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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Sorry, that was not aimed at you, apologies if that was not clear. It was aimed at people telling us how to run our games.
  2. Why not just whisper into its ear and try to take control of it? That would not negate the spells to animate it, but would just temporarily transfer control.
  3. That is the important thing. A lot of people love telling us how we are not playing the game properly. After all, I have only been playing for 39 years, so what do I know?
  4. Mine do. Also, HeroQuesting is a game-changer in some respects.
  5. It was written as a filler when I got writer's block for something else. also, it had to be a certain size to fit in with Mongoose's structure. I do like Mythras, but hate having to ask for permission to write something. I fully understand why TDM has a license agreement but I find that writing stuff without having to check whether I can publish it suits me better. Also, I prefer the Legend ruleset to Mythras, but not by much. That is a shame. I had no control over the graphics, unfortunately. As to open questions, that is how I tend to GM anyway, so that is probably my style. I have been thinking of redoing it. My intention was to always add the Mammoth Steppe and explore the Red Men more. My experience with sourcing artwork for Jonstown Compendium might mean I could do my own layout and graphics. However, it would not just be a rewrite, it would need tearing apart and redoing from scratch.
  6. Ah, I love our community. And our typos are recorded forever. šŸ˜„
  7. They still have an effect. Functionally, 19 and 20 are identical, you Critical on a 1, Succeed on 02-19 and Fumble on 20, but you cannot Fail. 1M means you roll a Critical on a 1, wasting the Mastery unless it is an opposed roll where you bump the opponent down, 02-19 is a Failure bumped to a success and 20 is a Fumble bumped to a Failure. So, even on a low skill with a Mastery it does make a subtle difference.
  8. Oh, in the Monster Empire it absolutely is, but the Red Emperor is dead by then.
  9. I have said it before and I'll say it again - Taking on people like Harrek can have nothing to do with power-gaming or munchkinnery. If you have a high-level game where you explore HeroQuesting and becoming Heroes then there is a level-progression: Lay Member, Initiate, Rune Level, Hero, Super Hero. Why can't PCs follow that progression and become Heroes and super Heroes? If they become Super Heroes, why can't they face off against and hope to defeat people like Harrek or Jar-Eel? Yanafal Tarnils and Arkat both became Super Heroes before they became deities. Sheng Seleris is probably a super hero, but with shamanic powers. So, there is nothing intrinsically wring with this. Sure, some people like to sneer and make snidey remarks about SuperRuneQuest and munchkinnery, but I find the best way to do this is over a fifteen year weekly campaign where you explore HeroQuesting and what it means to be a Hero.
  10. Mostly? Could you please PM me with the typos and I'll get them fixed? Or post them here, I have no secrets. Thanks, that would make a great review! Pricing is always a bit of a nightmare to work out. I could have gone for 38x0.15 = $5.7, so $5 for a Bargain, but Secrets of Dorastor, Secrets of HeroQuesting and Book of Doom were all Bargains, so I thought I'd try something different. If sales are poor because it is expensive then I'll pitch the next one cheaper. Also, if anyone is struggling to buy things, then let me know and I'll see what I can do to help.
  11. I think it is the higher the better, except for a 1. The reason is that using lowest roll is best means that someone with a skill of 3M can roll a 2 or 3 and will usually beat someone with a skill of 18M, because a 2 or 3 will beat 4-18. With highest better, the person with 18M wins by rolling 4-18 unless the first person rolls a 1. Yes, although there was talk of a critical happening if you rolled your skill, but that means working out your skill first, which can slow the game down, so 1 is easier and faster. Yes, masteries are an easy way of scaling up. So, 2M is effectively 2+20=22, but nobody does that, it is easier to keep it as 2M. It depends. In HeroQuest, masteries cancel and any left-over Masteries can be used to bump your roll up or your opponent's roll down. I have a skill of 2M and you have a skill of 15. I roll 5 and you roll 13, my roll is a Failure bumped up to a Success, but your roll is a Success and is higher than mine, so you get a Marginal Victory. I have a skill of 2M and you have a skill of 15. I roll 2 and you roll 13, my roll is a Success bumped up to a Critical, but your roll is a Success, so I get a Minor Victory. I have a skill of 2M and you have a skill of 15. I roll 1 and you roll 13, my roll is a Critical so my mastery bumps your roll down from a Success to a Failure, so I get a Major Victory. I have a skill of 2M and you have a skill of 15M, so Masteries cancel to give 2 vs 15. I roll 2 and you roll 13, my roll is a Success, your roll is a Success but is higher so you get a Marginal Victory. In QuestWorlds it works slightly differently, although I might be thinking of my own house mechanic: You roll a D20 and get 1 for a success and 2 for a critical, then you add the Masteries and the highest roll wins. If it is a tie then the highest die roll wins. I have a skill of 2M and you have a skill of 15. I roll 5 and you roll 13, my roll is a Failure (0 points) and I add my 1 Mastery to get a result of 1, but your roll is a Success (1 point), so we have a tie (1 vs 1), your roll is higher than mine, so you win. I have a skill of 2M and you have a skill of 15. I roll 2 and you roll 13, my roll is a Success (1 point) and I add 1 to it, your roll is a Success (1 point), so I win but a bit better than the previous example. I have a skill of 2M and you have a skill of 15. I roll 1 and you roll 13, my roll is a Critical (2 points) and I add my Mastery (1) to get a result of 3 you get a Success (1 point) so to a Failure, so I win with an even better result. I have a skill of 2M and you have a skill of 15M. I roll 2 and you roll 13, my roll is a Success (1 point) and I add 1 to get 2, your roll is a Success (1 point) and you add 1 to get 2, so it is a Tie but your roll is higher so you get the win. I really think the QuestWorlds mechanism is easier and quicker.
  12. Another 5* Review for How Humakt Learned to Grieve, this time by Mike V: These are some very thoughtful takes on putting some grown up & challenging themes into a Runequest setting, the myths are very well written and really feel authentic and poignant and the HeroQuests around them are offer some great oppurtunities for Role Playing beyond "overcome this enemy challenge get this trick/toy". The two views of one Hero Quest also give a really nice example of how a HeroQuest is all about your point of view and who you are within the myth, the slightly tricky concept of embodiment i.e aer you Orlanth enouth to be Orlanth in the HQ or are you closer to someone, which is talked about a lot in Glorantha but can be a bit hand wavy.
  13. soltakss

    Sky realm Qs

    Probably, as you are on the Sky River, which turned the Sky blue, so the real Sky is above you.
  14. The Red Moon has no interest in restoring Wakboth. Some Lunars, however, definitely have an interest in doing this.
  15. It depends on the HeroQuest. Biturian Varosh was forced to play Orlanth in the Three Blows of Anger HeroQuest, even though he was not a worshipper of Orlanth. The secrets of Hero Quests are something the tribes themselves guard and trade. Often clans have practices that differ from those of other clans. Yes they do and this can be important. Some clans, or bloodlines, carry secrets that nobody else has. This might mean that they know something odd about a HeroQuest station, or have a HeroQuest trick that they can use, or even have a different Station that can be used on a HeroQuest. This could be GM interpretation or something Player-inspired.
  16. Harrek is not well-liked, so many people would celebrate his passing and fete the adventurers as Heroes The surviving Wolf Pirates might seek revenge, but might just elect a new Captain of Captains and carry on their raiding Argrath might be annoyed, as he has lost an ally, but it depends on when it happens, Harrek becomes very unstable and might be seen as a liability Someone might HeroQuest to bring Harrek back, wouldn't that be fun? Harrek might come back to life himself, and he is not a forgiving person, so expect running battles with him The Lunars might HeroQuest to trap him in Hell, so that he can't be brought back
  17. In Griffin Mountain, Firshala's power dwindled as she was not worshipped, so it can happen
  18. How Humakt Learned to Grieve has had its first Review, a 5* Review by Nick B, whoever that is: Three new myths turned into rules-light heroquests, including authorsā€™ notes on how to create your own. These would work well in *RuneQuest*, *QuestWorlds* or *13th Age Glorantha* ā€“ there are no statblocks, dice rolls or percentages, but plenty of details regarding the Runes, Passions or other abilities needed to succeed at each station. The ā€œalternate versionā€ of **How Humakt Learned to Grieve** tells the same heroquest from the perspective of the other gods helping Humakt. As an demonstration of how you can put *Secrets of HeroQuesting* to practical use, this is hard to beat. My only qualm is that the price is a bit steep (at $10 for 35 pages of digital content), but as silly elf game supplements go this is nicely done.
  19. As much as people want to write. We currently have a Community Content area for Call of Cthulhu and Glorantha (RuneQuest, QuestWorlds and 13th Age Glorantha), with one for Pendragon planned, I think. For other minor lines, such as Magic World, Worlds of Wonder and so on, it wouldn't be worth having one for each line, but might be worth having one for "All the other Chaosium games". Doesn't matter. The beauty of these is you can write pretty much anything. Chaosium brought out the Red Book of Magic, with over 500 spells for RuneQuest; I brought out the Book of Doom in the Jonstown Compendium, with over 500 spells for RuneQuest. I brought out Secrets of HeroQuesting; Chaosium will bring out a book on HeroQuesting at some point. There are three books on the west in Glorantha with two very different approaches. So, there is a lot of overlap and people seem to be OK with that. Yes. It could be, but doesn't have to be.
  20. Vampires are people, too.
  21. That sounds like a really fun session and is exactly how HeroQuests should be done.
  22. The Lunar Way encompasses Illumination but only as one part of a greater way. So, a Lunar illuminate should naturally fit in to the Lunar Way and does not need to break out of it. Lunars go out of their way (!) to embrace and support their Illuminates, so why would an Illuminate need to try and break free? Because the Lunar Way is all about rules and Illumination is all about breaking, or ignoring, rules. Well, one side of Illumination is, anyway. The Monster Empire is what you get when you remove the rules surrounding Illumination. It is dark side Illumination running wild and is similar to what happened with Gbaji in the First Age.
  23. As I am working on something for Jonstown Compendium that incudes some 13th Age Glorantha Classes, I thought I would check on what was allowed. I received an excellent reply from MOB but the quoting is unreadable, so I have put the questions and answers below. I thought I should post it here, in case anyone else was thinking of doing something similar. 1. Are we Ok to include 13th Age Glorantha material in a Jonstown Compendium supplement? 2. Should we include the Open Game License from 13th Age Glorantha p 5 in a Jonstown Compendium supplement? 3. Can we convert 13th Age Glorantha classes to RuneQuestish rules as part of a Jonstown Compendium supplement? 4. Can we convert 13th Age Glorantha classes to QuestWorlds rules as part of a Jonstown Compendium supplement? 1. Yes. 2. Yes. 3. Yes. 4. Yes.
  24. I am pleased to announce a new Jonstown Compendium title from Chris Bell and Simon Phipp. How Humakt Learned to Grieve is a systemless collection of four HeroQuests: How Humakt Learned to Grieve (Humakt Viewpoint), How Humakt Learned to Grieve (Companions Viewpoint), Why Ernalda is a Killer Too and How Orlanth Became a Woman. Each HeroQuest follows the format provided in Secrets of HeroQuesting and has a section on how the Myth was turned into a HeroQuest, to help Games Masters create their own HeroQuests. The HeroQuests do not have stats for different rule sets but could be used for RuneQuest, QuestWorlds or 13th Age Glorantha. So, prepare to enter the world of Myth and Magic and take your first steps towards becoming a Hero. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/345229/How-Humakt-Learned-to-Grieve?affiliate_id=66807
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