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Sky River Titan

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  • RPG Biography
    I have been in laying BRP since 1982.
  • Current games
    Tune quest, CoC, Heroquest, and Fate.
  • Location
    New Hampshire USA
  • Blurb
    Love Glorantha and Call!

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  1. Any word on when this might appear? This Gen Con?
  2. Hey everyone! Just wondering if you can keep my hope alive with the release of the new version of QuestWorlds? Is it coming out this summer? This fall? January? Not to be annoying, but I really want this game! Also, please, can anyone do a really good, clear, with rules mentioned, play through? Like the Fate Rpg I think QW is a paradigm shift and it is hard to grok just how it plays in the real world. It would be awesome for someone who runs it to walk us through exactly how it plays differently from older rpgs. It think the potential for this game is huge, but I need some help getting to the point where I am comfortable that I am using it well. Thanks!
  3. I have read but never run it. I feel like it is an incredible system. However, I am intimidated by the system. I don’t feel like I can communicate it well for someone who hasn’t read the book. I really really need to see someone else run it. Maybe a YouTube video of the authors playing yet?
  4. Any news on future HQ products, Glorantha or otherwise?
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