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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Presumably this is the Balazar/Elder Wilds map from Griffin Mountain. I don't think so, I think the Elf Sea is elevated anyway, as Balazar is a bit of a plateau.
  2. What I do is: Take the number of characteristics and roll that number + 1 (or +1 for £D6es and +1 for 2D6+6es) Roll an extra D6 for each characteristic and discard the lowest Allocate the rolls to whichever characteristic you want Add bonues for background/runes etc. Keep the official species maximums/minimums (maxima/minima for you posh types) So, we have 3D6 for STR, CON, POW, DEX and CHA (5 characteristics), but 2D6+6 for SIZ and INT (2 characteristics). I would roll 4D6 6 times, ignore the lowest d6 and allocate 5 of the 6 rolls to STR, CON, POW, DEX and CHA. So, rolling [4,3,5,2=12], [6,5,1,4=15], [6,6,1,2=14], [5,4,4,3=13], [3,2,4,1=9], [5,4,3,2=12], I get rolls of 12, 15, 14, 13, 9 and 12, I discard the 9 and allocate STR 15, DEX 14, CON 13, POW 12, CHA 12. Rolling 2D6+6, I get [3,2,6=9=6=15], [4,1,5=9+6=15], [6,3,6=12+6=18], so discarding one of the 15s, I allocate SIZ=18 and INT=15. Pros: It is relatively easy and quick You can choose which characteristics to focus on You can still get unlucky and have sub-standard rolls, but it is unlikely Cons: You get higher characteristics than average Ignoring a D6 and ignoring a roll might be confusing You don't get the joy of playing a substandard PC unless you throw away good rolls
  3. I read about it somewhere and thought it was a really cool idea. It might have been in the Pavis & Big Rubble Companion (P&BRC) books, or in discussions about them. Basically, it is Lunar magicians chaining the wyters of herds, stopping them from migrating and pulling them to one place, or keeping them stationary.
  4. For me, Magic World is interesting but goes down a BRP path that does not appeal to me. Having random armour and no hit locations just doesn't do it for me. Sure, it had a nice little setting, but without support it was always going to be another niche product, unfortunately. It's a shame, as it was a good book and had some interesting ideas.
  5. The Book of Doom is now a Silver Seller! Thanks to all who have purchased it.
  6. Pretty much all Aldryami join Aldrya. The Marching Aldryami often join Yelmalio. Some Healers join Arroin. I can see Aldryami as worshipping Babeester Gor and maybe Asrelia or Ty Kora Tek, maybe not Maran Gor but who knows? So, Aldryami do join other cults as well. The difference is that in non-Aldryami societies you have herders, hunters, fishers and farmers, all of whom have different cults, but for Aldryami all of these are handled by Aldrya as they do not need to hunt, farm, fish or herd for their food, clothing and so on. The Forest provides everything. Now, Aldryami might have specialist heroes for certain tasks, for example crafting or shaping trees, we just don't know about them.
  7. Why not? As a Keeper what do you want to achieve? Firing two handguns very quickly? I am sure that people will tell us why revolvers, for example, wouldn't be suitable and that automatic handguns would jam and whatever. But, if it fits what you want to do then go for it. As an Investigator, explain what you want to do and see if the keeper accepts it.
  8. That would suggest being able to go above Species Max... In out RQ2 campaign we played that if a POW increase went above species maximum you could use the extra to sacrifice for Rune Magic, in RQG you would add it to a Rune Pool. That way you did not go over Species maximum but also did not waste the extra POW.
  9. Although I am not Chris and I am the author of the Book of Doom, I would say that it is as useful as you make it. On the one hand, the spells are not in the same format as in Magic World and don't follow the same structure, so they are not very useful. On the other hand, if you ignore that they are Spirit/Rune/Sorcery Magic and look at the content of the spells then you could easily work with Magic World. I don't play Magic World so I am not sure how balanced they would be, but they weren't designed to be balanced for RQ either, except in my normal "thinking about spells" balancing. The rules for Alchemy might be OK for Magic World, as might the rules of Ships and Buildings. The rules on advancement are extensions of the RQ section, so might not be that useful. The preview does not contain any spells, unfortunately, but gives an idea of what the rules contain.
  10. Every Initiate of Aldrya has an elf bow. There is a difference, not all Aldryami are Initiates of Aldrya. Many Runners and Pixies are Lay Members. Presumably an Intelligent Tree has an Elf Bow secreted in its branches.
  11. Another 5* Review for the Book of Doom, this time by Taliesin a. C. (Shiningbrow) - See, even legendary poets are buying the Book of Doom, presumably for spells such as Uplifting Anthem or Wounding Tongue. Although it says the review is not 5* it seems to be 5* on DTRPG, so I am taking it as 5* even if that is an error. Oh, and only 4 more copies to being a silver seller! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/343046/Book-of-Doom?affiliate_id=66807 Awesome book that I strongly urge every GM (and player) to purchase and use! It's a great resource not only in its own right, but also for the inspiration it should give to both players and GMs. I note that while many spells are very similar, they are also just different enough to be flavourful and would encourage players to think about when spending their precious MPs or RPs... (of course, you can always have all of them :p) The skill ideas are great also (although, getting all of those skills up to a useable level... sheesh!), and the information/ideas for ships and buildings should have been mentioned in the RQ:G (although, hopefully, will show up in the long-awaited CM's Companion/Campaign or whatever it's going to be called book). I really can't wait for rundowns on the sub-cults to go with the new spells (and, maybe, skills). One thing I really took note of is how much information that's not in the current RQ world has been brought in from other Glorantha sources - something I'm really hoping will happen in future official publications. The one thing that stops me from giving it 5 stars (and this can change - and hopefully will soon!) is that there is sooo much stuff (espeically the spells), and not all of them are listed in what might be their most logical place, that it desperately needs an index grouping all spells (of type - and maybe even of Rune), skills, etc together, and not just a single Table of Contents. This is important because a number of spells and skills are in places that don't quite make sense on first check - eg, Divert Flood is listed under the Air Rune (but, doesn't have an Air Rune in its elements). Similarly, spells which have multiple Runes are mentioned only once (and, as per the Divert Flood, not even under those corresponding Runes). Although this is quite rare, I think it's important to point out for those new to the game. ( I get that re-writing them in all the various related places would add extra - probably unnecessary - space. Hence the need for an index) I'm still super glad I bought this!!!!!
  12. Welcome and I hope that you enjoy it. Welcome to our world ... There have been pages and pages of debate about this in various forums. Some people rigidly stick to "We can only have Bronze Age technology" Some people prefer "We have ancient technology that can be Bronze age, iron Age or early Greek technology" Some people prefer having medieval technology All I can say is that Glorantha has iron weapons for the elite, gunpowder, canons and flying machines. What I would recommend is to think of Glorantha as having a broadly Iron/Bronze Age technology with some things that come from later periods.
  13. I have added this. It just fits with the formatting, so don't want to amend it much more.
  14. Looks like an interesting concept. The Red Book of Magic has Become (Other), so you could use that to change someone into a pig, using Become (Pig). In the rules it is self but you could have a version cast on someone else. You could have a new Rune spell that makes a spell's effects permanent.
  15. But it might be possible to move beyond Judaism or to use Kabbalistic mysticism in a Christian or Muslim setting. Sure, it wouldn't be Judaic Kabbalist thought but it would be part of the same thing. This is important. Achieving a deeper level of understanding or enlightenment might mean bringing back a school of thought that differs so much from the original that it is not accepted by your peers and you effectively have to start a new movement.
  16. The Snow King's Bride SoloQuest used skiing, I seem to remember, but I am not sure if that was Gloranthan. Yes, so most people hunt in groups. The lone hunter braving the cold is either foolish or heroic. Generally, if you wear the right clothing and have somewhere to hole up then cold is fairly easy to handle. I have been out in -20C and barely felt it. -30C burnt my face a bit, but a scarf or balaclava fixed that. People regularly work outside in -40C (and -40F) as long as they can get back to shelter and hot drinks/meals. I am not sure about -50C and so on, but they handle this in Siberia. -60C and -70C would be tricky, but the recent ascent of K2 in winter was at those temperatures, so it is possible for short period of time. But, the combination of -40C, snow pixies removing your clothing and then facing Hollri might be tricky.
  17. I want troll gluttons who achieve inner mastery by eating as much as they can as fast as they can, to bring themselves closer to Gorakiki, or Ulerian mystics who exhaust themselves to try to see into the Void at the point of climax, or storm mystics who concentrate on feeling the air move around and within themselves. Yeah, I don't understand why everyone assumes that the only mysticism in Glorantha revolves around Illumination. They are one form of mysticism, sure, but there are others. They might. It isn't the only outcome and is a rare one, but that is possible. I just thought that exchange was typical of discussions about mysticism in Glorantha. Nobody really understands mysticism properly because it should be experienced, felt, achieved, known. Gnosis and Gnosticism are related to knowing, not on an intellectual basis but really knowing deep down with all your heart. Same with Gloranthan mysticism.
  18. You should get good advice here. Whaaaaahaaaagh! True, but I don't do it that way. What I do in that situation is to move the figures simultaneously, one strike Rank at a time. Hex grids help with this, if you use them. If you don't use them then I get them to move 1 or 2 hexes per Strike Rank. So, in the Statement of Intent the Players would state that they move or that they intercept a movement. In the combat phase, I would count up the Strike Ranks and let people move their figures on each Strike Rank. If they can intercept then great, if they can't then tough. I know some people who only start a move on DEX SR but that is too much for me. B, Q and G, you name things like I do. Sometimes, if it is obvious that it can happen, or if one of the participants is a lot faster than the other. No, that isn't how I would do it. No, I don't use DEX SR, but I can see why people might. What? No. Far too complex for my simple brain. That could work, especially if one was actively trying to avoid the other. I suppose mine (above) is something else. In theatre of the Mind it just happens and nobody worries about it, unless it's a PC being intercepted and they need to make a DEX vs DEX roll or they whinge and whinge. I tend to be free and easy about things like that. It is funny, though, if a PC tries to intercept someone and just falls short, so they lunge at them or throw something at them. I've seen both happen before.
  19. Yes, I was agreeing with you!
  20. This might be of interest, although it doesn't list what the scenarios contain.
  21. can I say, if they are alive they are in deep doodah ? Of course. Cattle raiding is so full of potential doodah that it is amazing how it happens. But, it happens a lot, so people either don't care or are prepared to take the risk of deep doodah.
  22. so we can conclude that at least 42% of the brown elves aren't warriors Yes, that is the case. However, it's not just warriors who have an elf bow, it's all initiates: Gloranathan Bestiary has, p:25 It could be a ritual thing, to receive your bow. You might not actually use it and you just keep it and tend it. Or you use it with a penalty.
  23. Yes, the leader divides the raiders' share of the spoils. If there isn't they are in deep doodah.
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