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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Love the youngun with the bare chest who clearly has never seen boobs before.
  2. You are welcome. Here ... Favourite skill: Invite me in (Useful for thieves, con-artists and vampires) Favourite spell: Wash away Flood I would just add 10% to the value for each quality, except Fine. Yes it would, but Fine specifically doesn't do anything except make it look nice. To be honest you are getting on shaky ground when working out the monetary value of a special sword. Someone might pay more for a sword that is quick, someone else might prefer a sword with extra HPs and so on. Are you going to pay double cost for a sword with 10 Qualities? That is why I left it vague.
  3. The magic system in Magic World is different, from what I recall. There was a BRP supplement that had RQ3-style magic (The Magic Book) and the Red Book of Magic is compatible with that. However, looking at Magic World sorcery, there is nothing to stop you taking the spells from the red Book of Magic and just using them as Magic World sorcery.
  4. It has to make Electrum Seller to be considered for POD, so the more people who buy the PDF the faster it will be available as POD.
  5. If you like. GMs can give as many experience sessions as they like, but the RQG Rules recommend one per season. Sure they can. As can things like going on a HeroQuest.
  6. Full preview, including TOC, at http://soltakss.com/JC/StormSpearia-BookOfDoom-v1-Preview.pdf
  7. Announcing a new Jonstown Compendium supplement: The Book of Doom, an invaluable resource for both players and games masters. Over 600 new spells, dozens of skills, new magical items, new HeroQuesting spells and material, rune mastery, ritual sacrifice, and expanded rules for buildings and ships, trading and income, and crafting of exceptional items. There is also an entire section on alchemy, including new skills, spells, recipes, magical plants, a sample NPC, and other support material. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/343046/Book-of-Doom?affiliate_id=66807 I am happy to answer any questions here.
  8. Officially yes, because there are too many trolls there. Also yes.
  9. Maybe because of things like this? 😉 Yes, I suppose you are right. The obvious answer is to have multiple items on a single index card.
  10. And the Dagori Inkarth map in Trollpak which had a fair bit of northern Sartar. And these were actually all to the same scale. You could fit the Dragon pass and Nomad Gods maps together fairly easily, although I think one hex was misplaced. The Griffin Mountain map fits along the northern edge of the Dragon Pass map and the Dagori Inkarth map fits along the east of the Dragon pass map and to the north of the Nomad Gods map. I used photocopies of those maps to put together a huge map of the area covering Prax, Dragon Pass, Dagori Inkarth and Balazar/Elder Wilds. It looked glorious but was unusable due to its size.
  11. Hmmm good point. Losing them permanently seems harsh. Just spending them with no effect is punishment enough. I always find it funny when games designers are asked for explicit clarification on exactly how the rules for something should work, because the current rules are unclear, then when they clarify it people say they won't follow their clarifications. Of course, I am in a different boat, as I just use the rules as guidelines, using what I like and changing what I don't like.
  12. Gosh, I find it slightly amusing if a lot of us have done something similar. Don't forget that until the Argan Argar Atlas came out we just didn't have any maps that covered large areas of Glorantha. All we had were a number of maps that covered one particular area. So, for those of us who had a campaign that involved travel between areas it was quite frustrating. So, a number of people tried to stitch the available maps together and ran into problems with scales.
  13. I would expect a lot of replies to this! For me, I would use something like: Orlanthi: Celts/Vikings/Anglo Saxons/Asterix's Gauls Lunars: Babylonians/Persians/Maybe Romans if you want Praxians: Native Americans/Steppe Nomads Pentians/Grazelanders: Steppe Nomads/Mongols/Huns/Turkic Dara Happans: Babylonians/Sumerians But, of course, none of these is a good fit, really.
  14. Scales of Gloranthan maps have always been an issue. It took me a lot of work to convert the maps of various places for my map of Central Genertela. I assume that everyone who has done this exercise has encountered the same issues. At one point, someone converted miles to kilometers but did not do it for everything, resulting in distance inflation. I would guess that the maps in Sartar Companion took the km distances and used them as miles, which explains why they are nearly twice as big. The Argan Argar Atlas is a good place to start, I'd base scales from that. But you have to be careful when going from one page to another as the pages don't always line up and sometimes have a lot of overlap.
  15. And in the process gaining powers of
  16. I do like the idea of immanent mysticism. Too much of mysticism in Glorantha is about refuting the world, withdrawing from it and so on, which simply does not appeal to me. I much prefer mystics who embrace the world and study a particular part of it, becoming so entwined in that particular part that they ignore or forget about everything else. But, they gain powers through their immense focus. So, the mystics of Old Wind contemplating their breath for aeons gain storm magic. People contemplating the Darkness gain control of fear or darkness magic. People staring into the maw of Chaos time and time again gain chaos magic or magic against chaos. People embracing Uleria's love gain power over love.
  17. As a matter of interest, why are you limiting magic items? In our RQ2 game, I had a stack of index cards an inch thick for Soltak Stormspear's magic items. Derak the Dark Troll had a leather jacket with "Derak" picked out in small POW Storage Crystals.
  18. Really? Does anywhen think that this change actually makes the game more fun to play or fixes something that was causing rules problems. Just another pointless rule that most groups will completely ignore. It follows the normal "fumbles are meant to be bad" rule. Would I use it in a game? Probably only when casting spells on someone else and, even then, only when it's funny.
  19. Odd, my master Word Document of secrets of Dorastor and Secrets of Dorastor - Spells have no words spelled "diferent". Similarly, I have checked the PDF for Secrets of Dorastor, Secrets of Dorastor Classic Version and Secrets of Dorastor Spells and none have that spelling. and I checked in my version, and I do not see that either. Perhaps the issue is with the pdf reader being used? Shiningbrow, probably time for the usual questions: What PDF Viewer are you using and on which Platform? Have you tried viewing on a different PDF Viewer? Can you send me some screenshots of some of the apparent typos? I can compare with my PDF to see what is happening.
  20. That's got me thinking about how I could redo the Tower of Lead, hmmm. Thanks!
  21. Odd, my master Word Document of secrets of Dorastor and Secrets of Dorastor - Spells have no words spelled "diferent". Similarly, I have checked the PDF for Secrets of Dorastor, Secrets of Dorastor Classic Version and Secrets of Dorastor Spells and none have that spelling. POW for that Rune Pool, as it is your personal magic Points, not those stored in devices or held in spirits or crystals. You cast your spell as normal, so you use Free INT etc. to create the spell, but when cast Heroically it just costs 1 Magic Point. Yes, on my hard drive. Should be coming out this month (January). I would much prefer people to PM me or email me with corrections, as I generally make them fairly quickly, if they need changing. The problem with posting in public forums is that some people read down a thread, see a post saying this supplement has typos on every page and then don't buy it, without necessarily reading any posts that correct any misassumptions or say that the mistakes reported have been corrected. For example, the one spelling error reported above is not in my Word Document, so is not a typo, but people reading part of the thread won't realise that.
  22. Cool maps. Are they yours or from a supplement?
  23. Thanks, I had known of the existence of Joseph Campbell but never read any of his works, knowing they had influence over Glorantha make me more eager to read them. They are useful. Hero with a Thousand Faces is good, especially for HeroQuesting, but I think that The Masks of God series is better.
  24. Blinding and castration was also popular.
  25. Soltak Stormspear had an alynx called Stormpuss, it was a magical spirit that grew wings when it inhabited an alynx but could relocate to a new host if the old one was killed.
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