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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. It was a sword, owned by Karkarjan, if that's any help.
  2. That's really generous of you! I would go further and allow Shield to be cast with 2 Rune points from Orlanth and 3 Rune points from Storm Bull to get Shield 5 in one casting. It doesn't hurt anyone or break anything. And I like high-powered games.
  3. I have used Seseine, but only for NPC background. I don't have a cult written up. I think it will be included in Gods and Goddesses of Glorantha, due to come out next year. My guess is that Ikadz would be an allied cult, possibly Kjalk and maybe Nysalor/Gbjai. That makes sense, as it is the personification of selfish love. That could work. You could also call on Seseine to help you conquer your one true love, or to give you love powers. Shamanic Spirit Cults might be a way forward as well.
  4. They probably have an Aldryami Stripping-Spit, where they slowly turn an Aldryami on a spit and strip its skin and flesh, casting healing and regenerative magics to keep it going, then they process the resulting pulp into paper.
  5. That is really bad, I caved and bought a load of them today. I think I might be a bad person... If you can't buy really useful books at Christmas then the world must really be coming to an end. The Gloranthan Classics are probably the most useful RQ2 supplements ever produced.
  6. The EWF almost certainly produced new eggs. I would guess that each time a new True dragon is created there exists the possibility of getting new clutches of eggs. The EWF created new True Dragons, as did the Dragonrise, so I would expect new Dragonewts to be created then.
  7. Maybe the Caravanserai from the Middle East would be a better model. They normally had a kitchen and an eating place with a common area for communal sleeping with private rooms for the wealthy, along with a well and stables for animals. They usually had a guardhouse for protection as well. People could eat and drink there for a few nights at no charge.
  8. O-25 in P:GTA and P&BR. Except for that one, thanks. Odd, we never went to Geo's so I had forgotten about it.
  9. That doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. lots of things aren't in the rulebook that exist. Wasp Riders are known to produce paper, from my poor old memory. It is probably niche and the sages prefer parchment, but it exists.
  10. Oh boy, repeating the errors of the First Age, what could go wrong? It's fine, because we can see what went wrong and how to fix it. We can do it a lot better now.
  11. Geo's Inns are run by the Geo cult, as they are temples to Geo. Other inns are not. None of the inns in New Pavis, for example, are Geo's as the Lunars banned them, although I would guess that Geo's might have opened up an inn post-expulsion. So, there are lots of scope for inns to be run by Issaries traders, Minlister cultists and so on.
  12. Hey, you've got Humakt, but so do we in Yanafal Tarnils, and we have Chalana Arroy in Queen Deezola, and Lhankor Mhy in Irrippi Ontor and Issaries in Etyries and, look, they are all at the same temple to make it easier for you, except for Etyries but her market is in the square outside. Oh, and we have a Dark Room, a Wet Room, an Earth Room and a Hot Room where the Young Elementals live. Are you hungry? Come in, we'll feed you and give you a bed to sleep in. That shield looks damaged, we'll get our smiths to look at it for you.
  13. Per spell use would be better. So casting one Ride River Horse costs 2 Rune Points and carries 10 people, Ride River Horse 2 costs 4 Rune Points and carries 20 passengers.
  14. soltakss

    Spirit world

    That is easy - Stop worrying about it. Very little done in a game will break game world balance. Anything your PCs do has probably already been done ten times bigger by NPCs. The units in the Dragon Pass boardgame have abilities that can destroy anything within a hex, or nearby hexes, for example. So, stop worrying about game balance and just enjoy the game. That's what I do.
  15. (emphasis mine): What's that? New Jonstown Compendium supplement, containing spot rules for ships, buildings, alchemy, trading and c500 new skills and spells. So, if the Red Book of Magic doesn't have enough spells for you, the Book of Doom should scratch your itch.
  16. Yes, in my Glorantha the Elf sea is full of monsters that stops boats. I seem to remember it had both. It depends on the boat, but I think that RQ3 had speeds of up to 4 knots (miles per hour, forget the nautical mile for convenience). Small ships had higher speeds. I have a section on ships in the forthcoming Book of Doom. Curraghs and coracles make sense, so do dugout and leather canoes. Lunars might have proper boats from their own river traffic. Water serpents, sea dragons, plesiosaurs, large crocodiles, sharks, big fish, whatever you want really. Griffin Mountain is the best source, but that doesn't have much on the Elf Sea.
  17. Same as a stead. Halt, who goes there? If you then give an appropriate ritual response or challenge and they belong to an appropriate cult then they have to answer you or lose face. But, by doing so you bind yourself into the hospitality. It depends on the Inn. At Geo's you are guaranteed hospitality. At other inns it depends on who is the innkeeper and what their rules of hospitality are. You should get a hot meal and a bed by the fire at least. Maybe you are obliged to give something towards the meal, or simply pay for it. It depends on the stead. Some steadsfolk make a special point to offer hospitality to any passing stranger, as a matter of principle. Some will grudgingly give you some stale bread and let you sleep in the fields. Some will drive you off as beggars or transients. Urban centres might have their own rules about hospitality. It would be fun to work your way through that minefield, using the Customs skill. Sartar probably laid some rules down for exactly this kind of thing. In your clans, do it the old way, in the cities do it me new way. Lunars have their own rules for hospitality. They will probably give it to Lunars. Seven Mothers Temples would probably give free food and drink and a bed for travellers in exchange for listening to some nice stories. Think of the Inn of the Sixth Happiness as a great example of this.
  18. With Eurmal, the important thing is the theft, not what was stolen. He stole Death but didn't care what happened to it afterwards, for example. We have myths about Lanbril, but he keeps in the shadows and you cannot always tell that it is Lanbril.
  19. soltakss

    Spirit world

    That looks like an apprentice shaman to me.
  20. I have used that exact situation in a scenario in the past.
  21. I thought the Red Book of Magic contained all the spells from the Gods and Goddesses of Glorantha. So, all of them.
  22. RuneQuest violence is cartoony. Limbs go flying, heads roll, people get cut in two. People die and come back again through Divine Intervention. People take massive wounds and heal right back up. People die and get Resurrected. That is part of the game. Violence is party of the game, which is why the sections on combat, weapons, shields and armour are big and detailed. sure, people say things like "RuneQuest combat is dangerous, so we prefer to talk our way out of it or avoid combat", but combat happens quite often and is bloody and nasty. I remember wading through hundreds of corpses when going through Chaos Temples in RQ2. Sure, gaming has progressed since then, but it can happen. As an Orlanthi, I would think nothing of attacking and killing everyone in a Temple to Thed, for example. again, this can be part of the game.
  23. I think they are still there, as the spirit is dominant, so leaves the original spirit there but dormant. You would have to force the original person out, using Discorporation or something similar, to get rid of it.
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