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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Sometime in March, all being well, hopefully mid-March.
  2. A forthcoming Jonstown Companion Supplement will include a Shaman class, once I have finished tweaking it.
  3. Sure, having her as the daughter of a mountain makes sense. Not sure why Kero Fin, though. Maybe because it is.
  4. One thing that I tend to do is to allow spells to be treated more like keywords when Adventurers become more powerful. So, if they have mastered the Water Rune and have an ability of Mastery of Water Rune, they could use the Float spell as a keyword and do more with it, in a narrative fashion. So, for example, they could float a ship without having to count its size and how many points of Float would be needed.
  5. I always saw her as one of Valind's clan. To be honest, I hadn't thought of her as being Kero Fin's daughter.
  6. I always forget how far away Jrustela is from Genertela. Looking at the map, you would think that the God Learners' natural area of operations would be Pamaltela, with Genertela as a distant afterthought. I suppose they did not forget their distant roots in the Genertelan West.
  7. Would it be possible to include it in a Community Created scheme such as Jonstown Compendium? Or even to have a new scheme for all minor systems such as Magic World or BRP?
  8. I think it's a one-shot thing. Dormal created it as sorcery but is now a deity, so packages it up a bit like Runemagic but not quite.
  9. I would play that they can. A disease spirit just infects you with a disease, it doesn't infect you will an incurable disease for which you need to exorcise the spirit. Curing the disease destroys the spirit in my games. Curing the disease does not restore characteristic points. However, there may be spells that hel with that. By the way, my opinions are for RuneQuest with a Gloranthan slant, not necessarily for Magic World. Other Opinions May Vary.
  10. So... you get to be a loser forever?? Yes, one of the drawbacks of completing the Hill of Gold HeroQuest as Yelmalio is that you get to be a Yelmalian forever.
  11. The thing about HeroQuesting rules is that nobody likes all of them. I would encourage people to read as many takes on HeroQuesting as possible and take what you think is good, discarding what you don't think would work in your game.
  12. Revolution D100 has different magic systems doing basically the same thing but with different approaches. So, you have Powers and then each Magic system uses those Powers in different ways. When I run HeroQuest, the game, or QuestWorlds now, I have Keywords with Breakouts, so a Keyword might be The Dark Grimoire (Dark Walk, Summon Shadow), or I might have Darkness Rune (Dark Walk, Summon Shadow), Kitori (Dark Walk, Summon Shadow) or Dark Cloud (Dark Walk, Summon Shadow), each gaining the Dark Walk and Summon Shadow from a different magic system but each doing effectively the same thing.
  13. Special Ability: Knowitall Yes
  14. The Dark Waters had Robber, who dragged ships down to the depths. Wachaza took Robber and used her to drag ships down into the depths. Magasta's Pool drags ships down into Hell. Magasta's cult used to grant Whirlpool as a spell that drags ships down to the depths. So, I think you are Ok with merfolk using any of those examples to sink a ship.
  15. Sounds OK to me. Kidnapping a Chalana Arroy cultist is no worse than kidnapping anyone else. She would have a ransom and might demand that they set her free and claim the ransom. She might even threaten them with the withholding of Chalana Arroy's healing. agreed, a wandering Chalana Arroy Healer should be OK, even someone travelling from one temple to another is OK. Stealing a clan CA might upset the clan, but they might pay back her ransom and forget about it. Neither would care, I think. According to the Cult Compendium, Chalana Arroy is friendly to both Eiritha and Waha, but Eiritha is friendly to Chalana Arroy and Waha is neutral to CA, so Eiritha might be unhappy about it. I suppose it depends on the reason. Capture for ransom is fine. Capture to make a slave to heal the clan is fine, as it helps the clan. Capture to kill is probably not fine. Yes, it probably is.
  16. I wrote a supplement with over 600 spells and have brought out another with 20 spells. For me, you can never have enough spells. I like more spells. Some people hate having loads of spells, which is fair enough. But, you asked for people's opinion.
  17. I like having loads of spells doing different things.
  18. Nope, we need more spells, not less.
  19. Announcing a new Jonstown Compendium supplement, Denarius the Minter and Other Minor Cults, by Leon Kirshtein and Simon Phipp, but mainly by Leon. This RuneQuest supplements brings you 7 new cults, including 2 new Skills, 1 new Spirit Magic spell, 6 new Runespells, 12 new Sorcery spells and 1 new Shamanic Ability, with a further 1 new Spirit Magic spell and 17 new Runespells that are not related to these cults. Each cult has sample NPCs that Games Masters can use in their campaigns. • Denarius the Minter: Lunar craftsman dedicated to the minting of silver coins. • Bisjoe Boggle-Eater: A long-lost cult of Pavis • Bul-Bas: Lord of elephants, a cult of Fonrit • Lawbringer: A band of law bringers, selling their services for hire • Morrobahn the Source: A Spirit Cult of a magically powerful being • Neptisus: A Sorcery cult for dragon-lovers • Rogue Semi-Integrated Sub-Unit #4: A Chaos Mostali spirit • New Magic: New spells for your delight, as the 1,000+ spells in the RuneQuest rules, Red Book of Magic and Book of Doom are not enough.
  20. Hang on, if a Player came up with that as a backstory for a PC, I'd think they were trying to squeeze far to much out of it.
  21. It depends on how it is done and the particular situation. Mad Erik who always plays the Broo in Orlanthi HeroQuests would get a successful Worship and perhaps a POW gain roll. A captured Broo forced to play the Broo might get some collateral benefits, but only if it survives. A Broo HeroQuestor who comes in and takes the place of the Broo might get a lot of benefits by surviving and defeating Orlanth. A POW check or automatic POW gain is probably in order, I have this as a reward for participating in a HeroQuest, in addition to any normal POW gain checks from overcoming POW. Insight into the myths is also possible, so in increase of 1D6 or 2D6 in Cult Lore might be appropriate. It might be possible to gain some Spirit Magic from the role, especially if you draw on the HeroQuest to cast it but don't actually know the spell. Insight into the myth. By standing in as that role you see how the role works, you get into its mindset and start to see things from that point of view. If you stand in for the dame deity multiple times on different HeroQuests you learn more about that deity and the HeroQuests in general. Increasing Cult Lore or Lore (Cult) might be appropriate. Also, playing a role to get your own back on one of the HeroQuest's participants might be possible. It might do. Playing Ragnaglar on a HeroQuest probably means that you need time out afterwards to be cleansed. maybe you need to be purified or are ritually unclean for a period of time. It is probably not a good idea for the same person to play Ragnaglar each and every time, in case it rubs off on the HeroQuestor. They are unlikely to gain Ragnaglar magic, as it is a deity not worshipped and does not grant powers, but you might absorb powers from the HeroQuest, although most sane people will simply not take the powers. Maybe. Increasing Chaos Lore is a reasonable reward. Increasing Illumination, for me, only happens if you do something around Illumination, so playing Ragnaglar attacking Storm Bull won't increase your Illumination skill, but playing Ragnaglar speaking to Rashoran definitely will. I think that was a case of trolls using the HeroQuest to butt in and ambush them, as HeroQuestors performing a different but overlapping HeroQuest. That is, of course, possible and is a known and well-documented aspect of HeroQuesting. Yes and it could have an effect. Continually playing Yelmalio or Elmal might mean that you effectively become initiated into that cult, for example, despite never having been to their temples. One good way of doing this is by having ringers on HeroQuests. You have friendly people playing the roles of the opponents and they throw the fight, losing on purpose. Sure, they get a possible little backlash for losing, but they also get the benefit of enabling and strengthening the overall HeroQuest. Not always. Bituran Varosh played Orlanth, despite not being a worshipper of Orlanth. The Red Emperor played Basko, despite not being a worshipper of Basko. That was a surprise and was a result of a Lunar HeroQuestor directly opposing the HeroQuest. As mentioned above, this can and does happen, although not always. That is a danger, which is why I have certain people playing that role time and time again, because they are the ones who are cursed to play that role. Mad Erik who always plays the Broo is a good example of this. And, yes, they need to be cleansed and purified afterwards. Yes, it is possible to gain insight and powers from playing the same role over and over again, until you effectively become the role and become an initiate of the cult through HeroQuesting. You also get good insights to the HeroQuests by playing the enemies. It is also possible to play an enemy when disrupting a rival clan's HeroQuest. So, you could play Gagarth attacking a rival clan while Orlanth is away on a HeroQuest, for example. You are Orlanthi playing Gagarth, opposed by Elmal, for example.
  22. That is one of the traditional rewards, if you do it properly. Arcane Lore, I think has immortality as one of the rewards of becoming a Hero. Becoming ageless might happen if you move to the God Plane permanently, as time does not pass there. Heroic Ability - You do not age. So, your characteristics don't wither with age, you don't physically age, you don't look older. Thanks, glad you found it useful. If everyone agreed about everything it would be a boring world.
  23. Yeah, I couldn't wait, so produced a HeroQuesting supplement in the Jonstown Compendium, plus a supplement containing some HeroQuests. Cults are definitely coming. HeroQuesting rules will follow some way behind. Not everyone is into HeroQuesting, even though everyone should be into HeroQuesting as it is great fun. The new RuneQuest is bound together with the art in ways that I cannot really understand. I'm a text guy at heart and having great art makes something pretty, but is not the most important thing for me. However, a lot of people think the art is the most important part, or a very important part. So, we have to wait for the artwork.
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