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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. According to the Cults Compendium, but these might have changed: Rune Lords of Storm Bull can only marry Priestesses of Eiritha, may marry many but cannot have concubines (p70) Rune Priests of Storm Bull may only marry members of associate cults and may only take concubines from member of friendly cults (p71) Waha Rune Lords may not marry a woman not a Priestess of Eiritha or her associate goddesses (p76) Waha Rune Priests may not marry foreign women (p77) Rune Priestesses of Eiritha may not marry Lay Members of Waha (p83) Rune Lords of the Seven Mothers cannot take anyone as a permanent wife or husband (p97) Lay Members of Yelorna must receive permission to marry from their High Priestess (p123) Initiates of Yelorna may not marry and must break and marriage vows taken before initiation (p123) Unicorn Riders of Yelorna must be virgins pledged to celibacy (p123) Shield Maidens of Yelorna may not marry but do not need to be celibate (p124) Rune Ladies of Yelorna may marry, but not of a Unicorn Rider or Shield Maiden, may only marry once and may only marry an earth or sky priest, if already married she can keep her husband if he is an earth or sky initiate and must divorce if the husband has not become a priest after two years and cannot marry again. (p125) Rune Lords of Yelmalio may not marry a member of another cult, except a priestess of an earth cult (p137) Priests of Yelmalio cannot marry, but can remain married if married beforehand. If their current spouse if an initiate or rune level in an earth cult they must divorce after 5 years. (p137) Rune Lords of Kyger Litor may not only have one spouse but must marry two at a time, neither can be a priestess of Kyger Litor but can be a priestess of an associate, friendly or neutral cult(p180) Rune Lords of Caladra & Aurelion may marry members of any friendly cult but not priests or priestesses of Caladra & Aurelion (p226) Acolytes of Caladra & Aurelion may marry members of any friendly cult but not priests or priestesses of Caladra & Aurelion (p226) Priests of Caladra & Aurelion may marry members of any friendly cult but not lords, priests or priestesses of Caladra & Aurelion (p226) Rune Lords of Krarsht may only marry Initiates and higher of Krarsht (p316) Priests of Krarsht may only marry Initiates and higher of Krarsht (p316)
  2. Sounds good. Re-enacting it in the mundane world is HeroQuesting, albeit a minor kind. Taking part in a Sacred Time ceremony is an honor, especially for non-Rune Levels. Imagine this as being like a Nativity Play, Thanksgiving Play, mummer Play or similar, perhaps even like a Pantomime. There is a script but it might be different each time or for each clan. "Come on in, Joseph, there's plenty of room at the inn" in a HeroQuest might have a strange effect, unless Joseph replies "Thanks, but we'd be happier in that stable". So, although it is a HeroQuest, it is controlled and well-known. You would have scripted encounters and so on. Sure, the participants might not know that and might think they are in real peril, but they will be performing this on the clan tula, so the danger is lessened. OK, think of it like Thanksgiving. You have a script, settlers come to America, settlers are struggling, natives come and offer help, they all sit down and have a meal together to show friendship. Those are the main scenes. The script itself can be anything, as long as it includes those scenes. Have a little beggar-child who steals bread and is punished but is forgiven at the Thanksgiving meal? That isn't in the main story, but why not? Having a native man and a settler woman meet and fall in love but driven apart by the settlers? Again, not in the story but could be in the script. So, think of the events and not the solutions. On the Westfaring, what were the main events? Set each of them up and let the Adventurers find the solutions. I try to think of the events and never think of solutions, which means that Players can approach it however they want. Sure, I can drop hints and so on, but I don't work out the only way of solving something. This is a HeroQuest and is a ritual re-enactment. A bit of both, really. Normally, this would be an orchestrated play, keeping it safe and controlled. So, Mad Erik always plays the Broo and has a Broo Costume handed down to him by his father and grandfather before him, the Blue People are played by people from the Water Bloodline and so on. However, as it is a HeroQuest, other HeroQuestors can come in and insert themselves into the HeroQuest. So, Mad Erik capers along in his Broo costume, making obscene gestures and running around, but another Broo comes along and attacks the HeroQuestors, so what do they do? Should they ignore the extra Broo, kill the extra Broo, kill both Broos, just in case, or pretend to kill Mad Erik as normal? As it is on the clan tula, any HeroQuesting incursions should be relatively minor, as the clan guards should be able to spot a party of chaos Rune Levels approaching. There is no right way or wrong way to do this, whatever fits your gaming group in that situation is probably appropriate. Do they achieve the appropriate outcome for each of the Stations along the way? Do they reach the end of the Westfaring? The details are, to a certain extent, irrelevant. Sure, the clansfolk might tut if Orlanth gives one of the Blue Women a green cloak not a blue one, but that won't fail or change the HeroQuest. For me, this is about taking part in the rituals and becoming the deity. There might be some mythic dissonance if you do things differently to how the deity did it, but most things are fine and don't result in migraines or nosebleeds. You could have a clan level ritual, but you could also have local, bloodline or family rituals. Lay members sit them out and watch them. Initiates might watch them but understand more about what they really mean, or they might take part in them and really get to understand and feel the inner meaning. Rune Levels normally participate and gain a deeper understanding of the mysteries. This could spawn pages of discussions about each ritual and what it means. For me, there are two meanings, a general cult meaning and a local clan/bloodline/family meaning. So, a clan could perform the Westfaring, but the Water bloodline might mention how their ancestor met Orlanth and then travelled to this area and joined the clan, citing their friendship with Orlanth, so the Westfaring has special significance to that Bloodline and to the Clan. As above, an initiate can take part in the rituals and learn things from it. Lay members don't normally take part, as they have not yet been initiated into the mysteries of the cult. The ritual can be failed for many reasons: Bad Luck: Orlanth slips on a puddle and falls, knocking himself unconscious and allowing the Broo to hit him with a club Incompetence: Orlanth hits the Broo and fumbles, slicing off Lhankor Mhy's head (That might be bad luck) Incompetence 2: Orlanth has not bothered to learn his lines and adlibs his way through the performance Outside Acts: A ringer comes in and disrupts the HeroQuest, so a Broo comes along and kills Orlanth Deliberate Fail: Orlanth kneels before the Broo and promises that the clan will pay tribute to them during the following year A better harvest next year, better luck, mythical boosts to other HeroQuests, fertile Spring Maidens, every woman, cow and ewe gives birth to twins or triplets that year. That kind of thing. Keep it structured, have the Adventurers play a part in more than one ritual, but not all of them. Allow them to intercept some invading HeroQuestors and save the ritual. have some things go in a slightly different way than normal and explore the consequences. So, one of the water tribe might have her eye on an Adventurer and might do something in the Westfaring HeroQuest that is unusual but designed to bind them together, that would have an effect in the mundane world afterwards. Happy HeroQuesting!
  3. That has been my experience of Call of Cthulhu, after one scenario, except for one PC who was Withered and ended up with one useless leg and one useless arm, so retired.
  4. Part of becoming an Illuminate is meditating on the nature of the riddles. The Sacred Time awakening assumes that, by contemplating the Divine during Sacred Time you also contemplate the riddles and other Nysaloran things that you have seen, thereby achieving Illumination. It is an unstated subtext. Why? Those are things common in real world eastern mystical schools, but why should they be the only things that define mysticism? Illumination has mystical feats, those are the standard abilities. Illumination does not necessarily have austerity or martial arts, but you say that these only apply if the schools have them. Lhankor Mhy cultists who study books and scrolls are not mystics. Lhankor Mhy cultists who work out numerical values of all the symbols in a scroll and gain further insight by analysing those numbers, the patterns they make and how the numerical values of different scrolls interact are probably mystics.
  5. Also, make a Luck Roll to see if the glass doesn't break and cover you with acid or whatever.
  6. That doesn't mean that you bought it. You could have just seen the Table of Contents somewhere! But, please forgive me for mentioning it at every possible opportunity. 😀
  7. soltakss


    I don't know, that is all in the past. My comment was why bringing back Belintar might not be as good as bringing back Sheng Seleris. Given that the Lunars were in the Holy Country, Belintar might have a grievance against them.
  8. In Secrets of Dorastor, I have a Jackling as being SIZ 6D6+36, average 57, so they go up to SIZ 72. Hungry Jack is their progenitor, so should be bigger, maybe SIZ 100 or 150?
  9. Excellent! I have a Magic Road HeroQuest that involves starting at a Library, going to the Ivory Tower and exiting in another Library. You have done the same, except started in the Otherworld.
  10. Looks good. I would also add protective clothing that moves one, or two, towards the middle. I have been at -20C all day without a problem, with the right kind of clothing.
  11. soltakss


    Maybe that is why Belintar is not currently interested in events outside the Holy Country. Maybe the people of Sartar had a mutual-defense treaty with the Holy Country. Although Sartar and Belintar were rivals, it doesn't mean that the Holy Country and kingdom of Sartar were rivals. Belintar has several very good reason to oppose the Lunars: Jar-Eel ambushed and killed him on his way back to life; The Lunars invaded the Holy Country; The Red Earth Faction has changed the balance of power in Esrolia. However, that does not make him an aggressive enemy, instead he is more likely to sit back and provide magical support and send armies to fight.
  12. soltakss


    The trouble is that Belintar is only interested in the Holy Country. Sure, he fought the Lunars at the Battle of Building Wall, but only because they invaded. Once the Lunars have been thrown out of the Holy Country, Belintar loses interest in them. Sheng Seleris hates the Lunars with a vengeance that is both personal and mythical. He hates the Red Emperor more. He is utterly ruthless and bloodthirsty. Belintar is none of these, which is why Sheng Seleris is a good ally to bring down the Lunar Empire.
  13. In that case, may I recommend the Electrum-selling Secrets of HeroQuesting, a summary of my nearly 40 years of Gloranthan HeroQuesting?
  14. Kuschile is a Hero Cult for many of the Solar cults, so is available to Yelmalio and Yelorna.
  15. Exactly, I'd much rather wait for the official rules that build something based on conversations in a gaming session. When I GM, I don't always explain things exactly as they are presented in the rules, I often tailor them to fit the session or the events. So, it may well be that the way that Hero Soul and Hero Points described are different to how they appear in the rules.
  16. Yes, each temple is separate and possessive of its secrets. Even inside temples, some groups are possessive and actively make things harder for other worshippers to gain their knowledge. Lhankor Mhy has the Stasis Rune, after all. In my Glorantha, Lhankor Mhy cultists can copy scrolls and books so that they are stored in Lhankor Mhy's Ivory Tower, thus making them available to everyone who can access that knowledge. It is not every book in a Lhankor Mhy Temple and even those scrolls copied are not always easy accessible. Some Lhankor Mhy HeroQuests involve visiting the Ivory Tower and finding a particular scroll, then returning with a copy of that scroll. Certainly, a conflict of interest if their Priest tells them to find out about the Orlanth cult and record what they find in the archives. But generally Lhankor Mhy and Orlanth get on and it would be fine to be in both. The Sword Sages would happily co-exist in Lhankor Mhy and Orlanth, for example.
  17. More complex. Mostly it is creating different types of potions, or concoctions as I call them. Some potions allow you to cast spells, but others just have different effects.
  18. Different people have different playstyles. I love hit locations, Chaot doesn't. That doesn't make either of us right or wrong, just that we prefer different things. Not everything has to be an argument.
  19. Some Cults, but not all. It depends, really. Knowledge about another cult is just knowledge. So, you could know that Orlanth did the Lightbringer Quest, killed Yelm and gained various magic weapons, that is just knowledge. As a Lhankor Mhy cultists you probably wouldn't know all the intricate details of each of those myths and how they work as HeroQuests, that kind of thing is an Orlanthi cult secret. In my Glorantha, knowing about something and experiencing it are different things. So, you might know all the steps of a HeroQuest, for example, but unless you performed the HeroQuest, with the right mythical cult training, you won't have experienced it and wouldn't have a deep understanding. That is the difference between Lore and Cult Lore, in my opinion, Lhankhor Mhy might have Lore (Orlanth) but not necessarily Cult Lore (Orlanth). Most initiates are sworn to secrecy about their cult knowledge, as part of initiation. Sharing some things with Lhankor Mhy are probably fine, sharing others is probably not allowed.
  20. I prefer a narrative approach to this kind of thing. Also, the rules might have more guidelines about this kind of thing that are not reflected in gameplay. Maybe you spend Hero Soul to bring it back but it gives you Hero Soul back as it is worshipped or at least honored by a clan.
  21. I was, of course, only joking, but that is excellent!
  22. Honestly? Just narrate how it happens and take it from there. If you want a rules answer, then, perhaps: Shamans can join/form a spirit cult, so that might work. if you take a high passion for a deity then that might give you a link to the deity. You could do it on a HeroQuest or via a Mystical Experience (In my Glorantha, anyone seeing the Thunder Bird shooting lightning into the ground can dig for the stone that it spat out and worship it)
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