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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. In addition to the other answers, they don't have to ask for permission. However, if they don't ask and they get into trouble, they could be in deep doodah. If they ask and the chief says "yes" and they get caught, the chief might deny all knowledge and they are then in deep doodah. If they ask and the chief says "no" and they do it anyway and get caught, they are then in deep doodah. If they ask and the chief says "no" and they do it anyway and get caught, they need to make the chief a big present of some of the cattle. If they ask and the chief says "no" and they don't do it, they might be ridiculed by their peers and are then in deep doodah. If they are caught, they could be in deep doodah. If they kill someone, they could be in deep doodah. If they don't bring anything back, they could be in deep doodah. If they don't give the important people a big enough share, they could be in deep doodah. Get them to make a Customs roll to find out. Generally, I'd say give half away as bribes and keep half. also, slaughter one and have a big feast, as everyone likes a good feast. If they are too greedy or tight-fisted then people won't respect them. If they give too much away then people think they are soft and are buying attention. Either way and they are in deep doodah.
  2. I am not allowed to read that, as I might be playing in a campaign based on the supplement. I can't think of anywhere that has such initiations. Generally, I pick a myth and go through it. The myth might change from temple to temple or country to country, depending on what the temple or country thinks is important. So, the new member goes through a ceremony where they are accepted into the cult and make their binding oaths, in return the cult sears to support them. For Uleria, the myth might be Uleria helps <someone>. I might be on firmer ground here. They are the main ones. Cult Compendium mentions how Uleria impregnated herself (p11) , how Rashoran strengthened Uleria (p11), Uleria is the mother of Shanassee (p197) and mentions a Ulerian song that calls Chaos "Mother and father of the world" (p262). The Guide to Glorantha mentions Olarians as love nymphs and mothers of red elves (p63), the founder of Zoria as an aspect of Uleria (p222), Ulawar has the oldest temple to Uleria (p317), Uleria on the Gods Wall (p672) and claims Umatum is the son of Uleria (p318). In a soon to be published Jonstown Compendium supplement, we mention Uleria as a goddess involved in helping Humakt grieve, but that is not out yet. They all died. Uleria was the only one who survived, maybe because the Boggles ripped her apart, maybe because love is all around. Probably the power of love. Ask away, those are interesting questions. Ulerian Illumination comes from Rashoran, because Rashoran Illuminated Uleria. It might be a cult secret, handed down in a SubCult. Some Ulerians are normal illuminates, who are Illuminated the normal way. Is there a difference? Probably not.
  3. Some things, such as SR, use LEN, other things use MAS. LEN is roughly based on cms, but might stretch at the ends. It is really for people-sized adventurers and not for planet-sized giants.
  4. Humakt wields Death. He is closely connected to Death but is not Death.
  5. I would take an average and use that as SIZ. In my Legend SciFi hack, I have LEN and MAS as characteristics to simulate the long and lithe shape of Low/Zero-G spacers and the short but heavy shape of high-G people.
  6. I'll look at that, thanks, it might have been something I took out. Sailing ships have a speed based in the wind strength in the Wind Table. I might just take out speed as a characteristic. I will upload a new version with slight errata soon, this will be one of the things I look at.
  7. Wouldn't judge too harshly...happens to me too every time I assemble something from IKEA. So, we have reassembled Nysalor, but what are we going to do with the bits left over? I know, let's make Nysalor's child.
  8. Thanks! At some point, I might write up our Balazar Campaign for the Jonstown Compendium. It had a lot of faffing about in the Elf Sea and restoring the Elder Council, proving that Balazar worshipped Yelm and finding Balazar's Crown.
  9. They could be. I have no idea. The spells from the Book of Doom came about because I wanted to use the abilities mentioned in various Hero Wars and HeroQuest rules/supplements, so I converted them into Skills, Spirit Magic Spells, Rune Spells and Sorcery Spells. I have a list of deities that have the spells, but need to amend it to take into account my renaming and consolidation of skills. When I have done that, I'll add it as an extra to the Book of Doom. Those deities might be SubCults of major deities, or might be mentioned in GaGoG.
  10. Yes. I added Runic Mastery to the Book of Doom to allow exactly this. Yes, this is Heroic Knowledge from Secrets of HeroQuesting, so you can spend double the Rune Points to cast a spell you don't know if it is reasonable in the HeroQuest. You could improvise other effects using the same method. If you are on a God Time HeroQuest then you could bring back the new spell as a spell that can be gained through worship, as a SubCult or Hero Cult. That's how I play it. JWSSGG? Fortunately, that is exactly how I play RQ. I wouldn't necessarily use Runes to achieve what skills so, instead I'd allow them to do more than skills would do. So, for example, I could use Insight to tell if someone might be lying or I could use Runic Mastery (Truth) and a Truth Rune Point to act as a Detect Lie spell.
  11. You touch the item to be Imbued. Basically, you add a Quality or Power to the item. Crafter A and Crafter B could both Imbue an item with a Quality or Power. You can look at this as the crafters building things into the item as they work on it, or them magically augmenting it in the final finishing stages, both work for me. Self spells affect yourself. Touch spells affect something/someone you touch. Of course, Touch spells can affect you, if you are the target. The difference was put in because crafting deities tend to enhance their worshippers, so the crafters themselves, rather than allowing their spells to be cast on other people. You can always cast Yourself with the spell to allow it to work on someone else. GM discretion. The spell means that the alloy works and is formed. I am not a metallurgist, so it is up to GMs as to what the game effects are.
  12. Any Orlanthi in the Temple would be eaten, but any Orlanthi in the temple deserved to be eaten. Those flying down to attack would suddenly stop and decide to fly back. Orlanthi with Teleport could jump away and hope that the range is enough to escape the dragon.
  13. Sure, I get that, which is why I posted. Those are what I see as RQ Clarity. People can wade through the book and work it out for themselves or read something like that post and see what the important points are.
  14. In the super secret special insider club, as has always been the case at Chaosium.
  15. You have a skill, roll D100, if it is 1/20th of the skill you have a critical, 1/.5th you have a special, under the skill a success, over the skill a failure96-100 could be a failure or fumble, and within 1/20th of the failure chance a fumble, but check a table for fumbles or only check if over 95. Specials do good stuff, criticals do great stuff. You cast spirit Magic with POWx5% You cast Rune Magic with a Rune You cast Sorcery for NPCs Runes and Passions can augment, once you have decided the best way to use augments they are easy Shamans have rules that only apply to shamans Combat is a bit trickier, as the combat matrix is different to previous versions Whet else is there?
  16. Another 5* Review for the Book of Doom, this one by Leon K: This book is extremely useful in fleshing out players unique experience in the game. The crafting rules add flavor and detal The building and shipbuildingare very useful as reference material. The spells are a treasure trove of information to add to you game. All around a great product. Oh, and Book of Doom is #4 in the DTRPG Top 100 Products.
  17. The Book of Doom is now a Copper Seller!
  18. Thanks. It was only released on 11th January, so is quite new.
  19. I think the standard advice should apply: Don't bother converting D20 scores for Hit Locations, recalculate HP per Location and Strike ranks, just use the values in the supplement Add runes and passions on the Fly, if you need them Use the Runespells as written, don't bother converting them into a Rune Pool, unless you want the NPC as a recurring character From memory, the scenario should work reasonably well as it is, without any particular conversion.
  20. The Book of Doom has received its first review, a 5* Review by Darren P: The write up that describes this work is perfect. The description is exactly what the product is. Indispensable is what it will become to many of us. There's so much in it. New skills and magic, all closely linked to runes or themes (like War for example). It means no two characters need ever have the same spells or skills again. I sense the influence of Heroquest here which had me reaching for my books to see what I could convert. Nicely done.
  21. Red Book of Magic simply lists spells in alphabetical order. Book of Doom has spells in categories, either connected to a set of rules (Alchemy, Crafting, Buildings & Ships), by Elemental Rune (Darkness, Water, Earth etc.) or by Domain (Healing, Trickster, War etc.) They are simply resources that list spells. In my Glorantha, the spells are typically available through Sub Cults or Hero Cults, or are given as gifts on HeroQuests. I don't see sorcerers as simply being able to go out and get any spell. However, that is going to depend on the GM and how they see their world. Yes, all Rune spells in the Book of Doom are associated with Runes, in the same way as in the RQG Rules. See above regarding how they are organised. I will eventually produce a spreadsheet showing deities and which spells they are likely to get, but these would be available through SubCults or Hero Cults. I would expect that you would simply use the description of the spell but use the way the spell is cast from the Magic World rules. There might be some tweaks, but most spells should work fairly easily.
  22. I think you should make it a lot more than that. It seems that. All qualities do not appear to be worth the same. Each point of Effective should be worth at least as much as a same value as Bladesharp spell. Other game systems increase the price for similar affects by as much as 100 times the base price for a weapon and about 10 times for a common item. Yeah, it gets far too complex to work out. I think it should be down to the negotiating skills of the crafter and the buyer. As a GM I have no problem with very magical items. A +7 sword is a very rare and magical thing. I use Special Criticals and Hyper Criticals. so someone with 500% in Craft (Weaponmaking) and Make (Sword) could roll 01 (Hyper Critical) and get +4 Qualities for Craft and +5 for make, giving +9 Qualities. Other people don't like such high-powered stuff, but it is fine for me. I have a list of Deities and the spells they offer. The problem is that these use the old names for spells, before I changed them, so I would have to go through them and work out which are the new spell names. Also, these would be different to the spells granted in the Gods and Goddesses of Glorantha books. What I will do, eventually, is go through my list of deities and spells, to work out which deities I have assigned spells to, then put them in a spreadsheet and add it as a free extra. In the meantime, make the spells available to SubCults, Hero Cults or as gifts from HeroQuests. One of my favourite tricks to to bring back a long-lost demigod or spirit Lord who grants one or two of the spells. I'd just make the spell available via a local SubCult or Hero Cult. so, Brannax the Bashful might be a Hero who brought back Communicate with Strangers but only teaches it at his shrine in one Issaries Temple. So, they are learned through a subcult or Hero cult but once learned are just another spell to be cast using the cult Rune Pool. If you use the Runic Mastery rules from the Book of Doom and gain Runic Mastery (Communication) then you can create a Communication Rune Pool that can be used to cast any Communication spells.
  23. Not really, the Book of Doom has over 600 spells! There is some of that in the Red Book of Magic, for example there are 6 versions of Speak With () and 25 Summon spells. For the Book of Doom, I tried to make as many spells as possible generic versions, so that the 600 spells are really 600 spells without many duplications. You should get both the Red Book of Magic and the Book of Doom, but I might be biased.
  24. I would just add 10% to the value for each quality, except Fine. I have added a sentence suggesting adding +10% or +20% per quality to the base price.
  25. Make (Object) was really intended for more complex objects. However, you could have Make (Sword), meaning you specialise in making swords. I would make one roll, instead of two, just because I don't like making extra rolls. However, I like the idea of getting 2 Specials or Criticals and the idea of make acting as a quality booster. So, with your skills, someone rolling 16 on Make Sword is also rolling a special on Craft Weapon so should get +1 quality for Make sword and +1 for Craft Weapon, so 2 qualities in total. Rolling 02 is a critical on both, so should get 3 qualities for Make sword and 2 for Craft weapon. I'll update the document accordingly, with an author's comment, if there is enough space (Layout drives me crazy). Thanks for the great idea.
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