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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. I have no idea if this site is accurate, but it shows boxing and wrestling in Sumeria, Egypt and Crete was before that, in the Bronze Age. However, this sort of debate will definitely be a threadjack.
  2. You have been a busy boy, haven't you? Thanks for this, it is much easier than using Windows snip to take a picture of a rune and pasting it into the text. Now, because we are never satisfied: All the sub-Runes (Cold, Shadows etc) All the Minor runes (Eternal Battle etc) The Sorcery forms (Tap etc) from the RQG Rulebook Then we can think of other things for you to do during Lockdown! Again, thanks for this, it makes a big difference to the Glorantha pages.
  3. I think that it depends on what we mean by Martial Arts. if we mean the general stuff that warriors learn, then, sure, everyone knows Martial Arts. If, however, we mean specialised techniques that are taught to some warriors in order to allow them to do more damage due to their skills then it could be restricted to certain schools and cults.
  4. Great, thank. Scotty living up to his esteemed name as an engineer who can fix anything.
  5. You make some good points. My view is that a Hero doesn't become a Hero and stop, their presence on the Her Plane slowly increases as they get more and more Heroic and bind themselves into the mythical fabric of Glorantha. Like Brave, Brave Sir Robin.
  6. Ooh, I like that. Can I use that in Secrets of the River Voices when I start writing it?
  7. The Cult of the Invisible Spear secretly teaches spear-use to peasants in Peloria. I can see various traditions teaching their own styles of martial arts, both for armed and unarmed combat: Oasis Folk learn a type of dance that can be used as combat, especially if they combine the various dances from the various Oases Gagarthi learn the Whirlwind Dance, which is a form of whirling combat Draconic creatures learn to fight in the style of a dragon, using slashing claws for hands and feet Hsunchen learn their own forms of combat based on the actions of their totem. This is more useful for Tiger Hsunchen that Gopher Hsunchen, though. As to what benefits these give you, that is probably up to the GM.
  8. Don't they prefer the term Sami nowadays? I have no idea.
  9. Bargain works however you want it to work. You roll a bargain skill, they roll a bargain skill. You compare the results and describe what happens. I come at this from a heavily narrative point of view. If you ace the bargain you get a great deal, if you screw it up it costs a lot more.
  10. Pathfinder (The original Lapp version) Pathfinder (The American remake) 13th Warrior
  11. $1 for a PDF Fanzine, can't be bad. $5 for a physical copy and a PDF, still cheap but my wife would have my n*ts.
  12. OY Although Jagappa beat me to it on another page.
  13. OH, well if the powers that bee are okay with there beinga collection of free stats for stuff , then I'd be all for it. Heck I've got a lot of anirmal and vehicle stats from various projects that might be useful to someone. The Jonstown Compendium is for Glorantha. We would need another community Program for Magic World, or BRP to do this.
  14. Yes. Yes. Deep One hybrids often ask for help, although I don't have any scenarios where this happens.
  15. We had an upgrade to improve the experience. That upgrade removed spoiler functionality, even though it is included in every forum software that I have seen. What we do instead is: Change the font colour to white Highlight the blank text to se what it does.
  16. Orlanth: Whoops, I messed up! Can we fix it, yes we can!
  17. Here is how I would approach this kind of situation: Ok, so you have phased onto the statue, now what are you going to do? I am going to use my Communication and Mastery Runes to speak to the statue and try to persuade it to ignore the Lunars and obey me, at least for a while OK, make a Charm roll, but it would have to be a good one, just a normal success won't do Hah! I rolled a critical! Good, so it is listening to you, now you need to wrest control from the Lunars, make a CHA vs POW roll and tell me what you get Yes! My CHA is 20 and I roll 19, so I beat POW 25! That just about does it, roll 2D3 to see how long your control lasts. I rolled a 3 You can control it for 3 rounds, or at least take it out of action for 3 rounds while it is confused I'll ride it out of their range Make a Ride roll A special! Ok, you turn it around and ride it out of range, but it stops dead as it is no longer animated I never go into a situation thinking what the PCs can or can't do ahead of the situation. If I think "they can't take control of the statue" then I am blocking what they are trying to do. instead, I say "You can try, but it will be difficult" and se what they roll. If they don't roll very well then they have failed to do it. However, I am fully aware that my playstyle is not to everyone's taste and many people think that I am too generous in what I allow PCs to try and possibly succeed in.
  18. That's intriguing. Can you elaborate? In my HeroQuest/QuestWorlds games, rolling a D20 is important, so I don't waste it. The rolls that I normally call for are: Straight Roll: Roll D20 under your skill and do stuff based on the result (Used for simple tasks that I don't think need an opposing force) Simple Contest: You roll 1D20, your opponent rolls 1D20, you compare results and see who won, narrating the result (Can be you against someone, you climbing a mountain, you understanding the Universe and so on) Chained Contest: The results of a Simple Contest give a benefit or penalty to another contest and so on (Good for HeroQuests) Extended Contests: I only use these if the Players demand them and, even then, I try to persuade them otherwise. They are better in HeroQuest Glorantha, but I still don't like them much. I haven't read how they work in QuestWorlds, though. I never roll for augments, preferring straight adds, as I hate wasting rolls or rolling multiple times for something. HeroQuest/QuestWorlds is a simple, elegant system that can be ruined by multiple dice rolls, in my opinion. When do I use Straight Rolls? Whenever I want to see if the PCs know something or can do something themselves. For most simple tasks I don't have the world opposing them, as I really can't see the point.
  19. What could go wrong with that?
  20. In my recent Gloranthan campaign, the PCs were River Voices and HeroQuestors. They found a great Dragonship in Hell that had been pierced by a Golden Barge, belonging to a previous set of River Voices. They gathered an alliance of people to restore the Dragonship, rescued Dormal from the Endless Sea and pulled the soul of an Inhuman King trapped in the Dragonkill. Then they sailed it into the Sky, jumped off at Orlanth's Ring and awakened their Inner Dragons. It probably took 6 months play at a session per week, although they did other things as well. Kallyr did not get a look-in, but it was a River Voice Campaign not a Kallyr/Argrath Campaign.
  21. Back in the 802, Channel 4 was showing a lot of Japanese monster movies late at night. I was GMing Dorastor at the time, so a lot of those made it into Dorastor as one-off encounters. I have used Cwim and Cacodemon as powerful foes before. The PCs in our last campaign tried to rescue someone who had been eaten by the Crimson Bat and ended up turning it inside out.
  22. You make a Bargain roll, they make a Bargain roll and you compare results.
  23. That is what allied spirits are for. We always played that allied spirits etc operate under the Countermagic, so spells from your allied spirit are not blocked by Countermagic. We also played that Zoran Zorani Berserker used Countermagic and Storm Bull Berserker gives Protection, because Minotaurs increase armour in Battle Rage.
  24. All rolls are opposed on HQG and QW. 😉 Not in my games ...
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