone had one we did it so that everyone's allied spirit had a Powered Crystal. Looking at Plunder, for RQ2, the Special Items chart has POW Storage Crystals as more than 4x as common as Powered Crystals. The Values for RQ3 might change, as it has a lot more in the way of common magic items. Item Count POW Storage Crystal 18 Matrix 18 Potion 29 Powered Crystal 4 Scroll 31 Total 100
  2. Dormal is rendered largely irrelevant by the rising of the Boat Planet, for the Seas are Open. Why do you need a cult with Open Seas if you no longer need Open Seas? Non-Waertagi shipping doesn't need Dormal any more and will get along fine. Waertagi could accept Dormal as a saint and can get access to his magic that way, or they could worship him in the same way they worship sea deities.
  3. Maybe the Adventurers saw it, or see it and follow it. It is a ship made from a living sea-dragon, sure it will take damage but the Waertagi Sorcerers will have put some protective magic on it to help it survive. Maybe, maybe not. The Waertagi could summon a huge or immense undine and just flow over the side The lake is the source of pone of the Creek/Stream/River, can't remember which, so it could sail away on that Imagine a Dragonship sprouting legs and just walking away The Waertagi could drag the Dragonship away from the lake Cragspider might not want a Waertagi Dragonship on her lake and might persuade it to leave The Adventurers could help it to leave
  4. Blocking Magasta's Pool with a huge block of troll-chewed ice.
  5. Most children of deities were born in God Time. However, there are exceptions, for example: Hon-Eel HeroQuested to join the Watchers and gave birth to Star Twins, children of Yelm. In the same contest, her rival gave birth to a daughter of another star god (Kargzant?)
  6. In my Glorantha,the Dragonship Rafts return, sailing in from Sshorg's Ocean some time after the Boat Planet returns. Individual Dragonships return almost as soon as the Boat Planet rises, as they follow it up from Hell, so they sail up from Hell themselves. Again, in my Glorantha, at least one Dragonship follows the Boat Planet to the Sky and falls through Skyfall Lake, navigating down the Creek-Stream-River to the seas. Although individual Dragonships make contact with each dock, once they have made contact all Dragonships can dock there.
  7. Another 5* Review for Denarius the Minter, this one by Stanislav B: Nice write up for Denarious the Minter, source of Lunar currency. It’s a perfect addition to any party looking to establish a fiefdom and a local currency. Law Bringer is essential for any game that requires the capture and dealing with community law breakers and those who deal with and pursue forbidden knowledge.
  8. You are better off asking Loz Whittaker or Pete Nash for permission.
  9. I have a spreadsheet that calculates all that and puts it into a statblock that I can copy and paste into Word. it makes things a lot easier.
  10. I like to keep things simple, otherwise things get bogged down far too much. How I set them up? the same as any other game. I identify the challenge and decide how best it can be resolved. Sometimes, the Players override me and ask for a challenge to be upgraded if they want a more complex solution. Simple roll: Just roll D20 to see how well you do compared to your skill, not an opposed roll. Critical - You do really well, Normal - You do OK; Fail - You don't succeed and need to try something else, Fumble - You screw up badly. Contest: Standard 2 opposed rolls, compare results, best result gets the prize. Sequences: A number of linked Contests to determine a more complex outcome. Basically, the higher the result score the better. Also, I use what I call simple Augments, but can't find the QuestWorlds term, basically you get +1 for every 10 of your Skill, or part thereof. I allow multiple Augments, one per relevant Keyword. In my games, I allow Breakouts to be added to the Rating that is used for the Augment, so if I had Super Speed 20 (Faster than a Bullet +5, Knock through Walls +10) then I could augment with 35, or +7. The result depends on what Augments were used and what the outcome of the Contest is. Narration simply puts that into the context of the contest.
  11. Another 5* Review for Denarius the Minter, this time by Kelvin M: Clear and concise explanations of cults and rules. Creative twist on a pretty established genre. Really easy to integrate into our existing game world. This suppliment is a a win all around. Couldn't recommend it more!
  12. soltakss


    I've had the impression that the path to become a god was to take the role of an older deity that had been forgotten and that it was not possible to add new "signatures" to the contract. I draw a parallel with the corporate world: you can see the Great Compromise as a contract signed by corporations. Even if the CEO of any of the companies signing the pact was to change down the line, the corporation itself would still be forced to obey the clauses of the contract as it was originally signed. Becoming a worshipped deity means that you have had to become part pf the Compromise. If you don't become part of the Compromise then you are not a deity, just a powerful Hero, or SuperHero. Part of the GodQuest is the acceptance of the Compromise in some way. The Red Goddess didn't do it when she returned from GodTime, nor when she ascended o the Red Moon, but did it at Castle Blue, where she proved that she had always been part of the Compromise, but nobody else had noticed her. Personally, I think that Nysalor/Gbaji struggled because he did not weave himself into the Compromise, having been born outside it.
  13. I use RQ terms as Breakout of HQ/QW Keywords. So, I might have Orlanth as a keyword and could have Bladesharp or Flight as Breakouts. I am very flexible over where things can sit, so an Orlanthi might have Flight under Orlanth, Movement or both, if both then I allow the lower score to automatically augment the higher score.
  14. Lovely to see that people are using the Medicine Bundles in play.
  15. I don't think so. Some have wings and some don't. Insects certainly, both normal-sized and giant. I am not sure about fish, but Glorantha should have flying fish.
  16. I have always played it that it hits you when you cross the boundaries, either way. So, yes, if you have a long, thin Warding you can be hit twice by crossing it. Even better if you fall over and hit it on the way down again.
  17. A major part of the Balazar Arc of our RQ3 Campaign was the reunifying of the Elder Races of the Elder Wilds. It involved finding Balazar's crown, HeroQuesting to reform the Elder Council and a lot of other politics and bashing of contrary heads.
  18. Yes, I've got 4 of them, very enjoyable. A boy and his wolf have adventurers in the Mesolithic, probably Young Adult without all the gooey love triangles.
  19. We have added something like 15 NPCs to Denarius the Minter, excluding animal support. Some might think it is padding, but the additions are free, so you get more for the same price.
  20. Plenty of room on the boat if you'd like to contribute. It would be a lump sum payment, of course, rather than a share of royalties.
  21. 6 new Classes. Also, rules to use 13AG-style Classes in QuestWorlds. But, mainly conversion of 13AG Classes etc into RuneQuest terms to be used as Kewl Powerz.
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